Class AbstractDetector

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class AbstractDetector
    extends Object
    implements Detector
    Simon Thoresen Hult
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractDetector

        public AbstractDetector()
    • Method Detail

      • detect

        public final Detection detect​(String input,
                                      Hint hint)
        Description copied from interface: Detector
        Detects language of the supplied String, possibly using a language hint.
        Specified by:
        detect in interface Detector
        input - the string that is to be inspected
        hint - a hint to the detector, or null for no hint
        an array of possible language/encoding pairs, sorted by decreasing confidence (possibly empty, but never null)
      • detect

        public final Detection detect​(ByteBuffer input,
                                      Hint hint)
        Description copied from interface: Detector
        Detects language and encoding of the supplied ByteBuffer, possibly using a language/encoding hint.
        Specified by:
        detect in interface Detector
        input - the buffer that is to be inspected, from its current position to its limit
        hint - a hint to the detector, or null for no hint
        an array of possible language/encoding pairs, sorted by decreasing confidence (possibly empty, but never null)