Class ContainerTermination

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DeactivatedContainer, java.lang.Runnable

    public class ContainerTermination
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements DeactivatedContainer, java.lang.Runnable
    Simon Thoresen Hult
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContainerTermination

        public ContainerTermination​(java.lang.Object appContext)
    • Method Detail

      • notifyTermination

        public void notifyTermination​(java.lang.Runnable task)
        Description copied from interface: DeactivatedContainer

        Schedules the given Runnable to execute once this DeactivatedContainer has terminated. A DeactivatedContainer is considered to have terminated once there are no more Requests, Responses or corresponding ContentChannels being processed by components that belong to it.

        If termination has already occured, this method immediately runs the given Runnable in the current thread.

        Specified by:
        notifyTermination in interface DeactivatedContainer
        task - The task to run once this DeactivatedContainer has terminated.
      • run

        public void run()
        Specified by:
        run in interface java.lang.Runnable