
@ExportPackage @PublicApi package
Various useful searchers
  • Classes
    Searcher that sets cache control HTTP headers in response based on query/GET parameters to control caching done by proxy/caches such as YSquid and YTS: max-age=XXX - set with &cachecontrol.maxage parameter stale-while-revalidate=YYY - set with &cachecontrol.staleage no-cache - if Vespa &noCache or &cachecontrol.nocache parameter is set to true
    Searcher which can enforce HTTP connection close based on query properties.
    Measure latency in container before query is sent to backend
    Check whether the query tree seems to be "well formed".
    Will opportunistically replace the WeakAND with an AND as it is faster.
    Validation of query operators against the schema which is searched
    A simple rate limiter.
    Validates any FuzzyItem query items.
    Validates that the attribute given as match-phase override is actually a valid numeric attribute with fast-search enabled.
    Validates any NearestNeighborItem query items.