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accept(T) - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.function.ThrowingConsumer
accept(T) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
Visits this TraceNode and all of its descendants in depth-first, prefix order.
add(TraceNode) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
Adds another TraceNode as a child to this.
add(T) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ThreadRobustList
Adds an item to this list.
add(T, Dependencies<? extends T>...) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.ChainBuilder
after(Class<? extends T>...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Dependencies
after(String...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Dependencies
after(T...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Dependencies
After - Annotation Type in com.yahoo.yolean.chain
The component that is annotated with this must be placed later than the components or phases providing names contained in the given list.
alloc() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ConcurrentResourcePool
Allocates an instance of the resource to the requestor.
alloc() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ResourcePool
andThen(ThrowingConsumer<? super T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.function.ThrowingConsumer
andThen(ThrowingFunction<? super R, ? extends V, ? extends E>) - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.function.ThrowingFunction
apply(T) - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.function.ThrowingFunction
asSupplier() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ResourceFactory


before(Class<? extends T>...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Dependencies
before(String...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Dependencies
before(T...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Dependencies
Before - Annotation Type in com.yahoo.yolean.chain
The component that is annotated with this must be placed earlier than the components or phases providing names contained in the given list.
build() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.ChainBuilder


Chain<T> - Class in com.yahoo.yolean.chain
An immutable and ordered list of components
Chain(String, List<? extends T>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Chain
Chain(String, T...) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Chain
ChainBuilder<T> - Class in com.yahoo.yolean.chain
ChainBuilder(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.ChainBuilder
ChainCycleException - Exception in com.yahoo.yolean.chain
ChainCycleException(List<?>) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.yolean.chain.ChainCycleException
children() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
Returns the child TraceNodes of this.
clear() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
com.yahoo.yolean - package com.yahoo.yolean
com.yahoo.yolean.chain - package com.yahoo.yolean.chain
com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent - package com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent
com.yahoo.yolean.function - package com.yahoo.yolean.function
com.yahoo.yolean.trace - package com.yahoo.yolean.trace
components() - Method in exception com.yahoo.yolean.chain.ChainCycleException
compose(ThrowingFunction<? super V, ? extends T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.function.ThrowingFunction
ConcurrentResourcePool<T> - Class in com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent
A pool of a resource.
ConcurrentResourcePool(ResourceFactory<T>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ConcurrentResourcePool
ConcurrentResourcePool(Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ConcurrentResourcePool
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
CopyOnWriteHashMap<K,​V> - Class in com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent
This is a thread hash map for small collections that are stable once built.
CopyOnWriteHashMap() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
create() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ResourceFactory


DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.Sleeper
Dependencies<T> - Class in com.yahoo.yolean.chain
descendants(Class<PAYLOADTYPE>) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
Returns a read-only iterable of all payloads that are instances of payloadType, in all its decendants.


emptyDependencies() - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Dependencies
entering(TraceNode) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceVisitor
Enters a TraceNode.
entrySet() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
equals(Chain<?>) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Chain
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Chain
Exceptions - Class in com.yahoo.yolean
Helper methods for handling exceptions
Exceptions() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
Exceptions.RunnableThrowingInterruptedException - Interface in com.yahoo.yolean
Exceptions.RunnableThrowingIOException - Interface in com.yahoo.yolean
Exceptions.SupplierThrowingIOException<T> - Interface in com.yahoo.yolean


findCause(Throwable, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
Returns the first cause or the given throwable that is an instance of clazz
free(T) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ConcurrentResourcePool
Frees an instance previously acquired bty alloc
free(T) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ResourcePool


get() - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions.SupplierThrowingIOException
get() - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.function.ThrowingSupplier
get(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
getCause() - Method in exception com.yahoo.yolean.UncheckedInterruptedException


hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Chain


id() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Chain
isEmpty() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Chain
isEmpty() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
isEmpty() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ThreadRobustList
Returns whether or not this list is empty.
isRoot() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
Returns whether or not this TraceNode is a root node (i.e.
iterator() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Chain
iterator() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ConcurrentResourcePool
iterator() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ResourcePool
iterator() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ThreadRobustList
Returns an iterator over the items in this list.


keySet() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap


leaving(TraceNode) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceVisitor
Leaves a TraceNode.


NOOP - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.Sleeper


parent() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
Returns the parent TraceNode of this.
payload() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
Returns the payload of this TraceNode, or null if none.
provides(String...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Dependencies
Provides - Annotation Type in com.yahoo.yolean.chain
Mark this component as providing some named functionality.
put(K, V) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap


remove(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
ResourceFactory<T> - Class in com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent
ResourceFactory() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ResourceFactory
ResourcePool<T> - Class in com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent
This implements a simple stack based resource pool.
ResourcePool(ResourceFactory<T>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ResourcePool
root() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
Returns the root TraceNode of the tree that this TraceNode belongs to.
run() - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions.RunnableThrowingInterruptedException
run() - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions.RunnableThrowingIOException


size() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
sleep(long) - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.Sleeper
sleep(Duration) - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.Sleeper
sleepChecked(long) - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.Sleeper
sleepChecked(Duration) - Method in interface com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.Sleeper
Sleeper - Interface in com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent
An abstraction used for mocking Thread.sleep(long) in unit tests.


ThreadRobustList<T> - Class in com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent
This class implements a thread-safe, lock-free list of Objects that supports multiple readers and a single writer.
ThreadRobustList() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ThreadRobustList
Constructs a new instance of this class with an initial capacity of 10.
ThreadRobustList(int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ThreadRobustList
Constructs a new instance of this class with a given initial capacity.
ThrowingConsumer<T,​E extends java.lang.Throwable> - Interface in com.yahoo.yolean.function
Functional interface that mirrors the Consumer interface, but allows for an exception to be thrown.
ThrowingFunction<T,​R,​E extends java.lang.Throwable> - Interface in com.yahoo.yolean.function
Functional interface that mirrors the Function interface, but allows for an exception to be thrown.
ThrowingSupplier<R,​E extends java.lang.Throwable> - Interface in com.yahoo.yolean.function
Functional interface that mirrors the Supplier interface, but allows for an exception to be thrown.
throwUnchecked(Throwable) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
Allows treating checked exceptions as unchecked.
timestamp() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
Returns the timestamp of this TraceNode.
toMessageString(Throwable) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
Returns a user friendly error message string which includes information from all nested exceptions.
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Chain
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
TraceNode - Class in com.yahoo.yolean.trace
This class represents a single node in a tree of TraceNodes.
TraceNode(Object, long) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceNode
Creates a new instance of this class.
TraceVisitor - Class in com.yahoo.yolean.trace
This class is an abstract visitor of TraceNode.
TraceVisitor() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceVisitor


uncheck(Exceptions.RunnableThrowingIOException) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
Wraps any IOException thrown from a runnable in an UncheckedIOException.
uncheck(Exceptions.RunnableThrowingIOException, String, String...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
Wraps any IOException thrown from a runnable in an UncheckedIOException w/message.
uncheck(Exceptions.SupplierThrowingIOException<T>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
Wraps any IOException thrown from a supplier in an UncheckedIOException.
uncheck(Exceptions.SupplierThrowingIOException<T>, String, String...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
Wraps any IOException thrown from a supplier in an UncheckedIOException w/message.
uncheckAndIgnore(Exceptions.RunnableThrowingIOException, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
Similar to uncheck(), except an exceptionToIgnore exception is silently ignored.
uncheckAndIgnore(Exceptions.SupplierThrowingIOException<R>, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
Similar to uncheck(), except null is returned if exceptionToIgnore is thrown.
UncheckedInterruptedException - Exception in com.yahoo.yolean
Wraps an InterruptedException with an unchecked exception.
UncheckedInterruptedException(InterruptedException) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.yolean.UncheckedInterruptedException
UncheckedInterruptedException(InterruptedException, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.yolean.UncheckedInterruptedException
UncheckedInterruptedException(String, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.yolean.UncheckedInterruptedException
UncheckedInterruptedException(String, InterruptedException) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.yolean.UncheckedInterruptedException
UncheckedInterruptedException(String, InterruptedException, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.yolean.UncheckedInterruptedException
uncheckInterrupted(Exceptions.RunnableThrowingInterruptedException) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions
uncheckInterruptedAndRestoreFlag(Exceptions.RunnableThrowingInterruptedException) - Static method in class com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions


value() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.yolean.chain.After
value() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Before
value() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.yolean.chain.Provides
values() - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.CopyOnWriteHashMap
visit(TraceNode) - Method in class com.yahoo.yolean.trace.TraceVisitor
Visits a TraceNode.
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