Class AbstractResource

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractResource

        protected AbstractResource()
    • Method Detail

      • refer

        public final ResourceReference refer​(Object context)
        Description copied from interface: SharedResource

        Creates a reference to this resource. You call this method to prevent an object from being destroyed until you have finished using it. You can attach a context that will live as long as the reference.

        Specified by:
        refer in interface SharedResource
        context - A context to be associated with the reference. It should give some clue as to who referenced it.

        You MUST keep the returned ResourceReference object and release the reference by calling ResourceReference.close() on it. A reference created by this method can NOT be released by calling SharedResource.release().

        See Also:
      • retainCount

        public final int retainCount()

        Returns the reference count of this resource. This typically has no value for other than single-threaded unit- tests, as it is merely a snapshot of the counter.

        The current value of the reference counter.
      • destroy

        protected void destroy()

        This method signals that this AbstractResource can dispose of any internal resources, and commence with shut down of any internal threads. This will be called once the reference count of this resource reaches zero.

      • currentState

        public String currentState()
        Returns a string describing the current state of references in human-friendly terms. May be used for debugging.