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attach() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.Attachable
Attach an object.
Attachable - Interface in de.alpharogroup.model.api
The interface Attachable provides the ability to attach an object from a context.


ChainableModel<T> - Interface in de.alpharogroup.model.api
The interface ChainableModel provides chaining for model objects.
ClassCache - Interface in de.alpharogroup.model.api
The interface ClassCache provides methods for a class cache.


de.alpharogroup.model.api - package de.alpharogroup.model.api
detach() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.Detachable
Detach an object.
Detachable - Interface in de.alpharogroup.model.api
The interface Detachable provides the ability to detach an object that was previously attached to a context.


get(Class<?>) - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.ClassCache
Returns the class map from the cache.
GetAndSet - Interface in de.alpharogroup.model.api
The interface GetAndSet provides methods to get and set values of an object in a model.
getChainedModel() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.ChainableModel
Gets the chained model.
getField() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.GetAndSet
getGetter() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.GetAndSet
getObject() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.Model
Gets the model object.
getObjectClass() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.ObjectClassAware
Gets the object class.
getObjectType() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.ObjectTypeAware
Gets the type of the generic object type
getPropertyField() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.PropertyReflectionAwareModel
Gets the field of model property or null if the field doesn't exist.
getPropertyGetter() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.PropertyReflectionAwareModel
Gets the getter method of model property or null if the method doesn't exist.
getPropertySetter() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.PropertyReflectionAwareModel
Gets the setter method of model property or null if the method doesn't exist.
getSetter() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.GetAndSet
getTargetClass() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.GetAndSet
getValue(Object) - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.GetAndSet
getWrappedModel() - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.WrapModel
Gets the wrapped model.


Model<T> - Interface in de.alpharogroup.model.api
A Model decorates the actual model object that can be used by any other UI-Component.


newValue(Object) - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.GetAndSet


ObjectClassAware<T> - Interface in de.alpharogroup.model.api
The interface ObjectClassAware can resolve the class of the generic type.
ObjectTypeAware<T> - Interface in de.alpharogroup.model.api
The interface ObjectTypeAware can resolve the type of the generic object type.


PropertyReflectionAwareModel<T> - Interface in de.alpharogroup.model.api
The interface PropertyReflectionAwareModel provides reflection information about the model object property.
put(Class<?>, Map<String, GetAndSet>) - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.ClassCache
Put the class into the cache, or if that class shouldn't be cached do nothing.


setChainedModel(Model<?>) - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.ChainableModel
Sets the chained model.
setObject(T) - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.Model
Sets the model object.
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in interface de.alpharogroup.model.api.GetAndSet
Sets the value.


WrapModel<T> - Interface in de.alpharogroup.model.api
The marker interface WrapModel represents a model that serves as a decorator for another.
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