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acquire(Duration) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Lock
Take the lock with the given timeout.
addListener(NodeCacheListener) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.FileCache
addListener(PathChildrenCacheListener) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.DirectoryCache
awaitCompletion(Duration) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.CompletionWaiter
Awaits completion of something.


close() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.DirectoryCache
close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.FileCache
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Lock
com.yahoo.vespa.curator - package com.yahoo.vespa.curator
CompletionTimeoutException - Exception in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
CompletionTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.vespa.curator.CompletionTimeoutException
connectionSpec() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the ZooKeeper "connect string" used by curator: a comma-separated list of host:port of ZooKeeper endpoints to connect to.
create(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Creates an empty node at a path, creating any parents as necessary.
create(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Creates a curator instance from a comma-separated string of ZooKeeper host:port strings
createAtomically(Path...) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Creates all the given paths in a single transaction.
createAtomicCounter(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
For internal use; prefer creating a CuratorCounter
createCompletionWaiter(Path, String, int, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
createDirectoryCache(String, boolean, boolean, ExecutorService) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Creates a listenable cache which keeps in sync with changes to all the immediate children of a path
createFileCache(String, boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Creates a listenable cache which keeps in sync with changes to a given node
createMutex(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
For internal use; prefer creating a Lock
Curator - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
Curator interface for Vespa.
Curator(ConfigserverConfig, ZooKeeperServer) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Curator(String, String, Function<RetryPolicy, CuratorFramework>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Curator.CompletionWaiter - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
Interface for waiting for completion of an operation
Curator.DirectoryCache - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
A listenable cache of all the immediate children of a curator path.
Curator.FileCache - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
A listenable cache of the content of a single curator path.


delete(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Deletes the given path and any children it may have.


exists(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
A convenience method which returns whether the given path exists


framework() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the curator framework API


getChildren(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the names of the children at the given path.
getCompletionWaiter(Path, int, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
getCurrentData() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.DirectoryCache
getCurrentData() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.FileCache
getCurrentData(Path) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.DirectoryCache
Returns the ChildData, or null if it does not exist.
getData(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the data at the given path, which may be a zero-length buffer if the node exists but have no data.
getStat(Path) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the stat data at the given path.


Lock - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.curator
A cluster-wide re-entrant mutex which is released on (the last symmetric) close
Lock(String, Curator) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Lock


notifyCompletion() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.CompletionWaiter
Notify completion of something.


retryPolicy - Variable in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator


set(Path, byte[]) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
A convenience method which sets some content at a path.
start() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.DirectoryCache
start() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator.FileCache


zooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
zooKeeperEnsembleCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator
Returns the number of zooKeeper servers in this ensemble.
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