All Classes and Interfaces

This class is a convenient parent class for Application developers that require simple access to the most commonly used jDISC APIs.
This is a convenient parent class for ClientApplication developers.
This is a convenient parent class for ClientProvider with default implementations for all but the essential RequestHandler.handleRequest(Request, ResponseHandler) method.
This class provides an abstract RequestHandler implementation with reasonable defaults for everything but RequestHandler.handleRequest(Request, ResponseHandler).
This class provides a thread-safe implementation of the SharedResource interface, and should be used for all subclasses of RequestHandler, ClientProvider and ServerProvider.
This is a convenient parent class for ServerProvider with default implementations for all but the essential ServerProvider.start() and ServerProvider.close() methods.
This interface defines the API of the singleton Application that runs in a jDISC instance.
This exception is used to signal that no Application has been configured.
This class holds the result of a BindingSet.match(URI) operation.
This exception is used to signal that no binding was found for the URI of a given Request.
This is a mutable repository of bindings from UriPatterns to some target type T.
This is an immutable set of ordered bindings from UriPatterns to some target type T.
This exception is used to signal that a named BindingSet was not found.
This interface defines the component that is used by the CurrentContainer to assign a BindingSet to a newly created Container based on the given URI.
This class provides a blocking write-interface to a ContentChannel.
A bundle's symbolic name and version.
This class implements an unlimited, non-blocking content queue.
A bundle CollisionHook that contains a set of bundles that are allowed to collide with bundles that are about to be installed.
This exception is thrown by OsgiFramework.installBundle(String) if installation failed.
This is a utility class to help with installing, starting, stopping and uninstalling OSGi Bundles.
This is a convenient subclass of RequestDispatch that implements the Callable interface.
This is a convenient subclass of ResponseDispatch that implements the Callable interface.
This interface extends the Application interface, and is intended to be used with the ClientDriver to implement stand-alone client applications on top of jDISC.
This class provides a unified way to set up and run a ClientApplication.
This interface defines a component that is capable of acting as a client to an external server.
This interface defines a handler for consuming the result of an asynchronous I/O operation.
This is the immutable Container.
This interface defines the API for changing the active Container of a jDISC application.
This is the inactive, mutable Container.
This exception is used to signal that no Container is ready to serve Requests.
This class decorates Thread to allow for internal jDISC optimizations.
This class implements the ThreadFactory interface on top of a Provider for MetricConsumer instances.
Tracks statistics on stale ActiveContainer instances.
This interface defines a callback for asynchronously writing the content of a Request or a Response to a recipient.
This class extends UnsafeContentInputStream and adds a finalizer to it that calls UnsafeContentInputStream.close().
This interface declares a method to retrieve a reference to the current Container.
This interface represents a Container which has been deactivated.
Does reference counting by putting a unique key together with optional context in map Used if system property jdisc.debug.resources=simple/true
Does reference counting by putting stacktraces in a map together with an optional context.
This class extends the AbstractContentOutputStream, and forwards all write() and close() calls to a FastContentWriter.
This class provides a non-blocking, awaitable write-interface to a ContentChannel.
This class provides an implementation of CompletionHandler that allows you to wait for either FutureCompletion.completed() or FutureCompletion.failed(Throwable) to be called.
This class provides an implementation of ResponseHandler that allows you to wait for a Response to be returned.
This is a repository of Modules.
This is an encapsulation of the header fields that belong to either a Request or a Response.
This interface provides an API for writing metric data to the configured MetricConsumer.
Declares the interface for the arbitrary context object to pass to both the Metric.set(String, Number, Context) and Metric.add(String, Number, Context) methods.
This interface defines the consumer counterpart of the Metric interface.
Metric implementation for tests.
This exception is used to signal that no BindingSet was selected for a given URI.
An implementation of SharedResource that does not do anything.
This class provides a convenient implementation of ContentChannel that does not support being written to.
This is an abstraction of the OSGi framework that hides the actual implementation details.
This interface acts as a namespace for the supported OSGi bundle headers.
An exception to signal abort current action, as the container is overloaded.
This class implements a ContentChannel that has a blocking read interface.
Utility class for working with reference-counted SharedResources.
Interface for implementations of reference counting
Utility class for working with SharedResources and ResourceReferences.
This class represents a single request (which may have any content model that a ServerProvider chooses to implement).
This exception is used to signal that a Request was rejected by the corresponding ClientProvider or RequestHandler.
This class provides a convenient way of safely dispatching a Request.
This interface defines a component that is capable of acting as a handler for a Request.
This is a utility class to help manage SharedResources while configuring a ContainerBuilder.
Represents a live reference to a SharedResource.
This class represents the single response (which may have any content model that a RequestHandler chooses to implement) of some single request.
This interface acts as a namespace for the built-in status codes of the jDISC core.
This class provides a convenient way of safely dispatching a Response.
This interface defines a component that is capable of acting as a handler for a Response.
This interface defines a component that is capable of acting as a server for an external client.
This interface declares the adapter between the general conformance test and an actual ServerProvider implementation.
An instance of this exception is thrown within the conformance tests that imply that they will throw an exception.
This is a repository of ServerProviders.
This interface defines a reference counted resource.
A timer which returns the System time
This class provides a unified way to set up and run unit tests on jDISC components.
A Timer to be used in tests when the advancement of time needs to be controlled.
This interface provides a callback for when the Request.setTimeout(long, TimeUnit) is invoked.
This class provides access to the current time in milliseconds, as viewed by the Container.
This class provides an adapter from a ReadableContentChannel to an InputStream.
This class holds a regular expression designed so that it only matches certain URIs.
This class holds the result of a UriPattern.match(URI) operation.