Class SimpleTaggableItem

All Implemented Interfaces:
TaggableItem, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
MultiRangeItem, NearestNeighborItem, PredicateQueryItem, SimpleIndexedItem, WeightedSetItem

public abstract class SimpleTaggableItem extends Item implements TaggableItem
Common implementation for Item classes implementing the TaggableItem interface. Note that this file exist in 3 copies that should be kept in sync: These should only have trivial differences. (multiple inheritance or mixins would have been nice).
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleTaggableItem

      public SimpleTaggableItem()
  • Method Details

    • getUniqueID

      public int getUniqueID()
      Specified by:
      getUniqueID in interface TaggableItem
    • setUniqueID

      public void setUniqueID(int id)
      Specified by:
      setUniqueID in interface TaggableItem
    • setConnectivity

      public void setConnectivity(Item item, double connectivity)
      Description copied from interface: TaggableItem
      Set the connectivity to another term in the same query tree. This is used to influence ranking features taking proximity into account: nativeRank and a subset of the fieldMatch features.

      By default consecutive query terms are 'somewhat' connected, meaning ranking features will score higher in documents where the terms are found close to each other. This effect can be increased or decreased by manipulating the connectivity value. Typical use is to increase the connectivity between terms in the query that we believe are semantically connected. E.g., in the query 'new york hotel', it is a good idea to increase the connectivity between "new" and "york" to ensure that a document containing "List of hotels in New York" is ranked above one containing "List of new hotels in York".

      Specified by:
      setConnectivity in interface TaggableItem
      item - the item this should be connected to - in practice the previous item in the query.
      connectivity - a value between 0 (none) and 1 (maximal), defining the connectivity between this and the argument item. The default connectivity is 0.1.
    • getConnectedItem

      public Item getConnectedItem()
      Specified by:
      getConnectedItem in interface TaggableItem
    • getConnectivity

      public double getConnectivity()
      Specified by:
      getConnectivity in interface TaggableItem
    • setSignificance

      public void setSignificance(double significance)
      Description copied from interface: TaggableItem
      Used for setting explicit term significance (in the tf/idf sense) to a single term or phrase, relative to the rest of the query. This influences ranking features which take term significance into account, and overrides the default partial corpus based term significance computation in the backend.
      Specified by:
      setSignificance in interface TaggableItem
    • setExplicitSignificance

      public void setExplicitSignificance(boolean explicitSignificance)
      Specified by:
      setExplicitSignificance in interface TaggableItem
    • hasExplicitSignificance

      public boolean hasExplicitSignificance()
      Specified by:
      hasExplicitSignificance in interface TaggableItem
    • getSignificance

      public double getSignificance()
      Specified by:
      getSignificance in interface TaggableItem
    • setDocumentFrequency

      public void setDocumentFrequency(DocumentFrequency documentFrequency)
      Specified by:
      setDocumentFrequency in interface TaggableItem
    • getDocumentFrequency

      public Optional<DocumentFrequency> getDocumentFrequency()
      Specified by:
      getDocumentFrequency in interface TaggableItem
    • hasUniqueID

      public boolean hasUniqueID()
      Specified by:
      hasUniqueID in interface TaggableItem
      hasUniqueID in class Item