All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for writers needing to accept binary data.
Abstract, immutable list for subclassing with concrete types and domain specific filters.
A convenience base transaction class for multi-operation transactions which maintains the ordered list of operations to commit and provides a default implementation of rollbackOrLog which logs a SEVERE message.
Helper class for safely reading files from a compressed archive.
Information about a file extracted from a compressed archive
Options for reading entries of an archive
Helper class for inserting values into an ArrayValue.
A Set implementation with low allocation cost.
Callback interface for traversing arrays.
Callback interface for traversing arrays.
Fast replacement for regex based validators of simple expressions.
Class for serializing Slime data into binary format, or deserializing the binary format into a Slime object.
Represents binary prefixes.
An amount scaled by a binary prefix.
A Java port of Michael Susag's BobHash in FastLib.
Utility class parsing a string into a boolean.
Class for parsing a bounding box in text format: "n=37.44899,s=37.3323,e=-121.98241,w=-122.06566"
Data store for AbstractByteWriter.
Utility class which is useful when implementing Comparable and one needs to compare byte arrays as instance variables.
A buffered writer which accepts byte arrays in addition to character arrays.
Supplier that caches the value for a given duration with ability to invalidate on demand.
An executor that will first try a bounded cached thread pool before falling back to an unbounded single threaded thread pool that will take over dispatching to the primary pool.
Utility methods for doing casting
The cell_cast tensor function creates a new tensor with the specified cell value type.
An acquired lock which is released on close
This class is injectable to Vespa plugins and is used to acquire locks cross application deployments.
Static utility methods to validate class properties.
Utility class which is useful when implementing Comparable and one needs to compare Collections of Comparables as instance variables.
Utilities for java collections
Simple command line parser, handling multiple arguments and multiple unary and binary switches starting with -.
Utilities for Comparable classes.
A composite tensor function is a tensor function which can be expressed (less tersely) as a tree of primitive tensor functions.
Compression type enum.
Compressor which can compress and decompress in various formats.
Concatenation of two tensors along an (indexed) dimension
A function which returns a constant tensor.
A hashmap wrapper which defers cloning of the enclosed map until it is written to.
This is a thread hash map for small collections that are stable once built.
Interface for read-write access to any value or object that is part of a Slime.
The purpose of this class is to fill gaps in the Java Collectors api by offering convenient ways to retrieve implementations of Collector.
A simple thread factory that decorates Executors.defaultThreadFactory() and sets all created threads to be daemon threads.
Utility for parsing geographical coordinates
Implementation of a dense binary format for a tensor on the form: Sorted dimensions = num_dimensions [dimension_str_len dimension_str_bytes dimension_size_int]* Cell_values = [double, double, double, ...]* where values are encoded in order of increasing indexes in each dimension, increasing indexes of later dimensions in the dimension type before earlier.
Diag<NAMETYPE extends Name>
A tensor generator which returns a tensor of any dimension filled with 1 in the diagonal and 0 elsewhere.
The sizes of a set of dimensions.
Builder of a set of dimension sizes.
Utility for parsing a geographical distance with unit.
A valid domain name, which can be used in a URI.
A function which is a tensor whose values are computed by individual lambda functions on evaluation.
An error message with a code.
An evaluation context which is passed down to all nested functions during evaluation.
Reference implementation of the 'Incremental Minimal Event Barrier' algorithm.
Declares the interface required to wait for the detection of a minimal event barrier.
Misc exception utility methods - replacement for Apache commons-lang's ExceptionUtils
The expand tensor function returns a tensor with a new dimension of size 1 is added, equivalent to "tensor * tensor(dim_name[1])(1)".
Formats any parenthesis expression.
What to do if a fatal condition happens in an IO component.
Utility class used to force the loading of other classes.
Special error to be propagated when force-loading a class fails.
Wraps another writer and converts IOException to RuntimeExceptions.
An array list which can be frozen to disallow further edits.
An indexed tensor whose values are generated by a function
This is a basic writer for presenting text.
Gives access to the C library version.
GrowableByteBuffer encapsulates a ByteBuffer and grows it as needed.
Lightweight hash map from key to value with limited functionality.
This class has utilities for getting the hostname of the system running the JVM.
Static HTML escaping stuff
This is the best class for creating, manipulating and inspecting HTTP URLs, because: It is more restrictive than URI, but with a richer construction API, reducing risk of blunder.
The base class to do cross-language serialization and deserialization of complete object structures without the need for a separate protocol.
This class is used to represent a legal identifier of [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
This is a class containing the global ids that are given out.
An indexed (dense) tensor.
A bound builder can create the double array directly
An array of indexes into this tensor which are able to find the next index in the value order.
Helper interface for inserting values into any of the container classes (ArrayValue, ObjectValue, or Slime).
Minimal API to implement for objects containing or exposing structured, generic, schemaless data.
This is a generic API for accessing structured, generic, schemaless data.
Interface for read-only access to any value or object that is part of a Slime.
Utility class which is useful when implementing Comparable and one needs to compare int arrays as instance variables.
Utility for bytewise compressing of integers into a ByteBuffer.
ExecutorService implementation that runs all tasks in the calling thread.
Some static io convenience methods.
Wraps a simple java.lang.Writer.
Provides status over running maintenance jobs.
Interface for managing job state and synchronization
Tracks and forwards maintenance job metrics.
Join<NAMETYPE extends Name>
The join tensor operation produces a tensor from the argument tensors containing the set of cells given by the cross product of the cells of the given tensors, having as values the value produced by applying the given combinator function on the values from the two source cells.
Static methods for working with JSON.
A port of the C++ json decoder intended to be fast.
Encodes json from a slime object.
Writes tensors on the JSON format used in Vespa tensor document fields: A JSON map containing a 'cells' or 'values' array.
Encodes json from an inspectable object.
A class which knows how to write JSON markup.
An array list which notifies listeners after one or more items are added
A map holding multiple items at each key (using ArrayList and HashMap).
Only for use along with ThreadLocalDirectory.
An acquired lock which is released on close
Holds a map of locks indexed on keys of a given type.
The lower casing method to use in Vespa when doing string processing of data which is not to be handled as natural language data, e.g.
The base class for maintainers.
Gives access to the information provided by the C library mallinfo() function.
Gives access to the information provided by the C library mallinfo2() function.
Map<NAMETYPE extends Name>
The map tensor function produces a tensor where the given function is applied on each cell value.
Superclasses of parsers of a map represented textually as {key1:value1,"anystringkey":value2,'anystringkey2':value3 ...}.
A sparse implementation of a tensor backed by a Map of cells to values.
Convenience class for hashing a String with MD5, and either returning an int with the 4 LSBytes, or the whole 12-byte MD5 hash.
The merge tensor operation produces from two argument tensors having equal types a tensor having the same type where the values are the union of the values of both tensors.
A mixed tensor type.
Builder for mixed tensors with bound indexed dimensions.
Base class for building mixed tensors.
Temporarily stores all cells to find bounds of indexed dimensions, then creates a tensor using BoundBuilder.
A mutable boolean
A mutable integer
A mutable long
An auto closeable mutex
A name has from 1 to 64 String characters which may be letters, numbers, dashes or underscores, and must start with a letter.
A name which is just a string.
A reader with a name.
Represents the native C heap if accessible
Provides functionality only possible through native C library.
A transaction which may contain a list of transactions, typically to represent a distributed transaction over multiple systems.
This is a concrete object visitor that will build up a structured human-readable string representation of an object.
An operation that is able to operate on a generic object.
A predicate that is able to say either true or false when presented with a generic object.
Helper class for inserting values into an ObjectValue.
Callback interface for traversing objects.
Callback interface for traversing objects.
Callback interface for traversing objects.
This is an abstract class used to visit structured objects.
An immutable pair of objects.
Utility for holding one geographical coordinate
An address to a subset of a tensors' cells, specifying a label for some but not necessarily all of the tensors dimensions.
Represents a path as a list of elements.
Helper to easily create StringWrapper classes whose contents match a specific regex.
A string which has a current position.
Gives access to the C library posix_fadvise() function.
A primitive tensor function is a tensor function which cannot be expressed in terms of other tensor functions.
A class for interacting with the global state of the running VM.
Executes a system command synchronously.
Configurable system command executor that captures stdout and stderr.
A tensor generator which returns a tensor of any dimension filled with random numbers between 0 and 1.
A tensor generator which returns a tensor of any dimension filled with the sum of the tensor indexes of each position.
A class for sending single messages between threads with timeout.
MessageState is the reason for returning from get().
The reduce tensor operation returns a tensor produced from the argument tensor where some dimensions are collapsed to a single value using an aggregator function.
An optimization for tensor expressions where a join immediately follows a reduce.
The rename tensor function returns a tensor where some dimensions are assigned new names.
A function which returns a scalar
Factory of scalar Java functions.
A node in a traversable tree.
An optional which contains a settable value
Superclasses of parsers of a map represented textually as {key1:value1,"anystringkey":value2,'anystringkey2':value3 ...}.
Returns a subspace of a tensor
Top-level value class that contains one Value data object and a symbol table (shared between all directly or indirectly contained ObjectValue data objects).
Helper class for inserting values into a Slime object.
Simple utility to bridge Slime and Streams.
Extra utilities/operations on slime trees.
Truncate text to a snippet suitable for logging.
Escapes strings into and out of a format where they only contain printable characters.
Abstract wrapper for glorified strings, to ease adding new such wrappers.
Executor that serializes runnables with the same key, but may parallelize over different keys.
This is an implementation of Timer that is backed by an actual system timer.
A multidimensional array which can be used in computations.
An immutable address to a tensor cell.
Builder of a tensor address
Builder of an address to a subset of the dimensions of a tensor type
A representation of a tensor function which is able to be translated to a set of primitive tensor functions if necessary.
A tensor type with its dimensions.
A tensor dimension.
The permissible cell value types.
Class for parsing a tensor type spec.
Text utility functions.
A class for multiple producers and potentially multiple consumers (usually only one).
Implement this interface to be able to view the contents of a ThreadLocalDirectory without resetting the local instances in each thread.
Factory interface to create the data container for each generation of samples, and putting data into it.
A list which tolerates concurrent adds from one other thread while it is read.
A TimeBudget can be used to track the time of an ongoing operation, possibly with a timeout.
This interface wraps access to some timer that can be used to measure elapsed time, in milliseconds.
A Set implementation which only considers object identity.
A context which is passed down to all nested functions when returning a string representation.
A transaction against a single system, which may include several operations against the system, to be committed as one.
Operations that a transaction supports should implement this interface.
A pair of values.
Enumeration of all possible types accessed by the Inspector API.
Enumeration of all possibly Slime data types.
Provides type information about a context (set of variable bindings).
Class used by clients for serializing a Tensor object into binary format or de-serializing binary data into a Tensor object.
Common type resolving for basic tensor operations.
Unchecked alternative for TimeoutException.
Utility methods for working with URIs.
Utility class with functions for handling UTF-8
This is a primitive class that owns an array of utf8 encoded string.
This wraps a window in a backing byte array.
String with Utf8 backing.
Every raw String is a potential bug, and a security risk! This class has utility methods for validating strings, which are often user input.
Static utility methods for validating input.
A tensor variable name which resolves to a tensor in the context at evaluation time
This class generates a java class based on the file generated by dist/
Visitor interface used to resolve the underlying type of a value represented by an Inspector.
Marker interface for use with the BufferChain data store.
Static XML utility methods
A stream wrapper which contains utility methods for writing xml.
Contains utility methods for a Z-curve (Morton-order) encoder and decoder.
Frame based Zstd compressor ( Implemented based on - a pure Java implementation (no JNI).