Class Coverage


public class Coverage extends Object
Carry information about how the query covered the document corpus.
  • Constructor Details

    • Coverage

      public Coverage(long docs, long active, long targetActive, int degradedReason, boolean useTargetActiveForCoverageComputation)
  • Method Details

    • getDocs

      public long getDocs()
    • getActive

      public long getActive()
    • toDegradation

      public static int toDegradation(boolean degradeByMatchPhase, boolean degradedByTimeout, boolean degradedByAdaptiveTimeout)
    • getTargetActive

      public long getTargetActive()
    • isDegraded

      public boolean isDegraded()
    • isDegradedByMatchPhase

      public boolean isDegradedByMatchPhase()
    • isDegradedByTimeout

      public boolean isDegradedByTimeout()
    • isDegradedByAdapativeTimeout

      public boolean isDegradedByAdapativeTimeout()
    • isDegradedByNonIdealState

      public boolean isDegradedByNonIdealState()
    • getResultPercentage

      public int getResultPercentage()
      An int between 0 (inclusive) and 100 (inclusive) representing how many percent coverage the result sets this Coverage instance contains information about had.