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addRoute(PointyRoute) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteGroup
Adds the route.
addRouteGroup(PointyRouteGroup) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteGroup
Adds the route group.
addStaticRoute(PointyStaticRoute) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteGroup
Adds the static route.
ANY(String, PointyRouteHandler) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRoute
Creates new PointyRouteDefinition on defined path with defined PointyRouteHandler for any method.


BAD_REQUEST_400 - Static variable in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpStatus
BadRequestException - Exception in cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions
The Class BadRequestException.
BadRequestException() - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.BadRequestException
Instantiates a new bad request exception.
BadRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.BadRequestException
Instantiates a new bad request exception.
BadRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.BadRequestException
Instantiates a new bad request exception.


CaseInsensitiveHashMap - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy
The Class defines HashMap<String, String>, where handling the key is case insensitive.
CaseInsensitiveHashMap() - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.CaseInsensitiveHashMap
contentType(String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Sets ContentType of response and returns itself.
cz.tvrzna.pointy - package cz.tvrzna.pointy
cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions - package cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions
cz.tvrzna.pointy.http - package cz.tvrzna.pointy.http
cz.tvrzna.pointy.router - package cz.tvrzna.pointy.router
cz.tvrzna.pointy.server - package cz.tvrzna.pointy.server


FORBIDDEN_403 - Static variable in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpStatus
ForbiddenException - Exception in cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions
The Class ForbiddenException.
ForbiddenException() - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.ForbiddenException
Instantiates a new forbidden exception.
ForbiddenException(String) - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.ForbiddenException
Instantiates a new forbidden exception.
ForbiddenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.ForbiddenException
Instantiates a new forbidden exception.
FOUND_302 - Static variable in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpStatus


get(Object) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.CaseInsensitiveHashMap
Gets the.
GET(String, PointyRouteHandler) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRoute
Creates new PointyRouteDefinition on defined path with defined PointyRouteHandler for GET method.
getBody() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpRequest
Gets the body.
getClientIp() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpRequest
Gets the client ip.
getContentType() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Gets the content type.
getExceptionHandler() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyEndpoint
Gets the exception handler.
getHeader(String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Gets the header by headerName.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpRequest
Gets the http headers.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Gets the http headers.
getIpAddress() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.server.PointyServer
Gets the IP address, on which is server started.
getKey() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpParam
Gets the key.
getMethod() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpRequest
Gets the HTTP method.
getMethod() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteDefinition
Gets the method.
getMimeType(String) - Static method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpMimeTypes
Gets the mime type from fileName.
getParameter(String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpRequest
Gets the parameter.
getPort() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.server.PointyServer
Gets the port, on which is PointyServer started.
getPostParameter(String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpRequest
Gets the POST parameter.
getRequest() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Gets the request.
getRequestUri() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Gets the request uri.
getResponse() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Gets the response.
getRouteDefs() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRoute
Gets the List of PointyRouteDefinition
getRouteGroups() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteGroup
Gets the route groups.
getRouteHandler() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteDefinition
Gets the route handler.
getRoutes() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteGroup
Gets the routes.
getStaticRoutes() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteGroup
Gets the static routes.
getStatus() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Gets the status.
getUri() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpRequest
Gets the uri.
getUri() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRoute
Gets the uri.
getUri() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteDefinition
Gets the uri.
getValue() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpParam
Gets the value.


handle(HttpContext) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyEndpoint
Handles HttpContext and according parameters defined in its HttpRequest it decides, which PointyRouteDefinition inside each Route should be invoked.
If any PointyRouteDefinition sends response, no other Route will be invoked.
handle(HttpContext) - Method in interface cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteHandler
Handles active HttpContext.
handle(Exception, HttpContext) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpExceptionHandler
Handles the exception.
html() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Sets content type to text/html.
HttpContext - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.http
This class handles HTTP request and response is one object, that is used in Routes.
HttpContext(Socket) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Instantiates a new HttpContext and its HttpRequest and HttpResponse.
HttpExceptionHandler - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.http
This class defines, how exceptions thrown from Routes should be handled.
HttpExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpExceptionHandler
HttpMimeTypes - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.http
The Class HttpMimeTypes.
HttpParam - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.http
The Class HttpParam.
HttpParam(String) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpParam
Instantiates a new http param.
HttpRequest - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.http
The class represents incoming HTTP request.
HttpRequest(Socket) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpRequest
Instantiates a new HttpRequest.
HttpResponse - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.http
This class represents and handles HTTP response.
HttpResponse(OutputStream) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Instantiates a new http response.
HttpStatus - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.http
This class provides named Http Status codes.
HttpStatus() - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpStatus


INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500 - Static variable in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpStatus
InternalServerErrorException - Exception in cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions
The Class InternalServerErrorException.
InternalServerErrorException() - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException
Instantiates a new internal server error exception.
InternalServerErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException
Instantiates a new internal server error exception.
InternalServerErrorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException
Instantiates a new internal server error exception.
isAllowedGzip() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Checks if is allowed gzip.
isClosed() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Checks if is closed.
isRunning() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.server.PointyServer
Checks if is running.


json() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Sets content type to application/json.
In future it could define how should potential object be serialized.


MOVED_PERMANENTLY_301 - Static variable in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpStatus


NOT_FOUND_404 - Static variable in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpStatus
NotAuthorizedException - Exception in cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions
The Class NotAuthorizedException.
NotAuthorizedException() - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.NotAuthorizedException
Instantiates a new not authorized exception.
NotAuthorizedException(String) - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.NotAuthorizedException
Instantiates a new not authorized exception.
NotAuthorizedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.NotAuthorizedException
Instantiates a new not authorized exception.
NotFoundException - Exception in cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions
The Class NotFoundException.
NotFoundException() - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.NotFoundException
Instantiates a new not found exception.
NotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.NotFoundException
Instantiates a new not found exception.
NotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cz.tvrzna.pointy.exceptions.NotFoundException
Instantiates a new not found exception.


OK_200 - Static variable in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpStatus
onInit() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyEndpoint
Method invoked during PointyServer.start().
This method is used for initialization of routes and route groups.


PointyEndpoint - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.router
This class defines abstract Endpoint, that provides PointyRoutes, PointyRouteGroups and PointyStaticRoutes to PointyServer.
Main function, except for storing available routes, is also to make decision, which route and its PointyRouteDefinition matches to requested URI and Method.
URI is checked with Regex, that means, that more Routes can handle variable count of URIs, but when HttpResponse sends its response, no other route will be invoked.
PointyEndpoint is extension of PointyRouteGroup, that extends PointyRoute, that adds functionality to be stand-alone Route without any other routes.
PointyEndpoint() - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyEndpoint
Instantiates a new pointy endpoint.
PointyEndpoint(String) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyEndpoint
Instantiates a new pointy endpoint.
PointyRoute - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.router
This class defines List<PointyRouteDefinition>, that is server to PointyEndpoint for handling HttpRequest.
PointyRoute(String) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRoute
Instantiates a new PointyRoute handling defined uri.
PointyRouteDefinition - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.router
This class defines behaviour on defined uri with specific method.
PointyRouteDefinition(String, String, PointyRouteHandler) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteDefinition
Instantiates a new pointy route definition.
PointyRouteGroup - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.router
This class defines Lists of PointyRoutes, @{link PointyRouteGroups and PointyStaticRoutes.
PointyRouteGroup(String) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRouteGroup
Instantiates a new pointy route group.
PointyRouteHandler - Interface in cz.tvrzna.pointy.router
This interfaces defines handler on HttpRequest.
PointyServer - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.server
Simple HTTP Server, that serves on predefined ipAddress and port web application, that is defined by PointyEndpoint using standard ServerSocket.
PointyServer(String, int, PointyEndpoint) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.server.PointyServer
Instantiates a new PointyServer on defined ipAddress, port.
PointyServer(String, int, PointyEndpoint, int, long) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.server.PointyServer
Instantiates a new PointyServer on defined ipAddress, port.
PointyStaticRoute - Class in cz.tvrzna.pointy.router
This class serves static content of web server.
PointyStaticRoute(String, String) - Constructor for class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyStaticRoute
Instantiates a new pointy static route.
POST(String, PointyRouteHandler) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRoute
Creates new PointyRouteDefinition on defined path with defined PointyRouteHandler for POST method.
put(String, String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.CaseInsensitiveHashMap
PUT(String, PointyRouteHandler) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyRoute
Creates new PointyRouteDefinition on defined path with defined PointyRouteHandler for PUT method.


redirect(String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Redirects (HTTP code 302) to defined url.
redirect(String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Redirects once to defined url.
redirect(String, boolean) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Redirects to defined url.
redirect(String, boolean) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Redirects to defined url.


send(InputStream) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Sends the InputStream content.
send(InputStream) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Sends InputStream as response.
send(String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Sends the String content.
send(String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Sends body as response.
setAllowedGzip(boolean) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Sets the allowed gzip.
setContentType(String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Sets the content type.
setExceptionHandler(HttpExceptionHandler) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.router.PointyEndpoint
Sets the exception handler.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Sets the header.
setStatus(int) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpResponse
Sets the status.
start() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.server.PointyServer
Starts the PointyServer as independent Thread, unless is already running.
As first step is invoking PointyEndpoint.onInit() method.
status(int) - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpContext
Sets HttpStatus of response and returns itself.
stop() - Method in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.server.PointyServer
Stops the PointyServer, if is running.


UNAUTHORIZED_401 - Static variable in class cz.tvrzna.pointy.http.HttpStatus
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