Metrics implementation for jDisc. This consumes metrics over the jDisc metric API and
makes these available for in-process consumption, and off-process through a jDisc handler.
ClassDescriptionA metric which is counting an accumulative valueA metric which contains a gauge value, i.e a value which represents the magnitude of something measured at a point in time.A set of metric dimensions, which are key-value string pairs.A set of metrics.A snapshot of the metrics of this system in a particular time interval.This handler outputs metrics in a json-like format, consisting of a series of metrics packets.This class represents the root node of metrics-packets-handler Copyright metric valueAn interface for components supplying a state snapshot where persistence and other pre-processing has been done.A handler which returns state (health) information from this container instance: Status, metrics and vespa version.A context implementation whose identity is the key and values such that this can be used as a key in metrics lookups.A state monitor keeps track of the current health state of a container.