Class DebugWaitFunctionNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class DebugWaitFunctionNode extends UnaryFunctionNode
This is a debug wait function node that waits for a specified amount of time before executing its expression.
Ulf Lilleengen
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • classId

      public static final int classId
  • Constructor Details

    • DebugWaitFunctionNode

      public DebugWaitFunctionNode()
    • DebugWaitFunctionNode

      public DebugWaitFunctionNode(ExpressionNode arg, double waitTime, boolean busyWait)
      Constructs an instance of this class with given argument and wait parameters.
      arg - The argument for this function.
      waitTime - The time to wait before executing expression.
      busyWait - true if busy wait, false if not.
  • Method Details