This package contains an RPC implementation of the Network interface declared in the package.
ClassDescriptionAn RPC implementation of the Network interface.To facilitate several configuration parameters to the
constructor, all parameters are held by this class.Implements the request adapter for method "mbus.send1/mbus.slime".This interface defines the necessary methods to process incoming and send outgoing RPC requests.Implements the request adapter for method "mbus.slime".An RPCService represents a set of remote sessions matching a service pattern.Implements theServiceAddress
interface for the RPC network.Class used to reuse services for the same address when sending messages over the rpc network.Implements a target object that encapsulates the JRT connection target.Declares a version handler used when resolving the version of a target.Class used to reuse targets for the same address when sending messages over the rpc network.This class implements subscription to slobrok config.