Package com.yahoo.concurrent
Interface Summary Interface Description EventBarrier.BarrierWaiter Declares the interface required to wait for the detection of a minimal event barrier.ThreadLocalDirectory.ObservableUpdater<AGGREGATOR,SAMPLE> Implement this interface to be able to view the contents of a ThreadLocalDirectory without resetting the local instances in each thread.ThreadLocalDirectory.Updater<AGGREGATOR,SAMPLE> Factory interface to create the data container for each generation of samples, and putting data into it.Timer This interface wraps access to some timer that can be used to measure elapsed time, in milliseconds. -
Class Summary Class Description CachedThreadPoolWithFallback An executor that will first try a bounded cached thread pool before falling back to an unbounded single threaded thread pool that will take over dispatching to the primary pool.CompletableFutures Helper forCompletableFuture
.CopyOnWriteHashMap<K,V> This is a thread hash map for small collections that are stable once built.DaemonThreadFactory A simple thread factory that decoratesExecutors.defaultThreadFactory()
and sets all created threads to be daemon threads.EventBarrier Reference implementation of the 'Incremental Minimal Event Barrier' algorithm.InThreadExecutorService ExecutorService
implementation that runs all tasks in the calling thread.LocalInstance<AGGREGATOR,SAMPLE> Only for use along with ThreadLocalDirectory.Lock An acquired lock which is released on closeLocks<TYPE> Holds a map of locks indexed on keys of a given type.Receiver<T> A class for sending single messages between threads with timeout.StripedExecutor<Key> Executor that serializes runnables with the same key, but may parallelize over different keys.ThreadFactoryFactory ThreadLocalDirectory<AGGREGATOR,SAMPLE> A class for multiple producers and potentially multiple consumers (usually only one).ThreadRobustList<T> A list which tolerates concurrent adds from one other thread while it is read. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Receiver.MessageState MessageState is the reason for returning from get().SystemTimer This is an implementation ofTimer
that is backed by an actual system timer. -
Exception Summary Exception Description UncheckedTimeoutException Unchecked alternative forTimeoutException