All Classes and Interfaces

Super-class for implementations of VespaCurator.SingletonWorker.
Curator interface for Vespa.
Interface for waiting for completion of an operation
A listenable cache of all the immediate children of a curator path.
A listenable cache of the content of a single curator path.
A distributed atomic counter.
The ZooKeeper operations that we support doing transactional.
Factory for transactional ZooKeeper operations.
Transaction implementation against ZooKeeper.
Implementation of VespaCurator which delegates to a Curator.
A dummy to make the attach-jars Maven profile work for this module (it needs to find a class to javadoc and attach source).
Metrics on the time interval associated with e.g.
An instance of LatencyStats keeps track of statistics related to time intervals that start at a particular moment in time and ends at a later time.
A cluster-wide re-entrant mutex which is released on (the last symmetric) close.
Information about a lock.
Collection containing "interesting" LockAttempts.
A collection of counters for events related to lock acquisition and release.
This class manages statistics related to lock attempts on Lock.
A non thread safe mock of the curator API.
A mock implementation ofCuratorFramework for testing purposes.
Allows addition of directoryListeners which are never called
Class that holds two locks, originally used for transitioning from one lock to another, where you need to hold both the old lock and the new lock in the transition period.
Contains information about the lock attempts made by a thread between a start and end.
This class manages thread-specific statistics and information related to acquiring and releasing Lock.
Records the set of changes which will happen as part of a transaction
A client for a ZooKeeper cluster running inside Vespa.
Data of a ZK node, including content (possibly empty, never null) and metadata.
Metadata for a ZK node.
Callback interface for processes of which only a single instance should be active at any time, across all containers in the cluster, and across all component generations.