Class AbstractParser

    • Field Detail

      • submodes

        protected submodes
        The current submodes of this parser
      • language

        protected language
        The current language of this parser. Used to decide whether and how to use the CJKSegmenter
      • indexFacts

        protected IndexFacts.Session indexFacts
        The IndexFacts.Session of this query
      • braceLevelURL

        protected int braceLevelURL
        The counter for braces in URLs, braces in URLs are accepted so long as they are balanced.
      • tokens

        protected final tokens
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractParser

        protected AbstractParser​(ParserEnvironment environment)
        Creates a new instance of this class, storing the given ParserEnvironment for parse-time access to the environment.
        environment - the environment settings to attach to the Parser
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public final QueryTree parse​(Parsable query)
        Description copied from interface: Parser
        Parser the given Parsable, and returns a corresponding QueryTree. If parsing fails without an exception, the contained root will be an instance of NullItem.
        Specified by:
        parse in interface Parser
        query - the Parsable to parse
        the parsed QueryTree, never null
      • parseItems

        protected abstract Item parseItems()
      • normalize

        protected String normalize​(String input)
        Unicode normalizes some piece of natural language text. The chosen form is compatibility decomposition, canonical composition (NFKC).
      • setState

        protected void setState​( queryLanguage,
                                IndexFacts.Session indexFacts)
      • tokenize

        protected void tokenize​(String query,
                                String defaultIndexName,
                                IndexFacts.Session indexFacts,
        Tokenizes the given string and initializes tokens with the found tokens.
        query - the string to tokenize
        defaultIndexName - the name of the index to use as default
        indexFacts - resolved information about the index we are searching
        language - the language set for this query, or null if none
      • simplifyPhrases

        public static Item simplifyPhrases​(Item unwashed)
        Collapses single item phrases in the tree to the contained item.
        unwashed - The item whose phrases to simplify.
        The simplified item.
      • segment

        protected Item segment​(String indexName,
                               Token token,
                               boolean quoted)
        Segments a token
        indexName - the index name which preceeded this token, or null if none
        token - the token to segment
        quoted - whether this segment is within quoted text
        the resulting item