Package com.yahoo.prelude.searcher
Interface Summary Interface Description KeyvalueConfig.Producer QrQuotetableConfig.Producer -
Class Summary Class Description BlendingSearcher Flattens a result consisting of multiple hit groups containing hits into a single flat list of hits.FieldCollapsingSearcher A searcher which does parametrized collapsing.FillSearcher This searcher fills the results in the first phase.JSONDebugSearcher Save the query in the incoming state to a meta hit in the result.JuniperSearcher Converts juniper highlighting to XML styleKeyvalueConfig This class represents the root node of keyvalue Copyright Yahoo.KeyvalueConfig.Builder KeyvalueConfig.DocIdScheme This class represents keyvalue.docIdScheme The doc id scheme to use.MultipleResultsSearcher Groups hits according to sddocname.PosSearcher A searcher converting human-readable position parameters into internal format.QrQuotetableConfig This class represents the root node of qr-quotetable Copyright Yahoo.QrQuotetableConfig.Builder QrQuotetableConfig.Character This class represents qr-quotetable.character[]QrQuotetableConfig.Character.Builder QuotingSearcher A searcher which does quoting based on a quoting table.ValidatePredicateSearcher Checks that predicate queries don't use values outside the defined upper/lower bounds.ValidateSortingSearcher Check sorting specification makes sense to the search cluster before passing it on to the backend. -
Enum Summary Enum Description KeyvalueConfig.DocIdScheme.Enum