All Classes and Interfaces

Like VespaHttpClientBuilder, but with standard TLS based on provided SSL context.
A HttpRequestRetryHandler that supports delayed retries.
A ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy that supports delayed retries on any response types.
Invoked before performing a delay and retry.
Invoked after the last retry has failed.
A predicate that determines whether an operation should be retried.
An abstraction used for mocking Thread.sleep(long) in unit tests.
Provides SSLConnectionSocketFactory that applies protocol restrictions from TlsContext.
Provides SSLConnectionSocketFactory that applies protocol restrictions from TlsContext.
Async http client builder for internal Vespa communications over http/https.
Http client builder for internal Vespa communications over http/https.
Sync HTTP client builder for internal Vespa communications over http/https. Configures Vespa mTLS and handles TLS mixed mode automatically.