Class MockCurator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,, VespaCurator, AutoCloseable, Comparable<>

    public class MockCurator
    extends Curator

    A non thread safe mock of the curator API. The methods are implemented lazily, due to laziness. You may trigger an UnsupportedOperationException, and in some cases a NullPointerException in using this, which means additional functionality is needed. Due to the "fluent API" style of Curator managing to break JavaDoc at a fundamental level, there is no documentation on the contract of each method. The behavior here is deduced by observing what using code exists and peeking at the Curator code. It may be incorrect in some corner cases.

    Contains some code from PathUtils in ZooKeeper, licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MockCurator

        public MockCurator()
        Creates a mock curator with stable ordering
      • MockCurator

        public MockCurator​(boolean stableOrdering)
        Creates a mock curator
        stableOrdering - if true children of a node are returned in the same order each time they are queries. This is not what ZooKeeper does.
    • Method Detail

      • dumpState

        public String dumpState()
        Lists the entire content of this curator instance as a multiline string. Useful for debugging.
      • counter

        public Optional<> counter​(String path)
        Returns an atomic counter in this, or empty if no such counter is created
      • setZooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec

        public void setZooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec​(String ensembleSpec)
        Sets the ZooKeeper ensemble connection spec, which must be on the form host1:port,host2:port ...
      • zooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec

        public String zooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec()
        zooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec in class Curator
        The non-null connect string containing all ZooKeeper servers in the ensemble. WARNING: This may be different from the servers this Curator may connect to. TODO: Move method out of this class.
      • createAtomicCounter

        public createAtomicCounter​(String path)
        Description copied from class: Curator
        For internal use; prefer creating a CuratorCounter
        createAtomicCounter in class Curator
      • createMutex

        public createMutex​(String path)
        Description copied from class: Curator
        For internal use; prefer creating a Lock
        createMutex in class Curator
      • createFileCache

        public Curator.FileCache createFileCache​(String path,
                                                 boolean dataIsCompressed)
        Description copied from class: Curator
        Creates a listenable cache which keeps in sync with changes to a given node
        createFileCache in class Curator
      • zooKeeperEnsembleCount

        public int zooKeeperEnsembleCount()
        Description copied from class: Curator
        Returns the number of zooKeeper servers in this ensemble. WARNING: This may be different from the number of servers this Curator may connect to. TODO: Move method out of this class.
        zooKeeperEnsembleCount in class Curator