All Classes and Interfaces

Handler that outputs meta-info about the deployed Vespa application, and status of components and chains.
This class represents the root node of application-userdata Copyright Yahoo.
An certificate store provider which provides a factory which throws exception on invocation - as no certificate store is currently provided by default.
Provides information about the zone in which this container is running.
Provides filter bindings based on vespa config.
If more than one MetricConsumerFactory is registered in a container, calls to Metric need to be forwarded to all the underlying MetricConsumers.
This class represents the root node of jdisc-bindings Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents jdisc-bindings.handlers{}
The purpose of this class it to be the only provider for the MetricConsumer interface in a component graph.
A dependency injection provider which provides the default metrics provider if no provider is set up explicitly in the application package.
An implementation of Provider component of Metric.
Uses a timer to emit metrics
This class represents the root node of secret-store Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents secret-store.awsParameterStores[]
This class represents secret-store.groups[]
Provides information about the system in which this container is running.
Provides information about the zone in which this container is running.