All Classes and Interfaces

Value update representing an addition of a value (possibly with an associated weight) to a multi-valued data type.
A node in a SpanNode tree that can have a multiple trees of child nodes, each with its own probability.
An Annotation describes some kind of information associated with a SpanNode.
A FieldValue which holds a reference to an annotation of a specified type.
A data type describing a field value having a reference to an annotation of a given type.
An AnnotationType describes a certain type of annotations; they are generally distinguished by a name, an id, and an optional data type.
A registry of annotation types.
This is a container for all Annotations constants used by built-in Vespa features.
Value update representing an arithmetic operation on a numeric data type.
Lists valid operations that can be performed by an ArithmeticValueUpdate.
Array<T extends FieldValue>
FieldValue which encapsulates an Array value
Value update that represents assigning a new value.
Date: Apr 15, 2008
A boolean field value
Representation of a bucket identifier.
A bucket id contains bit used for various purposes.
This class is used to find out in which locations a document might be in, if it matches a given document selection string.
A set of bucket ids covered by a document selector.
A byte field value
This interface describes a character stream that maintains line and column number positions of the characters.
Value update that represents clearing a field.
Superclass of multivalue field values
Enumeration of the possible types of fields.
A full document type name.
Exception which is thrown when deserialization fails.
A document is an identifiable set of value bindings of a document type.
Interface for de-serializing documents.
Factory for creating document de-serializers tied to a document format.
Transient class.
The id of a document
This class represents the root node of documentmanager Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents documentmanager.annotationtype[]
This class represents documentmanager.annotationtype[].inherits[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].annotationreftype[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].arraytype[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].documenttype[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].documenttype[].fieldsets{}
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].documenttype[].importedfield[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].documenttype[].inherits[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].maptype[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].referencetype[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].structtype[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].structtype[].compresstype Specify which compression to use if compression is enabled above
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].structtype[].field[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].structtype[].field[].id[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].structtype[].inherits[]
This class represents documentmanager.datatype[].weightedsettype[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].annotationref[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].annotationtype[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].annotationtype[].inherits[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].arraytype[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].documentref[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].fieldsets{}
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].importedfield[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].inherits[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].maptype[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].primitivetype[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].structtype[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].structtype[].field[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].structtype[].inherits[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].tensortype[]
This class represents documentmanager.doctype[].wsettype[]
A document node which returns a document: For accessing document field data in AttributeNode, where it should be possible to access fields both by the concrete type ("concreteType.fieldName") and by parent type ("inheritedType.inheritedField").
Base class for "document operations".
Parses a document operation.
This interface is used to implement custom deserialization of document updates.
A document selector is a filter which accepts or rejects documents based on their type and content.
Interface for serializing documents.
Factory for creating document serializers tied to a document format.
A document definition is a list of fields.
The id of a document type.
The DocumentTypeManager keeps track of the document types registered in the Vespa common repository.
Configures the Vespa document manager from a config id.
A document type node which returns the document type if exactly the type specified or false otherwise: For using the exact document type as a condition.
This class represents the root node of documenttypes Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].annotationref[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].annotationtype[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].annotationtype[].inherits[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].arraytype[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].documentref[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].fieldsets{}
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].importedfield[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].inherits[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].maptype[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].primitivetype[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].structtype[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].structtype[].field[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].structtype[].inherits[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].tensortype[]
This class represents documenttypes.doctype[].wsettype[]
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[]
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].annotationtype[]
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].annotationtype[].inherits[]
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[]
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].annotationref
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].annotationref.annotation
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].array
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].array.element
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].map
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].map.key
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].map.value
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].sstruct
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].sstruct.compression
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].sstruct.compression.type Specify which compression to use if compression is enabled above (0 = NONE, 6 = LZ4)
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].sstruct.field[]
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].type This is the type of the datatype.
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].wset
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].datatype[].wset.key
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].fieldsets{}
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].importedfield[]
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].inherits[]
This class represents documenttypes.documenttype[].referencetype[]
Specifies one or more field updates to a document.
Class used to represent up to 4 flags used in a DocumentUpdate.
The DocumentUpdateJsonSerializer utility class is used to serialize a DocumentUpdate instance using the JSON format described in Document JSON Format: The Update Structure
This interface is used to implement custom deserialization of document updates.
Interface for writing document updates in custom serializers.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A 64-bit float field value
The interface of all expression nodes.
This adds an Extractor to the Field that can be used to get access the backed value used in the concrete document types.
This adds an Extractor to the ExtendedField that can be used to get access the backed spantrees used in the concrete document types.
Minimal interface for reading operations from a stream for a feeder.
A name and type.
This class represents a path into a document, that can be used to iterate through the document and extract the field values you're interested in.
TODO: Move to Java and implement.
TODO: Move to document and implement
A field update holds a list of value updates that will be applied atomically to a field in a document.
Interface for writing a
Minimal repository of bucket spaces hard coded for default and global distributions.
A 16-bit float field value
A 32-bit float field value
Classes generated by vespa-documentgen-plugin are annotated with this.
Implements an incredibly light-weight version of the document global id.
To be used with DocumentId constructor.
A 32-bit integer field value
Facade between JsonReader and the FeedReader API.
Initialize Vespa documents/updates/removes from an InputStream containing a valid JSON representation of a feed.
Serialize Document and other FieldValue instances as JSON.
This class defines a logical expression of nodes.
Private class to store expression nodes in a stack.
A 64-bit integer field value
Represents a map type.
Vespa map.
Value update that represents performing an encapsulated value update on a subvalue.
Traverse and check if there exists any now() function in the expression tree.
Represents a query containing a valid now() expression.
Represents the now node in a query expression.
The result of JSON parsing a single document operation
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
A field value which is an array of byte data
A ReferenceDataType specifies a particular concrete document type that a ReferenceFieldValue instance binds to.
A reference field value allows search queries to access fields in other document instances as if they were fields natively stored within the searched document.
RemoveFieldPathUpdate is used to remove fields or portions of fields based on the field path supplied and optionally a where clause.
Value update representing a removal of a value (and its associated weight, if any) from a multi-valued data type.
Class which converts a selection tree into a set of queries per document type.
Token literal values and constants.
Token Manager.
Exception which is thrown when serialization fails.
This class represents a range of characters from a string. This is the leaf node in a Span tree.
A node in a Span tree that can have child nodes.
Base class of nodes in a Span tree.
An interface to be implemented by classes that can be parents of SpanNodes.
A SpanTree holds a root node of a tree of SpanNodes, and a List of Annotations pointing to these nodes or each other. It also has a name.
This is a container for all SpanTrees constants used by built-in Vespa features.
A StringFieldValue is a wrapper class that holds a String in Documents and other FieldValues.
An update used to add cells to a sparse or mixed tensor (has at least one mapped dimension).
Reader of an "add" update of a tensor field.
A DataType containing a tensor type
Field value class that wraps a tensor.
Lists valid operations that can be performed by a TensorModifyUpdate.
Reader of a "modify" update of a tensor field.
An update used to remove cells from a sparse tensor or dense sub-spaces from a mixed tensor.
Reader of a "remove" update of a tensor field.
The TestAndSetCondition class represents a test and set condition.
Describes the input token stream.
Helper class to enable lookahead in the token stream.
Token Manager Error.
A value update represents some action to perform to a value.
Class used for de-serializing documents on the Vespa 6.x document format.
Class used for de-serializing documents on the current head document format.
Class used for serializing documents on the Vespa 6.x document format.
Class used for serializing documents on the current head document format.
XML parser that reads Vespa documents from an XML stream.
XML parser for Vespa document XML.
XML parser that reads document fields from an XML stream.
A visitor of the document selection tree.
A weighted set, a unique set of keys with an associated integer weight.
Render a Document instance as XML.
Date: Apr 17, 2008
Class for writing XML in a simplified way.