Class Join

  • public class Join
    extends PrimitiveTensorFunction
    The join tensor operation produces a tensor from the argument tensors containing the set of cells given by the cross product of the cells of the given tensors, having as values the value produced by applying the given combinator function on the values from the two source cells.
    • Method Detail

      • outputType

        public static TensorType outputType​(TensorType a,
                                            TensorType b)
        Returns the type resulting from applying Join to the two given types
      • combinator

        public java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator combinator()
      • toPrimitive

        public PrimitiveTensorFunction toPrimitive()
        Description copied from class: TensorFunction
        Translate this function - and all of its arguments recursively - to a tree of primitive functions only.
        Specified by:
        toPrimitive in class TensorFunction
        a tree of primitive functions implementing this
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(ToStringContext context)
        Description copied from class: TensorFunction
        Return a string representation of this context.
        Specified by:
        toString in class TensorFunction
        context - a context which must be passed to all nested functions when requesting the string value
      • type

        public <NAMETYPE extends TypeContext.NameTensorType type​(TypeContext<NAMETYPE> context)
        Description copied from class: TensorFunction
        Returns the type of the tensor this produces given the input types in the context
        Specified by:
        type in class TensorFunction
        context - a context which must be passed to all nexted functions when evaluating