Class Resolver

All Implemented Interfaces:,, Comparable<>
Direct Known Subclasses:
DeterministicResolver, RandomResolver

public abstract class Resolver extends
Superclass of page template choice resolvers.

Subclasses overrides one of the two resolve methods to either resolve each choices individually or look at all choices at once.

All subclasses of this must be multithread safe. I.e multiple calls may be made to resolve at the same time from different threads.

  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class

  • Constructor Summary

    Resolver( id)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    resolve(Choice pageTemplate, Query query, Result result)
    Override this to resolve choices.
    resolve(Choice choice, Query query, Result result, Resolution resolution)
    Override this to resolve each choice independently.
    resolve(MapChoice choice, Query query, Result result, Resolution resolution)
    Override this to resolve each map choice independently.

    Methods inherited from class

    clone, compareTo, deconstruct, getClassName, getId, getIdString, hasInitializedId, initId, isDeconstructable, setIsDeconstructable, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Resolver

      public Resolver(String id)
    • Resolver

      public Resolver( id)
    • Resolver

      protected Resolver()
  • Method Details

    • resolve

      public Resolution resolve(Choice pageTemplate, Query query, Result result)
      Override this to resolve choices. Before retuning this method must resolve the given choice between a set of page templates and all choices found recursively within the chosen page template. It is permissible but not required to add solutions also to choices present within those templates which are not chosen.

      This default implementation creates a Resolution and calls resolve(choice/mapChoice,query,result,resolution) first on the given page template choice, then on each choice found in that temnplate. This provides a simple API to resolvers which make each choice independently.

      pageTemplate - the choice of page templates to resolve - a choice containing singleton lists of PageTemplate elements
      query - the query, from which information useful for correct resolution can be found
      result - the result, from which further information useful for correct resolution can be found
      the resolution of the choices contained in the given page template
    • resolve

      public void resolve(Choice choice, Query query, Result result, Resolution resolution)
      Override this to resolve each choice independently. This default implementation does nothing.
      choice - the choice to resolve
      query - the query for which this should be resolved, typically used to extract features
      result - the result for which this should be resolved, typically used to extract features
      resolution - the set of resolutions made so far, to which this should be added: resolution.addChoiceResolution(choice,chosenAlternativeIndex)
    • resolve

      public void resolve(MapChoice choice, Query query, Result result, Resolution resolution)
      Override this to resolve each map choice independently. This default implementation does nothing.
      choice - the choice to resolve
      query - the query for which this should be resolved, typically used to extract features
      result - the result for which this should be resolved, typically used to extract features
      resolution - the set of resolutions made so far, to which this should be added: resolution.addMapChoiceResolution(choice,chosenMapping)