All Classes and Interfaces

A set of Endpoint instances.
Builder for Cluster.
Commandline interface for the binary.
A semaphore that can be re-sized.
Connection level parameters.
Builder for ConnectionParams.
A header provider that provides a header value.
A document operation
Dummy implementation.
Simple encoding scheme to remove space, linefeed, control characters and anything outside ISO 646.irv:1991 from strings.
Represents an endpoint, in most cases a JDisc container in a Vespa cluster configured with document-api.
Class for throwing exception from endpoint.
Result from a single endpoint.
Return types for the server.
Helper methods for handling exceptions
Vespa-http-client will be removed in Vespa 8.
This callback is executed when new results are arriving or an error occur.
Vespa-http-client will be removed in Vespa 8.
Implementation of FeedClient.
Vespa-http-client will be removed in Vespa 8.
Vespa-http-client will be removed in Vespa 8.
Feed level parameters.
Mutable class used to instantiate a FeedParams.
Enumeration of data formats that are acceptable by the FeedClient methods.
Vespa-http-client will be removed in Vespa 8.
Creates gateway connections on request
When the gateways says it can not handle more load, we should send less load.
Wrapper for shared constants used by both client and server.
Adjusts in-flight operations based on throughput.
Thread which feeds document operations asynchronously and processes the results.
Reads a stream of json documents and sends them to feedClient.
Merges several endpointResult into one Result and does the callback.
Serialization/deserialization class for the result of a single document operation against Vespa.
Vespa-http-client will be removed in Vespa 8.
Information in a Result for a single operation sent to a single endpoint.
The request was not processed properly on the server.
Vespa-http-client will be removed in Vespa 8.
Vespa-http-client will be removed in Vespa 8.
Parameters given to a FeedClientFactory when creating FeedClients.
Mutable class used to instantiate a SessionParams.
Interface for handling serious errors with connection.
Vespa-http-client will be removed in Vespa 8.
Vespa-http-client will be removed in Vespa 8.
Holds the arguments to a single stream operation
The result of a call.
Class that has a method for finding next maxInFlight.
Reads an input stream of xml, sends these to session.