

package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AppenderProperties extends NameAware

    Getter/Setter to configure elasticsearch logger

  2. case class Configuration(defaultTimeout: Timeout = ..., incomingBufferSize: Int = 5000, outgoingBulkSize: Int = 1000, clientType: String = "http", indexName: String = "log2es", name: String = "log2es", host: String = "http://localhost:9200", hostName: String = "", serviceName: String = "", typeName: String = "logline", userAgent: String = "log2es", updateMapping: Boolean = true, gzip: Boolean = false, ttl: String = "90d", esConfigurationFile: String = "log2es/es_configuration.json", clusterName: String = "elasticsearch", fields: Seq[String] = ..., flushQueueTime: Duration = ..., actorSystemName: String = "log2es", typeNameUpdateInterval: Duration = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    log2es configuration

  3. case class EventFlow[T](conf: Configuration, queue: Queue[T], mapper: EventMapper[T], send: (Seq[String]) ⇒ Unit) extends Product with Serializable

    queue for incoming events

  4. case class LogEventStream[T](conf: Configuration = ..., mapper: EventMapper[T]) extends Product with Serializable

    queue for incoming events

  5. trait NameAware extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Configuration extends Serializable

  2. package common

  3. package elasticsearch

  4. package mapper
