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addRequestHeader(String, String) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Adds HTTP request header to all client requests.
addRequestHeader(String, Supplier<String>) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Adds HTTP request header to all client requests.
ai.vespa.feed.client - package ai.vespa.feed.client
averageLatencyMillis() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Average request-response latency, or -1.


BenchmarkingCluster - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
BenchmarkingCluster(Cluster) - Constructor for class ai.vespa.feed.client.BenchmarkingCluster
build() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Constructs instance of FeedClient from builder configuration
build() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder.Builder
builder(FeedClient) - Static method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder
bytesReceived() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Number of bytes received in HTTP responses.
bytesSent() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Number of bytes sent, for HTTP requests with a response.


circuitBreakerState() - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient
Current state of the circuit breaker.
close() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.BenchmarkingCluster
close() - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient
Initiates graceful shutdown.
close() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder
close(boolean) - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient
Shut down, and reject new operations.
CLOSED - ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.CircuitBreaker.State
Circuit is closed: business as usual.
conditionNotMet - ai.vespa.feed.client.Result.Type
create(URI) - Static method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Creates a builder for a single container endpoint
create(List<URI>) - Static method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Creates a builder for multiple container endpoints
createIfNonExistent() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
createIfNonExistent(boolean) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters


dispatch(HttpRequest, CompletableFuture<HttpResponse>) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.BenchmarkingCluster
documentId() - Method in exception ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedException
documentId() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.Result
DocumentId - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
Represents a Vespa document id
documentType() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId
DynamicThrottler - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
Samples latency as a function of inflight requests, and regularly adjusts to the optimal value.
DynamicThrottler(FeedClientBuilder) - Constructor for class ai.vespa.feed.client.DynamicThrottler


empty() - Static method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId
equals(Object) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
exceptions() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Number of exceptions (instead of responses).


failure(HttpResponse) - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.CircuitBreaker
Called by the client whenever an error HTTP response is received.
failure(HttpResponse) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.GracePeriodCircuitBreaker
failure(Throwable) - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.CircuitBreaker
Called by the client whenever an exception occurs trying to obtain a HTTP response.
failure(Throwable) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.GracePeriodCircuitBreaker
FeedClient - Interface in ai.vespa.feed.client
Asynchronous feed client accepting document operations as JSON.
FeedClient.CircuitBreaker - Interface in ai.vespa.feed.client
Allows slowing down or halting completely operations against the configured endpoint on high failure rates.
FeedClient.CircuitBreaker.State - Enum in ai.vespa.feed.client
FeedClient.OperationType - Enum in ai.vespa.feed.client
FeedClient.RetryStrategy - Interface in ai.vespa.feed.client
Controls what to retry, and how many times.
FeedClientBuilder - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
Builder for creating a FeedClient instance.
FeedException - Exception in ai.vespa.feed.client
Signals that an error occurred during feeding
FeedException(DocumentId, String) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedException
FeedException(DocumentId, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedException
FeedException(DocumentId, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedException
FeedException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedException
FeedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedException
FeedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedException
feedMany(InputStream) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder
feedMany(InputStream, JsonFeeder.ResultCallback) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder
Feeds a stream containing a JSON array of feed operations on the form
feedSingle(String) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder
Feeds single JSON feed operations on the form
FUSED - Static variable in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.CircuitBreaker
A circuit breaker which is always closed.


getTrace() - Method in exception ai.vespa.feed.client.ResultException
Holds the trace, if the failed operation had a OperationParameters.tracelevel(int) higher than 0.
GracePeriodCircuitBreaker - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
Breaks the circuit when no successes have been recorded for a specified time.
GracePeriodCircuitBreaker(Duration) - Constructor for class ai.vespa.feed.client.GracePeriodCircuitBreaker
Creates a new circuit breaker with the given grace periods.
GracePeriodCircuitBreaker(Duration, Duration) - Constructor for class ai.vespa.feed.client.GracePeriodCircuitBreaker
Creates a new circuit breaker with the given grace periods.
group() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId


HALF_OPEN - ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.CircuitBreaker.State
Circuit is half-open: something is wrong, perhaps it recovers?
hashCode() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId
hashCode() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
hashCode() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats


inflight() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Number of attempted requests which haven't yielded a response or exception yet.


JsonFeeder - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
JsonFeeder.Builder - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
JsonFeeder.ResultCallback - Interface in ai.vespa.feed.client


maxInflight - Variable in class ai.vespa.feed.client.StaticThrottler
maxLatencyMillis() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Maximum request-response latency, or -1.
minInflight - Variable in class ai.vespa.feed.client.StaticThrottler
minLatencyMillis() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Minimum request-response latency, or -1.


namespace() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId
noBenchmarking() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Turns off benchmarking.
number() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId


of(String) - Static method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId
of(String, String, long, String) - Static method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId
of(String, String, String) - Static method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId
of(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId
onComplete() - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder.ResultCallback
Invoked when all feed operations are either completed successfully or failed.
onError(FeedException) - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder.ResultCallback
Invoked if an unrecoverable error occurred during feed processing, after which no other JsonFeeder.ResultCallback methods are invoked.
onNextResult(Result, FeedException) - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder.ResultCallback
Invoked after each operation has either completed successfully or failed
OPEN - ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.CircuitBreaker.State
Circuit is open: we have given up.
OperationParameters - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
Per-operation feed parameters
OperationParseException - Exception in ai.vespa.feed.client
Signals that supplied JSON for a document/operation is invalid
OperationParseException(String) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParseException
OperationParseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParseException
OperationStats - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
Statistics for feed operations over HTTP against a Vespa cluster.
OperationStats(long, Map<Integer, Long>, long, long, long, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats


put(DocumentId, String, OperationParameters) - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient
Send a document put with the given parameters, returning a future with the result of the operation.
PUT - ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.OperationType
A document put operation.


remove(DocumentId, OperationParameters) - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient
Send a document remove with the given parameters, returning a future with the result of the operation.
REMOVE - ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.OperationType
A document remove operation.
requests() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Number of HTTP requests attempted.
responses() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Number of HTTP responses received.
responsesByCode() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Number of HTTP responses by status code.
Result - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
Result for a document operation which completed normally.
Result.Type - Enum in ai.vespa.feed.client
ResultException - Exception in ai.vespa.feed.client
Signals that the document API in the feed container returned a failure result for a feed operation.
ResultException(DocumentId, String, String) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.ResultException
resultMessage() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.Result
ResultParseException - Exception in ai.vespa.feed.client
Signals that the client was unable to obtain a proper response/result from container
ResultParseException(DocumentId, String) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.ResultParseException
ResultParseException(DocumentId, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ai.vespa.feed.client.ResultParseException
retries() - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.RetryStrategy
Number of retries per operation for assumed transient, non-backpressure problems.
retry(FeedClient.OperationType) - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.RetryStrategy
Whether to retry operations of the given type.
route() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
route(String) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters


sent(long, CompletableFuture<HttpResponse>) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DynamicThrottler
sent(long, CompletableFuture<HttpResponse>) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.StaticThrottler
setCaCertificates(Collection<X509Certificate>) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Overrides JVM default SSL truststore
setCaCertificatesFile(Path) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Overrides JVM default SSL truststore
setCertificate(Path, Path) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Sets path to client SSL certificate/key PEM files
setCertificate(X509Certificate, PrivateKey) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Sets client SSL certificate/key
setCertificate(Collection<X509Certificate>, PrivateKey) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Sets client SSL certificates/key
setCircuitBreaker(FeedClient.CircuitBreaker) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Overrides default circuit breaker.
setConnectionsPerEndpoint(int) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Sets the number of connections this client will use per endpoint.
setDryrun(boolean) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Sets HostnameVerifier instance (e.g for disabling default SSL hostname verification).
setMaxStreamPerConnection(int) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Sets the maximum number of streams per HTTP/2 connection for this client.
setRetryStrategy(FeedClient.RetryStrategy) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Overrides default retry strategy.
setSslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClientBuilder
Sets SSLContext instance.
since(OperationStats) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Returns the difference between this and the initial.
state() - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.CircuitBreaker
The current state of the circuit breaker.
state() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.GracePeriodCircuitBreaker
StaticThrottler - Class in ai.vespa.feed.client
Reduces max throughput whenever throttled; increases it slowly whenever successful responses are obtained.
StaticThrottler(FeedClientBuilder) - Constructor for class ai.vespa.feed.client.StaticThrottler
stats() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.BenchmarkingCluster
stats() - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient
Returns a snapshot of the stats for this feed client, such as requests made, and responses by status.
success - ai.vespa.feed.client.Result.Type
success() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DynamicThrottler
success() - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.CircuitBreaker
Called by the client whenever a successful response is obtained.
success() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.GracePeriodCircuitBreaker
success() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.StaticThrottler
successes() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
Number of 200 OK HTTP responses received.


targetInflight() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DynamicThrottler
targetInflight() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.StaticThrottler
testAndSetCondition() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
testAndSetCondition(String) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
throttled(long) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DynamicThrottler
throttled(long) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.StaticThrottler
timeout() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
timeout(Duration) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
toString() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId
toString() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
toString() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationStats
toString() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.Result
tracelevel() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
tracelevel(int) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.OperationParameters
traceMessage() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.Result
type() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.Result


update(DocumentId, String, OperationParameters) - Method in interface ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient
Send a document update with the given parameters, returning a future with the result of the operation.
UPDATE - ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.OperationType
A document update operation.
userSpecific() - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.DocumentId


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.CircuitBreaker.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.OperationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ai.vespa.feed.client.Result.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.CircuitBreaker.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ai.vespa.feed.client.FeedClient.OperationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ai.vespa.feed.client.Result.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withRoute(String) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder.Builder
withTimeout(Duration) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder.Builder
withTracelevel(int) - Method in class ai.vespa.feed.client.JsonFeeder.Builder
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