Class MetricConsumerProvider


public class MetricConsumerProvider extends Object

The purpose of this class it to be the only provider for the MetricConsumer interface in a component graph. This component is automatically registered in the graph by the config server. Configuring a different MetricConsumer is done by registering one or more MetricConsumerFactory in the services-file.

Because this class depends on the ComponentRegistry of MetricConsumerFactory, any added or removed MetricConsumerFactory will cause this component to be reconfigured. Because MetricProvider depends on this class, which means any component that uses Metric will be reconfigured. Any component that depends directly on MetricConsumer will also be reconfigured.

Simon Thoresen Hult
  • Constructor Details

    • MetricConsumerProvider

      @Inject public MetricConsumerProvider(<> factoryRegistry)
  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      public newInstance()