All Classes and Interfaces

Subtyped by factory classes for concrete document types.
Docprocs tagged with this will read and/or write annotations on the given field(s).
Describes the annotations produced and consumed on one field in a document
Describes the annotations produced and consumed in one tree on a field
A document processor to call - an item on a CallStack.
A stack of the processors to call next in this processing.
This class represents the root node of docproc Copyright Yahoo.
An executor executed incoming processings on its CallStack
The document processing service.
TODO: Javadoc
Class to hold parameters given to DocumentProcessingHandler, typically used by unit tests.
A document processor is a component which performs some operation on a document or document update.
An enumeration of possible results of calling a process method
Exception generated by known bad input in a docproc.
A document processing.
Bridge to access protected (originally package private) methods in Processing.
This is a facade to a Document, with two purposes: Getters and setters for field data may take into account a schema map of field names.
Schema mapped facade to a DocumentUpdate
Can be used to map field names from input doc into names used in a docproc that was written with generic field names.
This class represents the root node of schemamapping Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents schemamapping.fieldmapping[]
Simple layer on top of DocumentProcessor, in order to make docproc development more user friendly and to the point.
This class represents the root node of splitter-joiner-document-processor Copyright Yahoo.
Exception to be thrown by a document processor on transient failures.