Class FunctionNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AddFunction, AndFunction, AvgFunction, CatFunction, DateFunction, DayOfMonthFunction, DayOfWeekFunction, DayOfYearFunction, DebugWaitFunction, DivFunction, FixedWidthFunction, HourOfDayFunction, MathACosFunction, MathACosHFunction, MathASinFunction, MathASinHFunction, MathATanFunction, MathATanHFunction, MathCbrtFunction, MathCosFunction, MathCosHFunction, MathExpFunction, MathFloorFunction, MathHypotFunction, MathLog10Function, MathLog1pFunction, MathLogFunction, MathPowFunction, MathSinFunction, MathSinHFunction, MathSqrtFunction, MathTanFunction, MathTanHFunction, MaxFunction, Md5Function, MinFunction, MinuteOfHourFunction, ModFunction, MonthOfYearFunction, MulFunction, NegFunction, NormalizeSubjectFunction, NowFunction, OrFunction, PredefinedFunction, ReverseFunction, SecondOfMinuteFunction, SizeFunction, SortFunction, StrCatFunction, StrLenFunction, SubFunction, ToDoubleFunction, ToLongFunction, ToRawFunction, ToStringFunction, UcaFunction, XorBitFunction, XorFunction, YearFunction, ZCurveXFunction, ZCurveYFunction

public abstract class FunctionNode extends GroupingExpression implements Iterable<GroupingExpression>
This class represents a function in a GroupingExpression. Because it operate on other expressions (as opposed to AggregatorNode and DocumentValue that operate on inputs), this expression type can be used at any input level (see GroupingExpression.resolveLevel(int)).
Simon Thoresen Hult
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getNumArgs

      public int getNumArgs()
      Returns the number of arguments that were given to this function at construction.
      The argument count.
    • getArg

      public GroupingExpression getArg(int i)
      Returns the argument at the given index.
      i - The index of the argument to return.
      The argument at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If the index is out of range.
    • args

      protected List<GroupingExpression> args()
      Returns the arguments of this as a list which cannot be modified
    • iterator

      public Iterator<GroupingExpression> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<GroupingExpression>
    • resolveLevel

      public void resolveLevel(int level)
      Description copied from class: GroupingExpression
      Resolves the conceptual level of this expression. This level represents the type of data that is consumed by this expression, where level 0 is a single hit, level 1 is a group, level 2 is a list of groups, and so forth. This method verifies the input level against the expression type, and recursively resolves the level of all argument expressions.
      resolveLevel in class GroupingExpression
      level - The level of the input data.
    • visit

      public void visit(ExpressionVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from class: GroupingExpression
      Recursively calls ExpressionVisitor.visitExpression(GroupingExpression) for this expression and all of its argument expressions.
      visit in class GroupingExpression
      visitor - The visitor to call.
    • asList

      protected static <T> List<T> asList(T arg1, T... argN)
    • asList

      protected static <T> List<T> asList(T arg1, T arg2, T... argN)
    • asList

      protected static <T> List<T> asList(List<T> foo, List<T> bar)