Class VdsStreamingSearcher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,, java.lang.Comparable<>

    public class VdsStreamingSearcher
    extends VespaBackEndSearcher
    The searcher which forwards queries to storage nodes using visiting. The searcher is a visitor client responsible for starting search visitors in storage and collecting and merging the results.
    baldersheim, Ulf Carlin
    • Constructor Detail

      • VdsStreamingSearcher

        public VdsStreamingSearcher()
    • Method Detail

      • setSearchClusterConfigId

        public final void setSearchClusterConfigId​(java.lang.String clusterName)
      • setDocumentType

        public final void setDocumentType​(java.lang.String documentType)
      • setStorageClusterRouteSpec

        public final void setStorageClusterRouteSpec​(java.lang.String storageClusterRouteSpec)
      • doSearch2

        public Result doSearch2​(Query query,
                                Execution execution)
        Description copied from class: VespaBackEndSearcher
        Searches a search cluster This is an endpoint - searchers will never propagate the search to any nested searcher.
        Specified by:
        doSearch2 in class VespaBackEndSearcher
        query - the query to search
        execution - the query execution context