ClassDescriptionA set of argument expressions to a function or feature.A node which produces a boolean value when evaluated.The parent of all node types which contains child nodes.A node which holds a constant (frozen) value.This class represents another expression enclosed in braces.Superclass of all expression nodes.A scalar functionInvocation of a native function.The context of a function invocation.A tensor generating function, whose arguments are determined by a tensor typeA conditional branch of a ranking expression.A free, parametrized functionAn opaque name in a ranking expression.A node which flips the sign of the value produced from the nested expressionA node which flips the logical value produced from the nested expression.A sequence of binary operations.A mathematical operatorA node referring either to a value in the context or to a named ranking expression function.Context needed to serialize an expression to a string.A node which returns true or false depending on a set membership testA node which performs a tensor functionA tensor function implemented by an expression.Macro that expands to the appropriate map_subspaces magic incantation