All Classes and Interfaces

Handler that outputs meta-info about the deployed Vespa application, and status of components and chains.
This class represents the root node of application-userdata Copyright Yahoo.
An certificate store provider which provides a factory which throws exception on invocation - as no certificate store is currently provided by default.
Provides filter bindings based on vespa config.
If more than one MetricConsumerFactory is registered in a container, calls to Metric need to be forwarded to all the underlying MetricConsumers.
This class represents the root node of jdisc-bindings Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents jdisc-bindings.handlers{}
The purpose of this class it to be the only provider for the MetricConsumer interface in a component graph.
A dependency injection provider which provides the default metrics provider if no provider is set up explicitly in the application package.
An implementation of Provider component of Metric.
Uses a timer to emit metrics
This class represents the root node of secret-store Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents secret-store.awsParameterStores[]
This class represents secret-store.groups[]
Provides information about the system in which this container is running.
Provides information about the zone in which this container is running.