Class ErrorMessage

  • public class ErrorMessage
    extends Object
    An error message with a code. This class should be treated as immutable.
    • Field Detail

      • code

        protected int code
        An error code
      • message

        protected String message
        The short message of this error, always set
      • detailedMessage

        protected String detailedMessage
        The detailed instance message of this error, not always set
      • cause

        protected Throwable cause
        The cause of this error, or null if none is recorded
    • Constructor Detail

      • ErrorMessage

        public ErrorMessage()
        Create an invalid instance for a subclass to initialize.
      • ErrorMessage

        public ErrorMessage​(int code,
                            String message)
      • ErrorMessage

        public ErrorMessage​(int code,
                            String message,
                            String detailedMessage)
        Create an application specific error message with an application specific code
      • ErrorMessage

        public ErrorMessage​(int code,
                            String message,
                            String detailedMessage,
                            Throwable cause)
        Create an application specific error message with an application specific code
    • Method Detail

      • getCode

        public int getCode()
      • getMessage

        public String getMessage()
      • getDetailedMessage

        public String getDetailedMessage()
        Returns the detailed message, or null if there is no detailed message
      • setCause

        public void setCause​(Throwable cause)
        Sets the cause of this. This should be set on errors which likely have their origin in plugin component code, not on others.
      • getCause

        public Throwable getCause()
        Returns the cause of this, or null if none is set
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Two error messages are equal if they have the same code and message. The cause is ignored in the comparison.
        equals in class Object