All Classes and Interfaces

Convenience superclass for implementations of data.
A convenience superclass for dataList implementations which handles references to the request and to incoming data.
Superclass of handlers invoking some kind of processing chain.
Logs to all the configured access logs.
This class represents the root node of access-log Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents access-log.fileHandler
This class represents access-log.fileHandler.compressionFormat Compression format
Information to be logged in the access log.
A wrapper RequestHandler that enables access logging.
Exposes access log through http.
Mapping from request to action
Components or phases providing names contained in this list must be placed earlier in the chain than the component that is annotated.
Manages the set of installed and active/inactive bundles.
This class represents the root node of application-bundles Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents the root node of application-metadata Copyright Yahoo.
A data list backed by an array.
Provides asynchronous execution of processing chains.
Superclass of all asynchronous renderers.
Helper class to implement processing API Response renderers.
HTTP response which supports async response rendering.
Components or phases providing names contained in this list must be placed later in the chain than the component that is annotated.
Class containing the names of all benchmarking getHeaders in request and response
An aggregation of data which is only written to from a single thread.
Specifies how a component should be instantiated from a bundle.
Utility to start a collection of bundles.
A store of certificates.
An immutable ordered list of components
Given a set of phases and a set of components, a ordered list of components satisfying the dependencies is given if possible.
Component with dependencies.
Describes how a chained component should be created.
A registry of chains
This class represents the root node of chains Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents chains.chains[]
This class represents chains.chains[].phases[]
This class represents chains.chains[].type The type of this chain
This class represents chains.components[]
This class represents chains.components[].dependencies
Configures a registry of chains.
A model of how the chains and components should be created.
Builds a chains model from config.
Specifies how the components should be selected to create a chain.
This class keeps some information from the access log from the requests in memory.
Helps to deep clone complex objects The following classes and their subclasses does have a fastpath - - BTW, this is the one you should implement too if you want the fastpath.
A component which tracks the up/down status of any clusters which should influence the up down status of this container itself, as well as the separate fact (from config) that such clusters are present.
For using non-component model classes with ComponentRegistry.
Describes how a component should be created.
This class represents the root node of components Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents components.components[]
This class represents components.components[].inject[]
An immutable compound name of the general form "", where there can be any number of such compounds, including one or zero.
An implementation of SslProvider that uses the ConnectorConfig to configure SSL.
Thrown if a searcher provides the same name as a phase.
This class represents the root node of connection-log Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents the root node of connector Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents connector.healthCheckProxy
This class represents connector.http2
This class represents connector.proxyProtocol
This class represents connector.serverName
This class represents connector.ssl
This class represents connector.ssl.clientAuth Client authentication mode.
This class represents connector.throttling
This class represents connector.tlsClientAuthEnforcer
Guice module for test ConnectorFactories
The container instance.
This class represents the root node of container-document Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents container-document.doctype[]
This class represents the root node of container-http Copyright Yahoo.
A configurable thread pool.
This class represents the root node of container-threadpool Copyright Yahoo.
Default implementation of ContainerThreadPool.
A buffered stream wrapping a ContentChannel.
A RFC 6265 compliant cookie.
Helper for encoding/decoding cookies on request/response.
A counter metric.
A metric which is counting an accumulative value
The coverage report for a result set.
Carry information about how the query covered the document corpus.
Signals that the dependency graph contains cycles.
Applies the three-color algorithm to detect a cycle in a directed graph.
A data item created due to a processing request.
A list of data items created due to a processing request.
Default implementation of SslProvider backed by SslContextFactory.Server
Provides the default embedder implementation if no embedder component has been explicitly configured (dependency injection will fallback to providers if no components of the requested type is found).
The default incoming data implementation
Provides the default linguistics implementation if no linguistics component has been explicitly configured (dependency injection will fallback to providers if no components of the requested type is found).
The default implementation of SslProvider to be injected into connectors without explicit ssl configuration.
Constraints for ordering ChainedComponents in chains.
The Request class on which all filters will operate upon.
The set of SimpleDateFormat formats to use in getDateHeader().
Response type for SecurityResponseFilter.
Lets a lazily initialised DocumentAccess that forwards to a MessageBusDocumentAccess be injected in containers.
Placeholder response when no content, only headers and status is to be returned.
Error codes to use in ErrorMessage instances for container applications.
An error encountered while processing a request.
A HTTP JSON response containing an error code and a message
A wrapper to make exceptions leaking into Jetty easier to track.
An execution of a chain.
Holds the static execution environment for the duration of an execution
Tre trace of this execution.
Defines what information is added at which trace level
An immutable access log value added to the trace
An execution which has a response which is returned when this gets to the end of the chain.
An HTTP response supporting async rendering and extended information for logging.
Retrieves bundles with file distribution, and installs them to the OSGi framework.
Dummy handler for paths that should be handled in a request filter.
Resolves request/response filter (chain) from a URI instance.
Creates JDisc request/response filter chains.
Legacy filter config.
Helper methods for auth0/okta request filters.
A processing response which will arrive in the future.
A gauge metric, i.e.
A metric which contains a gauge value, i.e a value which represents the magnitude of something measured at a point in time.
Class representing a directed graph.
Common HTTP request handler metrics code.
For internal use only.
Class for testing HandlersConfigurer.
This class represents the root node of health-monitor Copyright Yahoo.
A wrapper for hit counts, modelled after a search system.
This class represents the root node of http-client Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents http-client.ssl
This class represents the root node of http-filter Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents http-filter.param[]
Acl Mapping based on http method.
Wraps a JDisc HTTP request for a synchronous API.
A HTTP request.
Builder of HTTP requests
Builder for creating a HttpRequest to be used in test context
Extends a request handler with a http specific
An HTTP response as an opaque payload with headers and content type.
A HTTP response.
The name of the metric and its n-dimensional position.
This class represents the root node of identity Copyright Yahoo.
Thrown on illegal input received from the requesting client.
A data list own once instance of this which can be used to provide data asynchronously to the list, and consume, wait for or be notified upon the arrival of such data.
Creates a null implementation of this which is empty and complete at creation: Provides immediate return without incurring any memory synchronization for any read method.
A future which is always done and incurs no synchronization.
A JSON response using Jackson for serialization.
Separate janitor threadpool for tasks that cannot be executed on the jdisc default threadpool due to risk of deadlock.
Wrapper of Cookie.
A factory for all the JDisc API classes.
Log a message in Vespa JSON access log format.
Formatting of an AccessLogEntry in the Vespa JSON access log format.
Produces compact output format for prelude logs
A completion handler which does access logging.
Use ThreadedHttpRequestHandler, which provides the same level of functionality.
This class represents the root node of log-handler Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents the root node of manager Copyright Yahoo.
Wrapper class for the actually measured value.
A 200 ok response with a message in JSON.
This is the interface to implement if one wishes to configure a non-default MetricConsumer.
A set of metric dimensions, which are key-value string pairs.
Gathers metrics regarding currently processing coredumps and host life.
This is the coordinating class owning the executor and the top level objects for measured metrics.
Constants used by Vespa to make the simple metrics implementation available to other components.
The reception point for measurements.
A set of metrics.
All information needed for creating any extra data structures associated with a single metric, outside of its basic type.
A builder for the immutable MetricSettings instances.
A snapshot of the metrics of this system in a particular time interval.
This handler outputs metrics in a json-like format, consisting of a series of metrics packets.
This class represents the root node of metrics-packets-handler Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents the root node of metrics-proxy-api Copyright Yahoo.
A metric value
This is a generic http handler that can be used to mock a service when testing your application on jDISC.
This class represents the root node of mockservice Copyright Yahoo.
A service handler that is able to map a request to a key and retrieve a value given a key.
A ZoneInfo subclass which can be created (for injection) with an emopty constructor
Wrapper around Jetty's MultiPartFormInputStream.
This is an optional marker interface.
This interface has default implementations of all methods, to allow using it for testing, instead of mocking or a test implementation.
A normalized path which is able to match strings containing bracketed placeholders and return the values given at the placeholders.
Used for many to many constraints on searcher ordering.
Used to install the bundles that are added as platform bundles by the config-model.
This class represents the root node of platform-bundles Copyright Yahoo.
An efficiently comparable point in a sparse vector space.
Single-use builder for the immutable Point instances used to set dimensions for a metric.
Wrapper to maintain indirections between prefixes and Handler instances.
A CompletableFuture where ProcessingFuture.get()/ProcessingFuture.get(long, TimeUnit) may have side-effects (e.g trigger the underlying computation).
A request handler which invokes a processing chain to produce the response.
The default renderer for processing responses.
A response from running a request through processing.
A helper for making processing requests and rendering their responses.
Superclass of chainable components processing Requests to create Responses.
A collection of processors for test purposes.
Registers an async processing of the chain given in the constructor on completion of the data in the response
Multiples the amount of data returned by parallelism by performing parallel executions of the rest of the chain
Makes some modifications to the request, passes it on and finally removes one data item from the response
Adds a data element containing the (recursive) count of concrete (non-list) data elements in the response
Produces 3 pieces of string data
A federator which supports returning frozen data from each chain before the response is returned.
A processor which on invocation prints the string given on construction
A processor which adds an ErrorMessage to the request of the top level data of each returned response.
Sends the request multiple times to get at least 6 pieces of data
Allows waiting for that request to happen.
Adds (key, value) to the log value trace.
Allows waiting for that request to happen.
Registers a chain to be invoked each time new data becomes available in the first child list
A processor which adds a StringData item containing the string given in the constructor to every response
A processor which adds a List of StringData items containing the strings given in the constructor to every response
Adds a the given trace message at the given trace level
An injectable terminator of the Java vm.
The properties of a request
A HashMap backing of Properties.
Mark this component as providing some named functionality.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use instead
This class represents the root node of qr Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents qr.filedistributor
This class represents qr.rpc
This class represents qr.shutdown
This class represents the root node of qr-searchers Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
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This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents
This class represents qr-searchers.customizedsearchers
This class represents qr-searchers.customizedsearchers.argument[]
This class represents qr-searchers.external[]
This class represents qr-searchers.searchcluster[]
This class represents qr-searchers.searchcluster[].indexingmode Indexing mode of search cluster.
This class represents qr-searchers.searchcluster[].rankprofiles
This class represents qr-searchers.searchcluster[].storagecluster
This class represents qr-searchers.tag
This class represents qr-searchers.tag.bold
A HTTP redirect response
Renders a response to a stream.
A generic processing request.
A specification provided by a request handler.
A helper for making tests creating jDisc requests and checking their responses.
Access logging for requests
A immutable request log entry
A processor which adds the current content of the to the trace before calling the next processor, if traceLevel is 4 or more.
Read-only view of the request
Read-only view of the request for use by SecurityResponseFilters.
Maps component specifications to matching instances.
Returns a response containing an array of links to sub-resources
A Response to a Request.
Holds a set of headers which will be added to the Processing response.
An interface for classes which can be given responses.
Static utilities
A data item holding a response HTTP status code.
Rest API routing and response serialization
A RuntimeException that represents a http response.
Test driver for RestApi
An adaptor of an Execution to a runnable.
A single metric measurement and all the meta data needed to route it correctly.
Implementation of TypedFilterChain for DiscFilterRequest
Implementation of TypedFilterChain for DiscFilterResponse
This class represents the root node of server Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents server.accessLog
This class represents server.connectionLog
This class represents server.defaultFilters[]
This class represents server.filter[]
This class represents server.jmx
This class represents server.metric
The metrics consumer in JDisc.
A generic Json response using Slime for JSON encoding
An interface for components supplying a state snapshot where persistence and other pre-processing has been done.
Provides SSL/TLS configuration for a server connector.
A handler which returns state (health) information from this container instance: Status, metrics and vespa version.
A context implementation whose identity is the key and values such that this can be used as a key in metrics lookups.
A state monitor keeps track of the current health state of a container.
This is an optional marker interface.
A TestDriver that is configured with JettyHttpServer.
A simple HTTP request handler, using the HttpRequest and HttpResponse classes.
A content channel which will return the header and create the proper channel the first time content data needs to be written to it.
A request handler which assigns a worker thread to handle each request.
This class represents the root node of threadpool Copyright Yahoo.
A configurable thread pool provider for the jdisc default threadpool.
A wrapper for timing of events in the course of a query evaluation.
A SslProvider that configures SSL from TlsContext instances.
Common code for running unit tests of simplemetrics
A gauge or a counter or...
A Uri which provides convenience methods for creating various manipulated copies.
Wrapper for dimension values.
Marker for the type of the contained value of a Value instance.
Wraps a lazily initialised DocumentAccess.
Static helper methods which implement the mapping between the ErrorMessage API and HTTP headers and return codes.
A component which keeps track of whether or not this container instance should receive traffic and respond that it is in good health.
This class represents the root node of vip-status Copyright Yahoo.
Transmit status to VIP from file or memory.