Class GenericConfigSubscriber

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GenericConfigSubscriber
    extends ConfigSubscriber
    A subscriber that can subscribe without the class. Used by config proxy.
    Vegard Havdal
    • Method Detail

      • subscribe

        public <T extends> ConfigHandle<T> subscribe​(Class<T> configClass,
                                                                                     String configId)
        Description copied from class: ConfigSubscriber
        Subscribes on the given type of ConfigInstance with the given config id. The method blocks until the first config is ready to be fetched with ConfigSubscriber.nextConfig().
        subscribe in class ConfigSubscriber
        configClass - The class, typically generated from a def-file using config-class-plugin
        configId - Identifies the service in vespa-services.xml, or null if you are using a local ConfigSource which does not use config id. Also supported: raw:, file:, dir: or jar: config id which addresses config locally in the same way.
        a ConfigHandle
      • subscribe

        public <T extends> ConfigHandle<T> subscribe​(Class<T> configClass,
                                                                                     String configId,
                                                                                     long timeoutMillis)
        Description copied from class: ConfigSubscriber
        Subscribes on the given type of ConfigInstance with the given config id and subscribe timeout. The method blocks until the first config is ready to be fetched with ConfigSubscriber.nextConfig().
        subscribe in class ConfigSubscriber
        configClass - The class, typically generated from a def-file using config-class-plugin
        configId - Identifies the service in vespa-services.xml, or possibly raw:, file:, dir: or jar: type config which addresses config locally.
        timeoutMillis - The time to wait for a config to become available, in milliseconds
        a ConfigHandle
      • subscribe

        public <T extends> ConfigHandle<T> subscribe​(ConfigSubscriber.SingleSubscriber<T> singleSubscriber,
                                                                                     Class<T> configClass,
                                                                                     String configId)
        Description copied from class: ConfigSubscriber
        Convenience method that can be used if you only want to subscribe to one config, and want generic error handling. Implement ConfigSubscriber.SingleSubscriber and pass it to this method. You will get initial config, and a config thread will be started. The method will throw in your thread if initial configuration fails, and the config thread will print a generic error message (but continue) if it fails thereafter. The config thread will stop if you ConfigSubscriber.close() this ConfigSubscriber.
        subscribe in class ConfigSubscriber
        Type Parameters:
        T - ConfigInstance type
        singleSubscriber - The object to receive config
        configClass - The class, typically generated from a def-file using config-class-plugin
        configId - Identifies the service in vespa-services.xml
        The handle of the config
        See Also:
      • closeRequesters

        public void closeRequesters()
        Do nothing, since we share requesters