Interface Osgi

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public interface Osgi
This interface has default implementations of all methods, to allow using it for testing, instead of mocking or a test implementation. TODO: remove test code from this interface.
gjoranv, Tony Vaagenes, ollivir
  • Method Details

    • installPlatformBundles

      default void installPlatformBundles(Collection<String> bundlePaths)
    • useApplicationBundles

      default void useApplicationBundles(Collection<> bundles, long generation)
      Installs the new set of application bundles.
      bundles - The bundles for the new application.
      generation - The generation number of the new application.
    • completeBundleGeneration

      default Set<org.osgi.framework.Bundle> completeBundleGeneration(Osgi.GenerationStatus status)
      If the current generation is a success, the set of bundles that is not needed by the new application generation, and therefore should be scheduled for uninstalling, is returned. If the current generation is a failure, all state related to application bundles is reverted to the previous generation. The set of bundles that was exclusively needed by the new generation, and therefore should be scheduled for uninstalling, is returned.
      status - The success or failure of the new generation
      The set of bundles that are no longer needed by the new or latest good generation.
    • resolveClass

      default Class<?> resolveClass(BundleInstantiationSpecification spec)
    • getBundle

      default org.osgi.framework.Bundle getBundle( spec)