Class Sequencer

All Implemented Interfaces:
MessageHandler, ReplyHandler

public class Sequencer extends Object implements MessageHandler, ReplyHandler
Sequencing is implemented as a message handler that is configured in a source session in that session's chain of linked message handlers. Each message that carries a sequencing id is queued in an internal list of messages for that id, and messages are only sent when they are at the front of their list. When a reply arrives, the current front of the list is removed and the next message, if any, is sent.
Simon Thoresen Hult
  • Constructor Details

    • Sequencer

      public Sequencer(MessageHandler sender, Messenger msn)
      Constructs a new sequencer on top of the given async sender.
      sender - The underlying sender.
    • Sequencer

      public Sequencer(MessageHandler sender)
  • Method Details

    • destroy

      public boolean destroy()
      Sets the destroyed flag to true. The very first time this method is called, it cleans up all its dependencies. Even if you retain a reference to this object, all of its content is allowed to be garbage collected.
      True if content existed and was destroyed.
    • handleMessage

      public void handleMessage(Message msg)
      All messages pass through this handler when being sent by the owning source session. In case the message has no sequencing-id, it is simply passed through to the next handler in the chain. Sequenced messages are sent only if there is no queue for their id, otherwise they are queued.
      Specified by:
      handleMessage in interface MessageHandler
      msg - the message to send.
    • handleReply

      public void handleReply(Reply reply)
      Lookup the sequencing id of an incoming reply to pop the front of the corresponding queue, and then send the next message in line, if any.
      Specified by:
      handleReply in interface ReplyHandler
      reply - The reply received.