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acquire(Duration) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Lock
Take the lock with the given timeout.
ACQUIRE_FAILED - com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt.LockState
ACQUIRED - com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt.LockState
acquireFailed() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
Mutable method (see class doc)
acquireTimedOut() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
Mutable method (see class doc)
ACQUIRING - com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt.LockState
add(long) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorCounter
Atomically add and return resulting value.
addCreate(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.TransactionChanges
Adds creation of an absolute path to the set of changes made by this
addDelete(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.TransactionChanges
Adds deletion of an absolute path to the set of changes made by this
addListener(NodeCacheListener) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.FileCache
addListener(PathChildrenCacheListener) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.DirectoryCache
and(CuratorTransaction) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorOperation
Returns the transaction resulting from combining this operation with the input transaction
atomicCounters() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
awaitCompletion(Duration) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.CompletionWaiter
Awaits completion of something.


blockUntilConnected() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
blockUntilConnected(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework


check(Curator) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorOperation
Check if this operation can be performed by calling check(curator, new TransactionChanges()).
check(Curator, TransactionChanges) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorOperation
Check if this operation can be performed.
checkExists() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
clearForTesting() - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockStats
clearWatcherReferences(Watcher) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.DirectoryCache
close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.FileCache
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Lock
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyStats.ActiveInterval
com.yahoo.vespa.curator - package com.yahoo.vespa.curator
com.yahoo.vespa.curator.api - package com.yahoo.vespa.curator.api
com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock - package com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock
com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes - package com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes
com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats - package com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction - package com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction
commit() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorTransaction
Commits this transaction.
CompletionTimeoutException - Exception in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
CompletionTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.vespa.curator.CompletionTimeoutException
connectionSpec() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the ZooKeeper "connect string" used by curator: a comma-separated list of host:port of ZooKeeper endpoints to connect to.
counter(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
Returns an atomic counter in this, or empty if no such counter is created
create() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
create(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Creates an empty node at a path, creating any parents as necessary.
create(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Creates a curator instance from a comma-separated string of ZooKeeper host:port strings
create(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorOperations
Creates this path with no data.
create(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.TransactionChanges
Returns whether the changes include creating this absolute path
create(String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorOperations
Creates this path with data.
create(String, Optional<File>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
createAtomically(Path...) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Creates all the given paths in a single transaction.
createAtomicCounter(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
For internal use; prefer creating a CuratorCounter
createAtomicCounter(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
createAtomicCounter(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
createCompletionWaiter() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
createCompletionWaiter(Path, String, int, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
createCompletionWaiter(Path, String, int, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
createContainers(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
createDirectoryCache(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
createDirectoryCache(String, boolean, boolean, ExecutorService) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Creates a listenable cache which keeps in sync with changes to all the immediate children of a path
createDirectoryCache(String, boolean, boolean, ExecutorService) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
createFileCache(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
createFileCache(String, boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Creates a listenable cache which keeps in sync with changes to a given node
createFileCache(String, boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
createMutex(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
For internal use; prefer creating a Lock
createMutex(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
createMutex(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
createsChildrenOf(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.TransactionChanges
Returns whether the changes include creating any (proper) children of the given path
Curator - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
Curator interface for Vespa.
Curator(ConfigserverConfig, VespaZooKeeperServer) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Curator(CuratorConfig, VespaZooKeeperServer) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Curator(String, String, Function<RetryPolicy, CuratorFramework>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Curator.CompletionWaiter - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
Interface for waiting for completion of an operation
Curator.DirectoryCache - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
A listenable cache of all the immediate children of a curator path.
Curator.FileCache - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
A listenable cache of the content of a single curator path.
CuratorCounter - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes
A distributed atomic counter.
CuratorCounter(Curator, Path) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorCounter
CuratorLockException - Exception in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes
CuratorLockException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorLockException
CuratorLockException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorLockException
CuratorLockException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorLockException
CuratorOperation - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction
The ZooKeeper operations that we support doing transactional.
CuratorOperations - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction
Factory for transactional ZooKeeper operations.
CuratorOperations() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorOperations
CuratorTransaction - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction
Transaction implementation against ZooKeeper.
CuratorTransaction(Curator) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorTransaction
currentLoad() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyMetrics
Returns the number of active intervals right now.


delete() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
delete(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Deletes the given path and any children it may have.
delete(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorOperations
Deletes this path.
delete(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.TransactionChanges
Returns whether the changes include deleting this absolute path
deleteAll(String, Curator) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorOperations
Returns operations deleting this path and everything below it, in an order where a parent is ordered after all its children, such that the operations will succeed when executed in the returned order.
Dummy - Class in org.apache.curator
A dummy to make the attach-jars Maven profile work for this module (it needs to find a class to javadoc and attach source).
Dummy() - Constructor for class org.apache.curator.Dummy
dumpState() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
Lists the entire content of this curator instance as a multiline string.
duration() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.RecordedLockAttempts


empty(Curator) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorTransaction
Returns an empty curator transaction
endHz() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyMetrics
Returns the average number of intervals that ended in the period per second.
endInstant() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.RecordedLockAttempts
exists(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
A convenience method which returns whether the given path exists


fileSystem() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
fillStackTrace() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
Fill in the stack trace starting at the caller's stack frame.
framework() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the curator framework API
from(CuratorOperation, Curator) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorTransaction
Returns a curator transaction having a single operation
from(List<CuratorOperation>, Curator) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorTransaction
Returns a curator transaction having a list of operations


get() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorCounter
getACL() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getAcquireLatencyMetrics() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAcquireTimeout() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getAndResetAcquireCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetAcquireFailedCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetAcquireLatencyMetrics() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetAcquireSucceededCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetAcquireTimedOutCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetAcquireWithoutReleaseCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetDeadlockCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetForeignReleaseCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetLockedLatencyMetrics() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetNakedReleaseCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetReentryCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetReleaseCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getAndResetReleaseFailedCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getBottomMostOngoingLockAttempt() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
The most recent and deeply nested ongoing lock attempt.
getChildren() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getChildren(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the names of the children at the given path.
getCompletionWaiter(Path, int, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
getCompletionWaiter(Path, int, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
getConfig() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getConnectionStateErrorPolicy() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getConnectionStateListenable() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getCumulativeAcquireCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCumulativeAcquireFailedCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCumulativeAcquireSucceededCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCumulativeAcquireTimedOutCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCumulativeAcquireWithoutReleaseCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCumulativeDeadlockCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCumulativeForeignReleaseCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCumulativeNakedReleaseCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCumulativeReentryCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCumulativeReleaseCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCumulativeReleaseFailedCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getCuratorListenable() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getCurrentConfig() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getCurrentData() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.DirectoryCache
getCurrentData() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.FileCache
getCurrentData(Path) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.DirectoryCache
Returns the ChildData, or null if it does not exist.
getData() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getData(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the data at the given path, which may be a zero-length buffer if the node exists but have no data.
getDuration() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getDurationOfAcquire() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getDurationWithLock() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getForCurrentThread() - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockStats
Returns stats tied to the current thread.
getGlobal() - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockStats
Returns global stats.
getHistoricRecordings() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockStats
getLatencyMetrics() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyStats
Returns the metrics for the current time period up to now.
getLatencyMetricsAndStartNewPeriod() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyStats
Returns the metrics for the current time period up to now, and starts a new period.
getLockAttemptSamples() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockStats
getLockedLatencyMetrics() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
getLockMetricsByPath() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockStats
getLockPath() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getLockState() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getNamespace() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getNestedLockAttempts() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getOngoingLockAttempts() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
getOngoingRecording() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
getReentry() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getSchemaSet() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getStableTotalDuration() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
Get time from just before trying to acquire lock to the time the terminal state was reached, or ZERO.
getStackTrace() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getStackTrace() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
getStat(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the stat data at the given path.
getState() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getThreadLockStats() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockStats
getThreadName() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getThreadName() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
getTimeAcquiredWasInvoked() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getTimeAcquireEndedOrNow() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getTimeLockWasAcquired() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getTimeTerminalStateWasReached() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
getTopMostOngoingLockAttempt() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
getUnhandledErrorListenable() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
getZookeeperClient() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework


initialize(long) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorCounter
inTransaction() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
invokingAcquire(ThreadLockStats, String, Duration, LockMetrics, boolean) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
invokingAcquire(String, Duration) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
Mutable method (see class doc)
isAcquiring() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt
isStarted() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
isTerminal() - Method in enum com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt.LockState


LatencyMetrics - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
Metrics on the time interval associated with e.g.
LatencyMetrics(Duration, Duration, Duration, double, double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyMetrics
latencySeconds() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyMetrics
Returns the average latency of all intervals that ended in the period.
LatencyStats - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
An instance of LatencyStats keeps track of statistics related to time intervals that start at a particular moment in time and ends at a later time.
LatencyStats() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyStats
Creates an empty LatencyStats starting the first time period now.
LatencyStats.ActiveInterval - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
load() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyMetrics
The average load of the implied time period, with 3 decimal places precision.
lock(Path, Duration) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.api.VespaCurator
Create and acquire a re-entrant lock in given path.
lock(Path, Duration) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Create and acquire a re-entrant lock in given path
Lock - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
A cluster-wide re-entrant mutex which is released on (the last symmetric) close.
Lock(String, Curator) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Lock
Lock(String, InterProcessLock) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Lock
Public for testing only
lockAcquired() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
Mutable method (see class doc)
LockAttempt - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
Information about a lock.
LockAttempt.LockState - Enum in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
lockAttempts() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.RecordedLockAttempts
LockAttemptSamples - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
Collection containing "interesting" LockAttempts.
LockMetrics - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
A collection of counters for events related to lock acquisition and release.
LockMetrics() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
LockStats - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
This class manages statistics related to lock attempts on Lock.


maxActiveLatencySeconds() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyMetrics
Return the maximum latency of any interval that ended in the period, or is still active.
maxLatencySeconds() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyMetrics
Returns the maximum latency of any interval that ended in the period.
maxLoad() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyMetrics
Returns the maximum number of concurrently active intervals in the period.
MockCurator - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock
A non thread safe mock of the curator API.
MockCurator() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
Creates a mock curator with stable ordering
MockCurator(boolean) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
Creates a mock curator
MockCuratorFramework - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock
A mock implementation ofCuratorFramework for testing purposes.
MockCuratorFramework(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework


newNamespaceAwareEnsurePath(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
newWatcherRemoveCuratorFramework() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
next() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorCounter
Convenience method for add(long) with 1
nonNamespaceView() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
notifyCompletion() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.CompletionWaiter
Notify completion of something.


org.apache.curator - package org.apache.curator
org.apache.curator.framework - package org.apache.curator.framework
org.apache.curator.framework.api - package org.apache.curator.framework.api
org.apache.curator.framework.api.transaction - package org.apache.curator.framework.api.transaction
org.apache.curator.framework.listen - package org.apache.curator.framework.listen
org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.atomic - package org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.atomic
org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.barriers - package org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.barriers
org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.cache - package org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.cache
org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.locks - package org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.locks
org.apache.curator.framework.state - package org.apache.curator.framework.state
org.apache.curator.retry - package org.apache.curator.retry
org.apache.zookeeper - package org.apache.zookeeper
org.apache.zookeeper.client - package org.apache.zookeeper.client
Required for export of ZKClientConfig.
org.apache.zookeeper.common - package org.apache.zookeeper.common
Required for export of ZKClientConfig (which inherits from ZKConfig).
org.apache.zookeeper.data - package org.apache.zookeeper.data
org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum - package org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum
Required for export of ZKClientConfig (which inherits from ZKConfig).


postRelease() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
Mutable method (see class doc)
postSafeNotify(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
prepare() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorTransaction
preRelease() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
Mutable method (see class doc)
previous() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorCounter
Convenience method for add(long) with -1


reconfig() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
RecordedLockAttempts - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
Contains information about the lock attempts made by a thread between a start and end.
recordId() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.RecordedLockAttempts
RELEASED - com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt.LockState
RELEASED_WITH_ERROR - com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt.LockState
releaseFailed() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
Mutable method (see class doc)
retryPolicy - Variable in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
runSafe(Runnable) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework


set(long) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorCounter
set(Path, byte[]) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
A convenience method which sets some content at a path.
setACL() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
setData() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
setData(String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorOperations
Sets data at this path.
setZooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
Sets the ZooKeeper ensemble connection spec, which must be on the form host1:port,host2:port ...
start() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.DirectoryCache
start() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.FileCache
start() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
startHz() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyMetrics
Returns the average number of intervals that started in the period per second.
startInstant() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.RecordedLockAttempts
startNewInterval() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyStats
Starts a new (active) interval.
startRecording(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
Mutable method (see class doc)
stopRecording() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.ThreadLockStats
Mutable method (see class doc)
sync() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
sync(String, Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework


ThreadLockStats - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats
This class manages thread-specific statistics and information related to acquiring and releasing Lock.
TIMED_OUT - com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt.LockState
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.recipes.CuratorCounter
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LatencyMetrics
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockMetrics
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorTransaction
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.TransactionChanges
transaction() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
TransactionChanges - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction
Records the set of changes which will happen as part of a transaction
TransactionChanges() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.TransactionChanges
transactionOp() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework


usingNamespace(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework


validatePath(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
Validates a path using the same rules as ZooKeeper
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt.LockState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.vespa.curator.stats.LockAttempt.LockState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VespaCurator - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.curator.api
A client for a ZooKeeper cluster running inside Vespa.


watchers() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework
watches() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCuratorFramework


zooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
zooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
zooKeeperEnsembleCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the number of zooKeeper servers in this ensemble.
zooKeeperEnsembleCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.mock.MockCurator
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