Interface BannerAdEventListener

  • @MainThread
    public interface BannerAdEventListener
    A listener for receiving notifications during the lifecycle of an ad.
    • Method Detail

      • onAdLoaded

        void onAdLoaded()
        Called when an ad is received.
      • onAdFailedToLoad

        void onAdFailedToLoad​(@NonNull
                              AdRequestError error)
        Called when an banner ad request failed
        error - see errors here AdRequestError
      • onAdClicked

        void onAdClicked()
        Called when user clicked on the ad.
      • onLeftApplication

        void onLeftApplication()
        Called when user is about to leave application (e.g., to go to the browser), as a result of clicking on the ad.
      • onReturnedToApplication

        void onReturnedToApplication()
        Called when user returned to application after click.
      • onImpression

        void onImpression​(@Nullable
        Called when an impression was observed
        impressionData - - impression level revenue data