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ai.vespa.hosted.cd - package ai.vespa.hosted.cd
ai.vespa.hosted.cd.http - package ai.vespa.hosted.cd.http
ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric - package ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric
application() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.TestRuntime
Returns the full id of the application this is testing.
asMap() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metric
Returns the underlying, unmodifiable Map.
asMap() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metrics
Returns the underlying, unmodifiable Map.
asMap() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Statistic
Returns the underlying, unmodifiable Map.
at(Object...) - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Space
Returns a point in this space, with the given values along each dimensions, in order.
at(List<?>) - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Space
Returns a point in this space, with the given values along each dimensions, in order.
at(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metric
Returns a Metric view of the subset of points in the given hyperplane; its dimensions must be a subset of those of this Metric.
average - ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Type
Average over all measurements.


collapse() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metric
Returns a collapsed version of this, with all statistics aggregated.
collapse(Set<String>) - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metric
Returns a version of this where statistics along the given hyperspace are aggregated.
count - ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Type
Number of measurements.


Deployment - Interface in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
A deployment of a Vespa application, which contains endpoints for document and metrics retrieval.
deploymentToTest() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.TestRuntime
Returns the deployment this is testing.


end() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metrics
Returns the end of the time window from which these metrics were sampled, or throws if the status is Status.down.
endpoint(String) - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Deployment
Returns an Endpoint in the cluster with the given id.
endpoint(String) - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.http.HttpDeployment
Endpoint - Interface in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
An endpoint in a Vespa application Deployment, which allows document and metrics retrieval.


get() - Static method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.TestRuntime
Returns the config and authenticator to use when running integration tests.
get(Type) - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Statistic
Returns the value of the given type, or throws a NoSuchElementException if this isn't known.
get(String) - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metrics
Returns the metric with the given name, or throws a NoSuchElementException if no such Metric is known.


HttpDeployment - Class in ai.vespa.hosted.cd.http
A remote deployment of a Vespa application, reachable over HTTP.
HttpDeployment(Map<String, URI>, EndpointAuthenticator) - Constructor for class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.http.HttpDeployment
Creates a representation of the given deployment endpoints, using the authenticator for data plane access.
HttpEndpoint - Class in ai.vespa.hosted.cd.http
A remote endpoint in a HttpDeployment of a Vespa application, reachable over HTTP.
HttpEndpoint(URI, EndpointAuthenticator) - Constructor for class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.http.HttpEndpoint


IntegrationTest - Annotation Type in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
Tests which run against a fully operational Vespa deployment to verify its behaviour.


last - ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Type
Last measurement.


max - ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Type
Maximum measurement.
Metric - Class in ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric
A set of statistics for a metric, for points over a space with named dimensions of arbitrary type.
Metrics - Class in ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric
Metrics from a Vespa application Endpoint, indexed by their names, and optionally by a set of custom dimensions.
min - ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Type
Minimum measurement.


of(Instant, Instant, Map<String, Metric>) - Static method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metrics
of(List<String>) - Static method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Space
Creates a new space with the given named dimensions, in order.
of(Map<Type, Double>) - Static method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Statistic
of(Map<Map<String, ?>, Statistic>) - Static method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metric
Creates a new Metric with a copy of the given data.


percentile95 - ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Type
95th percentile measurement.
percentile99 - ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Type
99th percentile measurement.
ProductionTest - Annotation Type in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
Tests that verify the health of production deployments of Vespa applications.


rate - ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Type
Number of measurements per second.
request(String) - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Endpoint
Creates a request against the endpoint, with the given path.
request(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Endpoint
Creates a request against the endpoint, with the given path and properties.
request(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.http.HttpEndpoint


send(HttpRequest.Builder) - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Endpoint
Sends the given request with required authentication.
send(HttpRequest.Builder, HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Endpoint
Sends the given request with required authentication.
send(HttpRequest.Builder, HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.http.HttpEndpoint
Space - Class in ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric
Used to easily generate points (Map<String, ?>) for a space defined here by its dimension names.
StagingSetup - Annotation Type in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
Setup for tests that assert continuity of behaviour for Vespa application deployments, through upgrades.
StagingTest - Annotation Type in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
Tests that assert continuity of behaviour for Vespa application deployments, through upgrades.
start() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metrics
Returns the start of the time window from which these metrics were sampled, or throws if the status is Status.down.
statistic() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metric
If this Metric contains a single point, returns the Statistic of that point; otherwise, throws an exception.
Statistic - Class in ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric
Known statistic about a metric, at a certain point.
SystemTest - Annotation Type in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
Tests that compare the behaviour of a Vespa application deployment against a fixed specification.


TestRuntime - Class in ai.vespa.hosted.cd
The place to obtain environment-dependent configuration for test of a Vespa deployment.
toString() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metric
toString() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Metrics
toString() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Statistic
Type - Enum in ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric
Known statistic types.


uri() - Method in interface ai.vespa.hosted.cd.Endpoint
Returns the URI of the endpoint, with scheme, host and port.
uri() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.http.HttpEndpoint


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ai.vespa.hosted.cd.metric.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


with(EndpointAuthenticator) - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.TestRuntime
Returns a copy of this runtime, with the given endpoint authenticator.


zone() - Method in class ai.vespa.hosted.cd.TestRuntime
Returns the zone of the deployment this is testing.
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