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abort() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Abort a request.
ABORT - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
Invocation aborted (102)
Acceptor - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A class used to listen on a network socket.
add(Value) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Values
Add a value to the end of the sequence
addMethod(Method) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Add a method to the set of methods held by this Supervisor
addWatcher(TargetWatcher) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Add a watcher to this target.
asData() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DataValue
asData() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a DataValue and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asDataArray() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DataArray
asDataArray() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a DataArray and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asDouble() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DoubleValue
asDouble() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a DoubleValue and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asDoubleArray() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DoubleArray
asDoubleArray() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a DoubleArray and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asFloat() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.FloatValue
asFloat() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a FloatValue and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asFloatArray() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.FloatArray
asFloatArray() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a FloatArray and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asInt16() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int16Value
asInt16() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a Int16Value and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asInt16Array() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int16Array
asInt16Array() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a Int16Array and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asInt32() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int32Value
asInt32() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a Int32Value and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asInt32Array() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int32Array
asInt32Array() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a Int32Array and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asInt64() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int64Value
asInt64() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a Int64Value and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asInt64Array() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int64Array
asInt64Array() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a Int64Array and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asInt8() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int8Value
asInt8() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a Int8Value and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asInt8Array() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int8Array
asInt8Array() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a Int8Array and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.StringValue
asString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a StringValue and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asStringArray() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.StringArray
asStringArray() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a StringArray and return the contents as an appropriate Java type
asUtf8Array() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.StringValue
asUtf8Array() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Interpret this value as a StringValue and return the contents as an appropriate Java type


BackOffPolicy - Interface in com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api
Interface used to control how fast the mirror and register classes will retry in case of errors.
BAD_REPLY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
Bad reply packet (110)
BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
Bad request packet (105)


changesSince(TransportMetrics.Snapshot) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics.Snapshot
channel() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket
Obtain the underlying socket channel used by this CryptoSocket.
channel() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
channel() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoSocket
channel() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
channel() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoSocket
checkReturnTypes(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Check if this Request contains return types compatible with the given type string.
clientTlsConnectionsEstablished() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics
clientTlsConnectionsEstablished() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics.Snapshot
clientUnencryptedConnectionsEstablished() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics
clientUnencryptedConnectionsEstablished() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics.Snapshot
close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoEngine
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoEngine
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Close this target.
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoEngine
com.yahoo.jrt - package com.yahoo.jrt
com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok - package com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok
com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api - package com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api
com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.server - package com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.server
com.yahoo.jrt.tool - package com.yahoo.jrt.tool
compareTo(Mirror.Entry) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror.Entry
compareTo(Spec) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Spec
configId() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.server.Slobrok
connect(Spec) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Connect to the given address.
connect(Spec, Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Connect to the given address.
connected() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror
Returns whether this mirror is connected to the slobrok server at this time or not.
CONNECTION - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
Connection error (104)
contains(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.SlobrokList
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DataArray
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DataValue
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DoubleArray
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DoubleValue
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.FloatArray
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.FloatValue
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int16Array
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int16Value
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int32Array
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int32Value
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int64Array
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int64Value
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int8Array
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int8Value
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.StringArray
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.StringValue
count() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Obtain the number of entries stored in this value.
createClientCryptoSocket(SocketChannel, Spec) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoEngine
createClientCryptoSocket(SocketChannel, Spec) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoEngine
createClientCryptoSocket(SocketChannel, Spec) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoEngine
createClientCryptoSocket(SocketChannel, Spec) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoEngine
createClientCryptoSocket(SocketChannel, Spec) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoEngine
createDefault() - Static method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoEngine
createRequest(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.tool.RpcInvoker
createServerCryptoSocket(SocketChannel) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoEngine
createServerCryptoSocket(SocketChannel) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoEngine
createServerCryptoSocket(SocketChannel) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoEngine
createServerCryptoSocket(SocketChannel) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoEngine
createServerCryptoSocket(SocketChannel) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoEngine
createTask(Runnable) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportThread
Create a Task that can be scheduled for execution in the transport thread.
CryptoEngine - Interface in com.yahoo.jrt
Component responsible for wrapping low-level sockets into appropriate CryptoSocket instances.
CryptoSocket - Interface in com.yahoo.jrt
Abstraction of a low-level async network socket which can produce io events and allows encrypting written data and decrypting read data.
CryptoSocket.FlushResult - Enum in com.yahoo.jrt
CryptoSocket.HandshakeResult - Enum in com.yahoo.jrt


DATA - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for DataValue (x)
DATA_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for DataArray (X)
DataArray - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
Data array (an array of byte sequences)
DataArray(byte[][]) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.DataArray
Create from a Java-type value
DataValue - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
Data value (a sequence of bytes)
DataValue(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.DataValue
Create from a Java-type value
detach() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Detach a method invocation.
discardParameters() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Create a new empty set of parameters for this request.
doHandshakeWork() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket
Called when CryptoSocket.handshake() returns CryptoSocket.HandshakeResult.NEED_WORK to perform compute-heavy tasks.
doHandshakeWork() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
doHandshakeWork() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoSocket
doHandshakeWork() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
doHandshakeWork() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoSocket
DONE - com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket.FlushResult
DONE - com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket.HandshakeResult
DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for DoubleValue (d)
DOUBLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for DoubleArray (D)
DoubleArray - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
64-bit floating-point array
DoubleArray(double[]) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.DoubleArray
Create from a Java-type value
DoubleValue - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
64-bit floating-point value
DoubleValue(double) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.DoubleValue
Create from a Java-type value
drain(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket
Similar to read, but this function is not allowed to read from the underlying socket.
drain(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
drain(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoSocket
drain(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
drain(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoSocket
dropEmptyBuffers() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket
This function can be called at any time to drop any currently empty internal buffers.
dropEmptyBuffers() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
dropEmptyBuffers() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoSocket
dropEmptyBuffers() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
dropEmptyBuffers() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoSocket
dumpState() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror


EMPTY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics.Snapshot
Entry(String, String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror.Entry
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror.Entry
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Spec
errorCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Obtain the error code associated with this Request
ErrorCode - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
This class contains the error codes defined by the RPC protocol.
ErrorCode() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
errorMessage() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Obtain the error message associated with this Request, if any


FatalErrorHandler - Interface in com.yahoo.jrt
Interface used to report fatal errors (internal thread unwinding).
FLOAT - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for FloatValue (f)
FLOAT_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for FloatArray (F)
FloatArray - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
32-bit floating-point array
FloatArray(float[]) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.FloatArray
Create from a Java-type value
FloatValue - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
32-bit floating-point value
FloatValue(float) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.FloatValue
Create from a Java-type value
flush() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket
Try to flush data in the write pipeline that is not depenedent on data not yet written by the application into the underlying socket.
flush() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
flush() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoSocket
flush() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
flush() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoSocket


GENERAL_ERROR - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
General error (100)
get() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.BackOffPolicy
Obtain the number of seconds to wait before the next attempt.
get(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Values
Obtain a specific value from this sequence
getConnectionLostReason() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Obtain the low-level reason behind losing the connection for which this target is an endpoint.
getContext() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Obtain the application context associated with this request.
getContext() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Obtain the application context associated with this target.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics
getMinimumReadBufferSize() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket
This function should be called after handshaking has completed before calling the read function.
getMinimumReadBufferSize() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
getMinimumReadBufferSize() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoSocket
getMinimumReadBufferSize() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
getMinimumReadBufferSize() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoSocket
getName() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror.Entry
getName() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
getSecurityContext() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket
Returns the security context for the current connection (given handshake completed), or empty if the current connection is not secure.
getSecurityContext() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
getSecurityContext() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
getSecurityContext() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
getSpec() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror.Entry
getSpecString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror.Entry


handleFailure(Throwable, Object) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.FatalErrorHandler
Invoked when an internal thread crashes due to thread unwinding.
handleRequestDone(Request) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.RequestWaiter
Invoked when a request has completed.
handleSessionDown(Target) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.SessionHandler
Invoked when the target becomes invalid.
handleSessionFini(Target) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.SessionHandler
Invoked when the target is invalid and no more RPC invocations are active on our side of this target (invoked from the other side; we being the server).
handleSessionInit(Target) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.SessionHandler
Invoked when a new Target is created.
handleSessionLive(Target) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.SessionHandler
Invoked when a connection is established with the peer.
handshake() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket
Try to progress the initial connection handshake.
handshake() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
handshake() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoSocket
handshake() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
handshake() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoSocket
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror.Entry
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Spec
host() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Spec
Obtain the host name of this address


IMirror - Interface in com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api
Defines an interface for the name server lookup.
injectReadData(Buffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
INT16 - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for Int16Value (h)
INT16_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for Int16Array (H)
Int16Array - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
16-bit integer array
Int16Array(short[]) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Int16Array
Create from a Java-type value
Int16Value - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
16-bit integer value
Int16Value(short) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Int16Value
Create from a Java-type value
INT32 - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for Int32Value (i)
INT32_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for Int32Array (I)
Int32Array - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
32-bit integer array
Int32Array(int[]) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Int32Array
Create from a Java-type value
Int32Value - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
32-bit integer value
Int32Value(int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Int32Value
Create from a Java-type value
INT64 - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for Int64Value (l)
INT64_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for Int64Array (L)
Int64Array - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
64-bit integer array
Int64Array(long[]) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Int64Array
Create from a Java-type value
Int64Value - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
64-bit integer value
Int64Value(long) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Int64Value
Create from a Java-type value
INT8 - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for Int8Value (b)
INT8_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for Int8Array (B)
Int8Array - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
8-bit integer array
Int8Array(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Int8Array
Create from a Java-type value
Int8Value - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
8-bit integer value
Int8Value(byte) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Int8Value
Create from a Java-type value
invoke(Request) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.MethodHandler
Method used to dispatch an rpc request.
invoke(Request, Target, double) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.InvokeProxy
invoke(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.tool.RpcInvoker
Invokes a rpc method without throwing an exception
invokeAsync(Request, double, RequestWaiter) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Invoke a request on this target and let the completion be signalled with a callback.
invokeBatch(Spec, Request, double) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Convenience method for connecting to a peer, invoking a method and disconnecting.
InvokeProxy - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
Invokes asynchronous JRT requests in a blocking method, that can be aborted by calling shutdown().
InvokeProxy() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.InvokeProxy
invokeSync(Request, double) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Invoke a request on this target and wait for it to return.
invokeVoid(Request) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Invoke a request on this target, but ignore the return value(s).
isClient() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Check if this target represents the client side of a connection.
isError() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Check if an error has occurred with this Request
isServer() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Check if this target represents the server side of a connection.
isValid() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Check if this target is still valid for invocations.


join() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Acceptor
Wait for the acceptor thread to finish
join() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Wait for all transport threads to finish.


kill() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Task
Cancel the execution of this task and make sure it can never be scheduled for execution again.


length() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.SlobrokList
listen(Spec) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Listen to the given address.
ListenFailedException - Exception in com.yahoo.jrt
Checked exception thrown when listening fails.
looksLikeTlsToMe(byte[]) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
lookup(String) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.IMirror
Obtain all the services matching a given pattern.
lookup(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror
lookup(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.server.Slobrok


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jrt.tool.RpcInvoker
malformed() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Spec
If this Spec was created from a string, this method will tell you whether that string was malformed.
MaybeTlsCryptoEngine - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A crypto engine that supports both tls encrypted connections and unencrypted connections.
MaybeTlsCryptoEngine(TlsCryptoEngine, boolean) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoEngine
MaybeTlsCryptoSocket - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A crypto socket for the server side of a connection that auto-detects whether the connection is tls encrypted or unencrypted using clever heuristics.
MaybeTlsCryptoSocket(SocketChannel, TlsCryptoEngine) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
Method - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A Method encapsulates the reflective information about a single RPC method.
Method(String, String, String, MethodHandler) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Method
Create a new Method.
METHOD_FAILED - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
Method failed (111)
MethodCreateException - Exception in com.yahoo.jrt
Unchecked exception thrown when the Method constructor fails to resolve the method handler.
methodDesc(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Method
Describe this method.
MethodHandler - Interface in com.yahoo.jrt
Interface used to handle the invocation of a method.
methodName() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Obtain the method name
metrics() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Mirror - Class in com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api
A Mirror object is used to keep track of the services registered with a slobrok cluster.
Mirror(Supervisor, SlobrokList) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror
Create a new MirrorAPI using the given Supervisor and slobrok connect specs.
Mirror(Supervisor, SlobrokList, BackOffPolicy) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror
Create a new MirrorAPI using the given Supervisor and slobrok connect specs.
Mirror.Entry - Class in com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api
An Entry contains the name and connection spec for a single service.


NEED_READ - com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket.HandshakeResult
NEED_WORK - com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket.HandshakeResult
NEED_WRITE - com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket.FlushResult
NEED_WRITE - com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket.HandshakeResult
nextSlobrokSpec() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.SlobrokList
NO_SUCH_METHOD - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
No such method (106)
NONE - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
No error (0)
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
Not implemented (101)
notifyTargetInvalid(Target) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.TargetWatcher
Invoked when a target becomes invalid.
NullCryptoEngine - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
CryptoEngine implementation that performs no encryption.
NullCryptoEngine() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoEngine
NullCryptoSocket - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A CryptoSocket with no encryption
NullCryptoSocket(SocketChannel, boolean) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoSocket


OVERLOAD - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
Request dropped due to server overload (108)


paramDesc(int, String, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Method
Describe a parameter of this method.
parameters() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Obtain the parameters
peerAuthorizationFailures() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics
peerAuthorizationFailures() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics.Snapshot
peerCertificateChain() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.SecurityContext
perform(Runnable) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportThread
Perform the given command in such a way that it does not run concurrently with the transport thread or other commands performed by invoking this method.
port() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Acceptor
Obtain the local port number this Acceptor is listening to.
port() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.server.Slobrok
port() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Spec
Obtain the port number if this address


read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket
Called when the underlying socket has available data.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoSocket
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoSocket
ready() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror
Ask if the MirrorAPI has got any useful information from the Slobrok.
Register - Class in com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api
A Register object is used to register and unregister services with a slobrok cluster.
Register(Supervisor, SlobrokList, Spec) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Register
Create a new Register using the given Supervisor, slobrok connect specs, hostname and port
Register(Supervisor, SlobrokList, Spec, BackOffPolicy) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Register
Create a new Register using the given Supervisor, slobrok connect specs, hostname and port
Register(Supervisor, SlobrokList, String, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Register
Create a new Register using the given Supervisor, slobrok connect specs, hostname and port
registerName(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Register
Register a service with the slobrok cluster.
removeMethod(Method) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Remove a method from the set of methods held by this Supervisor.
removeWatcher(TargetWatcher) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Remove a watcher from this target.
Request - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A Request bundles information about a single RPC invocation.
Request(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Create a new Request with the given method name.
RequestWaiter - Interface in com.yahoo.jrt
Interface used to wait for the completion of a Request.
reset() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.BackOffPolicy
Reset backoff logic.
returnDesc(int, String, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Method
Describe a return value of this method.
returnRequest() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Return this request.
returnValues() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Obtain the return values
RpcInvoker - Class in com.yahoo.jrt.tool
A generic rpc invoker for use by command line tools
RpcInvoker() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.tool.RpcInvoker


satisfies(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Values
Check whether the values stored in this object satisfies the given type string.
schedule(double) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Task
Schedule this task for execution.
scheduleNow() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Task
Schedule this task for execution as soon as possible.
SecurityContext - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
SecurityContext(List<X509Certificate>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.SecurityContext
selectThread() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Select a random transport thread
serverTlsConnectionsEstablished() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics
serverTlsConnectionsEstablished() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics.Snapshot
serverUnencryptedConnectionsEstablished() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics
serverUnencryptedConnectionsEstablished() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics.Snapshot
SessionHandler - Interface in com.yahoo.jrt
Interface used to handle the lifetime of a Target.
setContext(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Set the application context associated with this request.
setContext(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Target
Set the application context associated with this target.
setDropEmptyBuffers(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Drop empty buffers.
setError(int, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Register the fact that an error has occurred.
setMaxInputBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Set maximum input buffer size.
setMaxOutputBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Set maximum output buffer size.
setSessionHandler(SessionHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Set the session handler for this Supervisor
setup(String[]) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.SlobrokList
shouldInform(double) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.BackOffPolicy
Check if a certain delay should result in an information message logged.
shouldWarn(double) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.BackOffPolicy
Check if a certain delay should result in a warning being logged.
shutdown() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Acceptor
Initiate controlled shutdown of the acceptor thread
shutdown() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.InvokeProxy
shutdown() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror
Shut down the Mirror.
shutdown() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Register
Shut down the Register.
shutdown() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Initiate controlled shutdown of all transport threads.
size() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Values
Obtain the number of values in this sequence
Slobrok - Class in com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.server
Slobrok() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.server.Slobrok
Slobrok(int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.server.Slobrok
SlobrokList - Class in com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api
SlobrokList() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.SlobrokList
SlobrokList(SlobrokList) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.SlobrokList
snapshot() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics
spec() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Acceptor
Obtain the Spec for the local port and host interface this Acceptor is listening to.
Spec - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A Spec is a network address used for either listening or connecting.
Spec(int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Spec
Create a Spec with a wildcard address.
Spec(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Spec
Create a Spec from a string.
Spec(String, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Spec
Create a Spec from a host name and a port number.
stop() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.server.Slobrok
STRING - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for StringValue (s)
STRING_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
type identifier for StringArray (S)
StringArray - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
String array.
StringArray(String[]) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.StringArray
Create from a Java-type value
StringValue - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
String value.
StringValue(Utf8Array) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.StringValue
StringValue(Utf8String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.StringValue
StringValue(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.StringValue
Create from a Java-type value
Supervisor - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A Supervisor keeps a method repository and handles dispatching of incoming invocation requests.
Supervisor(Transport) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Create a new Supervisor based on the given Transport
sync() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Synchronize with all transport threads.
sync() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportThread
Synchronize with the transport thread.


target() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
Obtain the Target representing our end of the connection over which this request was invoked.
Target - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A Target represents a connection endpoint with RPC capabilities.
TargetWatcher - Interface in com.yahoo.jrt
Interface used to notify when a Target becomes invalid.
Task - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A Task enables a Runnable to be scheduled for execution in the transport thread some time in the future.
TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
Invocation timed out (103)
tlsCertificateVerificationFailures() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics.Snapshot
tlsCertificateVerificationFailures() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics
TlsCryptoEngine - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A CryptoSocket that creates TlsCryptoSocket instances.
TlsCryptoEngine(TlsContext) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoEngine
TlsCryptoSocket - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A CryptoSocket using TLS (SSLEngine)
TlsCryptoSocket(SocketChannel, SSLEngine) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DataArray
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DataValue
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DoubleArray
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DoubleValue
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.FloatArray
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.FloatValue
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int16Array
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int16Value
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int32Array
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int32Value
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int64Array
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int64Value
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int8Array
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int8Value
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoEngine
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Method
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Request
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.SlobrokList
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Spec
Obtain a string representation of this address.
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.StringArray
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.StringValue
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics.Snapshot
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportMetrics
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Force a proper toString
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Values
transport() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Supervisor
Obtain the underlying Transport object.
transport() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportThread
Transport - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
The Transport class is the core needed to make your Supervisor tick.
Transport() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Transport(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Transport(String, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Transport(String, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Transport(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Transport(String, CryptoEngine, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Transport(String, CryptoEngine, int, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Transport(String, FatalErrorHandler, CryptoEngine, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Transport
Create a new Transport object with the given fatal error handler and CryptoEngine.
TransportMetrics - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
Metric values produced by Transport.
TransportMetrics.Snapshot - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
TransportThread - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A single reactor/scheduler thread inside a potentially multi-threaded Transport.
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DataArray
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DataValue
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DoubleArray
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.DoubleValue
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.FloatArray
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.FloatValue
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int16Array
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int16Value
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int32Array
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int32Value
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int64Array
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int64Value
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int8Array
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Int8Value
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.StringArray
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.StringValue
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
Obtain the type identifier for this value


unregisterName(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Register
Unregister a service with the slobrok cluster
unschedule() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.Task
Cancel the execution of this task.
updates() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.IMirror
Obtain the number of updates seen by this mirror.
updates() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.slobrok.api.Mirror


Value - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A single value that may be either a parameter or a return value associated with a Request.
Value() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Value
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket.FlushResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket.HandshakeResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket.FlushResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket.HandshakeResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Values - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A sequence of values used to represent parameters and return values associated with a Request.
Values() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.Values
Create an empty sequence of values


wakeup() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportThread
Wake up this transport thread explicitly.
wakeup_if_not_self() - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TransportThread
Wake up this transport thread explicitly, but only if the calling thread is not the transport thread itself.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jrt.CryptoSocket
Called when the application has data it wants to write.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.MaybeTlsCryptoSocket
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.NullCryptoSocket
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.TlsCryptoSocket
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoSocket
WRONG_PARAMS - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
Illegal parameters (107)
WRONG_RETURN - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode
Illegal return values (109)


XorCryptoEngine - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
Very simple crypto engine that requires connection handshaking and data transformation.
XorCryptoEngine() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoEngine
XorCryptoSocket - Class in com.yahoo.jrt
A very simple CryptoSocket that performs connection handshaking and data transformation.
XorCryptoSocket(SocketChannel, boolean) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jrt.XorCryptoSocket
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