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ai.vespa.hosted.cd - package ai.vespa.hosted.cd


Deployment - Interface in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
A deployment of a Vespa application, which contains endpoints for document retrieval.
deploymentToTest() - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.TestRuntime


endpoint(String) - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Deployment
Returns an Endpoint in the cluster with the given id.
Endpoint - Interface in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
An endpoint in a Vespa application Deployment, which allows document retrieval.


get() - Static method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.TestRuntime


IntegrationTest - Annotation Type in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
Tests which run against a fully operational Vespa deployment to verify its behaviour.


logger - Static variable in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.TestRuntime


ProductionTest - Annotation Type in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
Tests that verify the health of production deployments of Vespa applications.


request(String) - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Endpoint
Creates a request against the endpoint, with the given path.
request(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Endpoint
Creates a request against the endpoint, with the given path and properties.


send(HttpRequest.Builder) - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Endpoint
Sends the given request with required authentication.
send(HttpRequest.Builder, HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Endpoint
Sends the given request with required authentication.
StagingSetup - Annotation Type in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
Setup for tests that assert continuity of behaviour for Vespa application deployments, through upgrades.
StagingTest - Annotation Type in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
Tests that assert continuity of behaviour for Vespa application deployments, through upgrades.
SystemTest - Annotation Type in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
Tests that compare the behaviour of a Vespa application deployment against a fixed specification.


TestRuntime - Interface in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
The place to obtain environment-dependent configuration for test of a Vespa deployment.


uri() - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Endpoint
Returns the URI of the endpoint, with scheme, host and port.


zone() - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.TestRuntime
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