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AbstractSchemasHolder - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 18:52

an abstract implementation that simply adds methods for adding and getting the "schemas"-attribute
AbstractSchemasHolder() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.AbstractSchemasHolder
ACTIVE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
ADD - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.PatchOp
addAddress(Address) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A physical mailing address for this user.
addAttribute(JsonNode) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
adds a new attribute definition to this schema
addAttribute(JsonNode, String, JsonNode) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will remove an attribute from the given jsonNode
addAttribute(String, T) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds a single entry to the array type attribute
addAttributeToArray(JsonNode, JsonNode) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will remove an attribute from the given jsonNode
addEmail(Email) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Email addresses for the User.
addEntitlement(Entitlement) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of entitlements for the user that represent a thing the user has.
addGroup(GroupNode) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of groups to which the user belongs, either through direct membership, through nested groups, or dynamically calculated.
addIms(Ims) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Instant messaging address for the user.
addMember(Member) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.Group
A list of members of the Group.
addPhoneNumber(PhoneNumber) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Phone numbers for the user.
addPhoto(Photo) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A URI that is a uniform resource locator (as defined in Section 1.1.3 of [RFC3986]) that points to a resource location representing the user's image.
Address - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 12:36

A physical mailing address for this user.
Address(String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
ADDRESSES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
addRole(PersonRole) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of roles for the user that collectively represent who the user is, e.g., "Student", "Faculty".
addSchema(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.AbstractSchemasHolder
adds a single schema to this resource node
addSchemaAttribute(SchemaAttribute) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
allows the child SchemaAttributes to add themselves to this schema into the Schema.attributeRegister
addX509Certificate(ScimX509Certificate) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of certificates associated with the resource (e.g., a User).
ALWAYS - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Returned
ANY - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
ASCENDING - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.SortOrder
AttributeNames - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 15:09

AttributeNames() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames
AttributeNames.Custom - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
this class holds all additional custom attributes defined by this implementation
AttributeNames.RFC7643 - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
this class holds the attributes defined by RFC7643
ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
AttributeValidator - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 30.11.2019 - 22:48

AttributeValidator() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.AttributeValidator
AUTHENTICATED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
used in resource type definitions to tell us if access to a specific endpoint requires authentication or not
AUTHENTICATION_SCHEMES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
AuthenticationScheme - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 10:41

A multi-valued complex type that specifies supported authentication scheme properties.
AuthenticationScheme(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
AuthenticationScheme(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
the attribute that contains the authorization rules for a resource type
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpHeader
AUTO_FILTERING - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
the attribute key for enabling automatic filtering on a specific resource
AUTO_SORTING - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
the attribute key for enabling automatic sorting on a specific resource


BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
BadRequestException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 04.10.2019 - 00:55

BadRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.BadRequestException
BadRequestException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.BadRequestException
BadRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.BadRequestException
BadRequestException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.BadRequestException
BOOLEAN - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
build() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
returns the built meta-object
builder() - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
buildResponse() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ScimResponse
builds a response object that should be usable with most of the common rest apis
BULK - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
BULK - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.EndpointPaths
BULK_ID - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
BULK_REQUEST_SCHEMA - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
BULK_REQUEST_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
BULK_RESPONSE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
BULK_RESPONSE_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
BulkConfig - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 10:06

represents the bulk configuration for a ServiceProvider object

A complex type that specifies bulk configuration options.
BulkConfig(Boolean, Integer, Long) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.BulkConfig
BulkRequest - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 25.10.2019 - 20:34

represents a simple bulk request
BulkRequest() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequest
BulkRequest(Integer, List<BulkRequestOperation>) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequest
BulkRequestOperation - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 25.10.2019 - 21:12

Defines operations within a bulk job.
BulkRequestOperation() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
BulkRequestOperation(HttpMethod, String, String, String, ETag) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
BulkResponse - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 25.10.2019 - 20:34

represents a simple bulk response
BulkResponse() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponse
BulkResponse(List<BulkResponseOperation>, int) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponse
BulkResponseOperation - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 25.10.2019 - 21:12

Defines operations within a bulk job.
BulkResponseOperation() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
BulkResponseOperation(HttpMethod, String, ETag, String, Integer, ErrorResponse) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation


CANONICAL_VALUES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
CASE_EXACT - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
CHANGE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
ChangePasswordConfig - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 11:12

A complex type that specifies configuration options related to changing a password.
ChangePasswordConfig(Boolean) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.ChangePasswordConfig
ClassPathReferences - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 00:10

ClassPathReferences() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
CO - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator
Comparator - Enum in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 16.10.2019 - 12:58

represents all valid comparators for an expression
COMPLEX - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
CONFLICT - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
ConflictException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 12.10.2019 - 17:41

ConflictException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ConflictException
ConflictException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ConflictException
ConflictException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ConflictException
ConflictException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ConflictException
CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpHeader
copyResourceToObject(JsonNode, Class<T>) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
creates a new instance of the given type and moves the content from the resource into the new node
COST_CENTER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
COUNT - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
COUNTRY - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
created(Instant) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
The "DateTime" that the resource was added to the service provider.
created(LocalDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
The "DateTime" that the resource was added to the service provider.
created(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
The "DateTime" that the resource was added to the service provider.
CREATED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
CREATED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
CreateResponse - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 14.10.2019 - 14:49

represents a creation response
CreateResponse(JsonNode, String, Meta) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.CreateResponse
Custom() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
Custom() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.Custom


DATA - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
DATE_TIME - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas
de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils - package de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils
DECIMAL - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
DEFAULT - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Returned
DEFAULT_INSTANT_FRACTIONAL_DIGITS_FORMAT - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.TimeUtils
in case of Instant values which will be stored as String in JSON, it is required to keep the fractional digits even if the nano value of Instant is set to zero @see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33025988/java-time-iso-date-format-with-fixed-millis-digits-in-java-8-and-later
DEFAULT_MAX_OPERATIONS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.BulkConfig
the default maximum number of operations is 1.
DEFAULT_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.BulkConfig
the default maximum payload is set to 2MB
DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.FilterConfig
the default value for the max results value.
DELETE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.HttpMethod
DeleteResponse - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 14.10.2019 - 20:09

represents an update response object
DeleteResponse() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.DeleteResponse
DEPARTMENT - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
DESCENDING - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.SortOrder
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
DETAIL - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
DISABLE_CREATE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute will disable the create endpoint
DISABLE_DELETE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute will disable the delete endpoint
DISABLE_GET - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute will disable the get-endpoint
DISABLE_LIST - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute will disable get list-endpoint
DISABLE_UPDATE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute will disable the update endpoint
DISPLAY - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
DIVISION - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
DOCUMENTATION_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
DocumentValidationException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 15:19

DocumentValidationException(String, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.DocumentValidationException
DocumentValidationException(String, Throwable, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.DocumentValidationException


E_TAG_HEADER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpHeader
Email - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 13:13

Email addresses for the User.
Email(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Email
EMAILS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
EMPLOYEE_NUMBER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
ENDPOINT - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
ENDPOINT_CONTROL - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
an extension attribute for resource type control that allows to disable certain endpoints for a resource type
EndpointPaths - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 16:17

this is just a helper class that knows the endpoint paths of the common endpoints.
Of course this class is obsolete as soon as the endpoint urls are overwritten within the resource types
EndpointPaths() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.EndpointPaths
ENTERPRISE_USER_SCHEMA_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
ENTERPRISE_USER_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
EnterpriseUser - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 22:54

The following SCIM extension defines attributes commonly used in representing users that belong to, or act on behalf of, a business or enterprise.
EnterpriseUser() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
EnterpriseUser(String, String, String, String, String, Manager) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
Entitlement - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 13:15

A list of entitlements for the user that represent a thing the user has.
Entitlement(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Entitlement
ENTITLEMENTS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
EQ - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator
equals(Object) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag.ETag
comparison of ETag's must be done due to the following rules
ERROR_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
ErrorResponse - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 14.10.2019 - 20:58

represents a SCIM error response
ErrorResponse(JsonNode) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
ErrorResponse(ScimException) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
ErrorResponse(ScimException, boolean) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
ETag - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 19.11.2019 - 20:03

this class is used as etag representation
ETag(Boolean, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag.ETag
ETAG - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
ETAG_ENABLED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
a boolean if set to false ETags will not be generated automatically on this resource endpoint.
ETagConfig - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 11:12

A complex type that specifies ETag configuration options.
ETagConfig(Boolean) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.ETagConfig
EW - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator
EXCLUDED_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
EXTERNAL - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.ReferenceTypes
EXTERNAL_ID - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643


FAIL_ON_ERRORS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
FAMILY_NAME - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
FILTER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
FilterConfig - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 10:56

A complex type that specifies FILTER options.
FilterConfig(Boolean, Integer) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.FilterConfig
FORBIDDEN - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
ForbiddenException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 27.11.2019 - 22:44

ForbiddenException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ForbiddenException
ForbiddenException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ForbiddenException
ForbiddenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ForbiddenException
ForbiddenException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ForbiddenException
FORMATTED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643


GE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator
GET - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.HttpMethod
getAddresses() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A physical mailing address for this user.
getArrayAttribute(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
tries to get an array from the given json node
getArrayAttribute(String, Class<T>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts an object type attribute
getAttributeDescription() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
getAttributeName() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
getAttributeNames() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
the names of the attributes of this schema inclusive the subattribute names.
getAttributes() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
A multi-valued list of strings indicating the names of resource attributes to return in the response, overriding the set of attributes that would be returned by default.
getAttributes() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
gets the schema attributes of this schema
getAuthenticationSchemes() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A multi-valued complex type that specifies supported authentication scheme properties.
getAuthenticationType() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
The authentication scheme.
getBooleanAttribute(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts a boolean type attribute
getBulkConfig() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies bulk configuration options.
getBulkId() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The transient identifier of a newly created resource, unique within a bulk request and created by the client.
getBulkId() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The transient identifier of a newly created resource, unique within a bulk request and created by the client.
getBulkRequestOperations() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequest
Defines operations within a bulk job.
getBulkResponseOperations() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponse
Defines operations within a bulk job.
getByValue(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Mutability
getByValue(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.PatchOp
getByValue(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.ReferenceTypes
getByValue(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Returned
getByValue(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.SortOrder
tries to get the correct sortOrder value by the given value
getByValue(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
getByValue(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Uniqueness
getCanonicalValues() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
getCanonicalValues() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
A collection of suggested canonical values that MAY be used (e.g., "work" and "home").
getChangePasswordConfig() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies configuration options related to changing a password.
getCostCenter() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
Identifies the name of a cost center.
getCount() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
An integer indicating the desired maximum number of query results per page.
getCountry() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The country name component.
getCreated() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The "DateTime" that the resource was added to the service provider.
getData() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The resource data as it would appear for a single SCIM POST, PUT, or PATCH operation.
getDateTimeAttribute(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts a dateTime type attribute
getDepartment() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
Identifies the name of a department.
getDescription() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
A description of the authentication scheme.
getDescription() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
The schema's human-readable description.
getDescription() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The attribute's human-readable description.
getDetail() - Method in exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ScimException
getDetail() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
A detailed human-readable message.
getDisplay() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
A human-readable name, primarily used for display purposes and having a mutability of "immutable".
getDisplayName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Manager
The displayName of the user's manager.
getDisplayName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.Group
A human-readable name for the Group.
getDisplayName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The name of the user, suitable for display to end-users.
getDivision() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
Identifies the name of a division.
getDocumentationUri() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
An HTTP-addressable URL pointing to the authentication scheme's usage documentation.
getDocumentationUri() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
An HTTP-addressable URL pointing to the service provider's human-consumable help documentation.
getDoubleAttribute(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts a double type attribute
getEmails() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Email addresses for the User.
getEmployeeNumber() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
A string identifier, typically numeric or alphanumeric, assigned to a person, typically based on order of hire or association with an organization.
getEnterpriseUser() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The following SCIM extension defines attributes commonly used in representing users that belong to, or act on behalf of, a business or enterprise.
getEntitlements() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of entitlements for the user that represent a thing the user has.
getEntityTag() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag.ETag
getETagConfig() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies ETag configuration options.
getExcludedAttributes() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
A multi-valued list of strings indicating the names of resource attributes to be removed from the default set of attributes to return.
getExternalId() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ResourceNode
A String that is an identifier for the resource as defined by the provisioning client.
getFailOnErrors() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequest
An integer specifying the number of errors that the service provider will accept before the operation is terminated and an error response is returned.
getFamilyName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The family name of the User, or last name in most Western languages (e.g., "Jensen" given the full name "Ms.
getFilter() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
The filter string used to request a subset of resources.
getFilterConfig() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies FILTER options.
getFormatted() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The full name, including all middle names, titles, and suffixes as appropriate, formatted for display (e.g., "Ms.
getFormatted() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The full mailing address, formatted for display or use with a mailing label.
getFullResourceName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
getGivenName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The given name of the User, or first name in most Western languages (e.g., "Barbara" given the full name "Ms.
getGroups() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of groups to which the user belongs, either through direct membership, through nested groups, or dynamically calculated.
getHonorificPrefix() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The honorific prefix(es) of the User, or title in most Western languages (e.g., "Ms." given the full name "Ms.
getHonorificSuffix() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The honorific suffix(es) of the User, or suffix in most Western languages (e.g., "III" given the full name "Ms.
getHttpStatus() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponse
the http status code of the response
getHttpStatus() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.CreateResponse
the http status code of the response
getHttpStatus() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.DeleteResponse
the http status code of the response
getHttpStatus() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
the http status code of the response
getHttpStatus() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.GetResponse
the http status code of the response
getHttpStatus() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
the http status code of the response
getHttpStatus() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ScimResponse
the http status code of the response
getHttpStatus() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.UpdateResponse
the http status code of the response
getId() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ResourceNode
A unique identifier for a SCIM resource as defined by the service provider.
getIms() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Instant messaging address for the user.
getIntegerAttribute(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts an integer type attribute
getItemsPerPage() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
Non-negative integer.
getLastModified() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider.
getListedResources() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
the resources that have been extracted
getLocale() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Used to indicate the User's default location for purposes of localizing such items as currency, date time format, or numerical representations.
getLocality() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The city or locality component.
getLocation() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The URI of the resource being returned.
getLocation() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The resource endpoint URL.
getLongAttribute(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts a long type attribute
getManager() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
The user's manager.
getMaximum() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of "maximum" MUST be a number, representing an inclusive upper limit for a numeric instance.
getMaxItems() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of this keyword MUST be a non-negative integer.
getMaxLength() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of this keyword MUST be a non-negative integer.
getMaxOperations() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.BulkConfig
An integer value specifying the maximum number of operations.
getMaxPayloadSize() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.BulkConfig
An integer value specifying the maximum payload size in bytes.
getMaxResults() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.FilterConfig
An integer value specifying the maximum number of resources returned in a response.
getMembers() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.Group
A list of members of the Group.
getMeta() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ResourceNode
A complex attribute containing resource metadata.
getMethod() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The HTTP method of the current operation.
getMethod() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The HTTP method of the current operation.
getMiddleName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The middle name(s) of the User (e.g., "Jane" given the full name "Ms.
getMinimum() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of "minimum" MUST be a number, representing an inclusive lower limit for a numeric instance.
getMinItems() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of this keyword MUST be a non-negative integer.
getMinLength() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of this keyword MUST be a non-negative integer.
getMultipleOf() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of "multipleOf" MUST be a number, strictly greater than 0.
getMutability() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
getMutability() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
A single keyword indicating the circumstances under which the value of the attribute can be (re)defined: readOnly The attribute SHALL NOT be modified.
getName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
The common authentication scheme name, e.g., HTTP Basic.
getName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The components of the user's name.
getName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
The schema's human-readable name.
getName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The attribute's name.
getNamePrefix() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
getNickName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The casual way to address the user in real life, e.g., "Bob" or "Bobby" instead of "Robert".
getNonNullId() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
used explicitly for schema validation for easier code reading
getNotAfter() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
a dateTime validation attribute that must not be after the value of this attribute
getNotBefore() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
a dateTime validation attribute that must not be before the value of this attribute
getObjectAttribute(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
tries to get an json object from the given json node
getObjectAttribute(String, Class<T>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts an object type attribute
getOp() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchRequestOperation
Each PATCH operation object MUST have exactly one "op" member, whose value indicates the operation to perform and MAY be one of "add", "remove", or "replace"
(This will never return null on server side for schema validation is executed before this method is called)
getOperations() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchOpRequest
Defines operations within a bulk job.
getOrganization() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
Identifies the name of an organization.
getPassword() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
This attribute is intended to be used as a means to set, replace, or compare (i.e., filter for equality) a password.
getPatchConfig() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies PATCH configuration options.
getPath() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The resource's relative path to the SCIM service provider's root.
getPath() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchRequestOperation
The "path" attribute value is a String containing an attribute path describing the target of the operation.The "path" attribute is OPTIONAL for "add" and "replace" and is REQUIRED for "remove" operations.
getPattern() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of this keyword MUST be a string.
getPhoneNumbers() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Phone numbers for the user.
getPhotos() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A URI that is a uniform resource locator (as defined in Section 1.1.3 of [RFC3986]) that points to a resource location representing the user's image.
getPostalCode() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The zip code or postal code component.
getPreferredLanguage() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Indicates the user's preferred written or spoken languages and is generally used for selecting a localized user interface.
getProfileUrl() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A URI that is a uniform resource locator (as defined in Section 1.1.3 of [RFC3986]) and that points to a location representing the user's online profile (e.g., a web page).
getRef() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Manager
$ref The URI of the SCIM resource representing the User's manager.
getRef() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
The reference URI of a target resource, if the attribute is a reference.
getReferenceTypes() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
getReferenceTypes() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
A multi-valued array of JSON strings that indicate the SCIM resource types that may be referenced.
getRegion() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The state or region component.
getResourceType() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The name of the resource type of the resource.
getResponse() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The HTTP response body for the specified request operation.
GetResponse - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 14.10.2019 - 20:09

represents a get response object
GetResponse(JsonNode, String, Meta) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.GetResponse
getReturned() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
getReturned() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
A single keyword that indicates when an attribute and associated values are returned in response to a GET request or in response to a PUT, POST, or PATCH request.
getRoles() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of roles for the user that collectively represent who the user is, e.g., "Student", "Faculty".
getSchemaAttribute() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
getSchemaAttribute(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
gets a SchemaAttribute definition by its scimNodeName e.g.
getSchemas() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.AbstractSchemasHolder
getScimNodeName() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
getScimNodeName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
getScimType() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
A SCIM detail error keyword.
getSimpleArrayAttribute(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts a simple attribute type
getSimpleArrayAttribute(String, Class<T>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts a simple attribute type
getSimpleArrayAttributeSet(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts a simple attribute type
getSimpleArrayAttributeSet(String, Class<T>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts a simple attribute type
getSimpleAttribute(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will get a string attribute with the given name from the given json node
getSimpleAttribute(JsonNode, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will get a string attribute with the given name from the given json node
getSimpleAttributeArray(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
extracts a list of simple attributes from the given json node
getSimpleAttributeArray(JsonNode, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
extracts a list of simple attributes from the given json node
getSimpleAttributeByName(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will extract a scim attribute by its scim-name.
getSortBy() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
A string indicating the attribute whose value SHALL be used to order the returned responses.
getSortConfig() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies Sort configuration options.
getSortingAttribute(SchemaAttribute) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ResourceNode
this method is specifically for sorting and applies to the following rules for the "sortBy" attribute defined by RFC7644

getSortOrder() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
A string indicating the order in which the "sortBy" parameter is applied.
getSpecUri() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
An HTTP-addressable URL pointing to the authentication scheme's specification.
getStartIndex() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
An integer indicating the 1-based index of the first query result.
getStartIndex() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
The 1-based index of the first result in the current set of query results, e.g., 1.
getStatus() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The HTTP response status code for the requested operation.
getStatus() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
The HTTP status code (see Section 6 of [RFC7231]) expressed as a JSON string.
getStreetAddress() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The full street address component, which may include house number, street name, P.O. box, and multi-line extended street address information.
getStringAttribute(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts a string type attribute
getStringAttribute(String, Class<T>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
extracts a TextNode type attribute
getSubAttributes() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
When an attribute is of type "complex", "subAttributes" defines a set of sub-attributes.
getTimezone() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The User's time zone, in IANA Time Zone database format [RFC6557], also known as the "Olson" time zone database format [Olson-TZ] (e.g., "America/Los_Angeles").
getTitle() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The user's title, such as "Vice President".
getTotalResults() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
Non-negative integer.
getType() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
A label indicating the attribute's function, e.g., "work" or "home".
getType() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The attribute's data type.
getUniqueness() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
getUniqueness() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
A single keyword value that specifies how the service provider enforces uniqueness of attribute values.
getUserName() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A service provider's unique identifier for the user, typically used by the user to directly authenticate to the service provider.
getUserType() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Used to identify the relationship between the organization and the user.
getValue() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Manager
The "id" of the SCIM resource representing the user's manager.
getValue() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
The attribute's significant value, e.g., email address, phone number.
getValues() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchRequestOperation
the new value of the targeted attribute
(This will never return null on server side for schema validation is executed before this method is called)
getValueType() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
getVersion() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The version of the resource being returned.
getVersion() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The version of the resource being returned.
getVersion() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The version of the resource being returned.
getWwwAuthenticateHeaderRepresentation(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
returns this authentication type as string representation that matches the http WWW-Authenticate response header representation
getX509Certificates() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of certificates associated with the resource (e.g., a User).
GIVEN_NAME - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
GLOBAL - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Uniqueness
Group - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 07.10.2019 - 23:22

SCIM provides a schema for representing groups, identified using the following schema URI: "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group".
Group() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.Group
Group(String, String, String, List<Member>, Meta) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.Group
GROUP_RESOURCE_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
GROUP_SCHEMA_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
GROUP_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
GroupNode - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 13:15

A list of groups to which the user belongs, either through direct membership, through nested groups, or dynamically calculated.
GroupNode(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.GroupNode
GROUPS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
GROUPS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.EndpointPaths
GROUPS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ResourceTypeNames
GT - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator


HONORIFIC_PREFIX - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
HONORIFIC_SUFFIX - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
HttpHeader - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 14.10.2019 - 14:13

contains the http header that are required for the SCIM protocol
HttpHeader() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpHeader
HttpMethod - Enum in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 26.10.2019 - 00:06

HttpStatus - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 11:37

this class holds the relevant http status codes that we need here
HttpStatus() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus


ID - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
IF_MATCH_HEADER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpHeader
IF_NONE_MATCH_HEADER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpHeader
IMMUTABLE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Mutability
Ims - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 13:13

Instant messaging address for the user.
Ims(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Ims
IMS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
IncompatibleAttributeException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 13:39

this exception is used if an attempt was made to read a json attribute that does have another type as the expected one
IncompatibleAttributeException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.IncompatibleAttributeException
IncompatibleAttributeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.IncompatibleAttributeException
IncompatibleAttributeException(String, Throwable, Integer) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.IncompatibleAttributeException
IncompatibleAttributeException(String, Throwable, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.IncompatibleAttributeException
IncompatibleAttributeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.IncompatibleAttributeException
INTEGER - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
InternalServerException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 17:14

InternalServerException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InternalServerException
InternalServerException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InternalServerException
InternalServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InternalServerException
InternalServerException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InternalServerException
INVALID_FILTER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
The specified filter syntax was invalid (does not comply with Figure 1), or the specified attribute and filter comparison combination is not supported.
INVALID_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.Custom
some of the request parameters did not conform to the SCIM specification
INVALID_PATH - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
The "path" attribute was invalid or malformed (see Figure 7).
INVALID_SYNTAX - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
The request body message structure was invalid or did not conform to the request schema.
INVALID_VALUE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
A required value was missing, or the value specified was not compatible with the operation or attribute type (see Section 2.2 of [RFC7643]), or resource schema (see Section 4 of [RFC7643]).
INVALID_VERSION - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
The specified SCIM protocol version is not supported (see Section 3.13).
InvalidConfigException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 17:14

InvalidConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidConfigException
InvalidConfigException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidConfigException
InvalidConfigException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidConfigException
InvalidConfigException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidConfigException
InvalidDateTimeRepresentationException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 29.09.2019 - 21:49

InvalidDateTimeRepresentationException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidDateTimeRepresentationException
InvalidDateTimeRepresentationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidDateTimeRepresentationException
InvalidDateTimeRepresentationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidDateTimeRepresentationException
InvalidDateTimeRepresentationException(String, Throwable, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidDateTimeRepresentationException
InvalidFilterException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 04.10.2019 - 00:55

InvalidFilterException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidFilterException
InvalidFilterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidFilterException
InvalidResourceTypeException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 03.10.2019 - 19:55

InvalidResourceTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidResourceTypeException
InvalidResourceTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidResourceTypeException
InvalidResourceTypeException(String, Throwable, Integer) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidResourceTypeException
InvalidResourceTypeException(String, Throwable, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidResourceTypeException
InvalidResourceTypeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidResourceTypeException
InvalidSchemaException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
InvalidSchemaException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidSchemaException
InvalidSchemaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidSchemaException
InvalidSchemaException(String, Throwable, Integer) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidSchemaException
InvalidSchemaException(String, Throwable, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidSchemaException
InvalidSchemaException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.InvalidSchemaException
IOException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 00:07

a simple runtime IO exception
IOException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.IOException
IOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.IOException
IOException(String, Throwable, Integer) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.IOException
IOException(String, Throwable, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.IOException
IOException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.IOException
isActive() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A Boolean value indicating the user's administrative status.
isCaseExact() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
isCaseExact() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
A Boolean value that specifies whether or not a string attribute is case sensitive.
isEmpty() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
isEmpty(JsonNode) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
isMultiValued() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
isMultiValued() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
A Boolean value indicating the attribute's plurality.
isPrimary() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
A Boolean value indicating the 'primary' or preferred attribute value for this attribute, e.g., the preferred mailing address or the primary email address.
isRequired() - Method in interface de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimNode
isRequired() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
A Boolean value that specifies whether or not the attribute is required.
isSupported() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.BulkConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
isSupported() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.ChangePasswordConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
isSupported() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.ETagConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
isSupported() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.FilterConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
isSupported() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.PatchConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
isSupported() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.SortConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
isValidJson(String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
validates if the given string structure is valid json or not
ITEMS_PER_PAGE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643


JsonHelper - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 00:05

JsonHelper() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper


LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
lastModified(Instant) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider.
lastModified(LocalDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider.
lastModified(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider.
LE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator
LIST_RESPONSE_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
ListResponse<T extends ScimObjectNode> - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 17.10.2019 - 22:04

represents a list response
ListResponse() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
ListResponse(Class<T>) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
ListResponse(String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
ListResponse(List<JsonNode>, Long, Integer, Long) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
loadJsonDocument(File) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will read a json document from a file
loadJsonDocument(File, Class<T>) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will read a json document from a file
loadJsonDocument(String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will read a json document from the classpath
loadJsonDocument(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will read a json document from the classpath
LOCALE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
LOCALITY - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
location(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
The URI of the resource being returned.
LOCATION - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
LOCATION_HEADER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpHeader
LT - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator


Manager - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 12:36

The user's manager.
Manager() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Manager
Manager(String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Manager
MANAGER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
MAX_ITEMS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the validation attribute for array types "maxItems"
MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the validation attribute for string types "maxLength"
MAX_OPERATIONS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
MAX_RESULTS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the validation attribute for integer types "maximum"
ME - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.EndpointPaths
ME - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ResourceTypeNames
ME_RESOURCE_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
Member - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 13:42

A list of members of the Group.
Member(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Member
MEMBERS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
Meta - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 10:19

A complex attribute containing resource metadata.
Meta() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
META - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
META - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
actually a custom meta schema URI that is used to validate the meta-attributes.
META_RESOURCE_SCHEMA_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
META_RESOURCE_TYPES_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
META_SCHEMA_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
META_SERVICE_PROVIDER_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
Meta.MetaBuilder - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
a builder class that is not generated with lombok because of the multiple setter-methods for created and last modified
MetaBuilder(Meta) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
METHOD - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
MIDDLE_NAME - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
MIN_ITEMS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the validation attribute for array types "minItems"
MIN_LENGTH - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the validation attribute for string types "minLength"
MINIMUM - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the validation attribute for integer types "minimum"
MISSING_EXTENSION - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.Custom
a required extension is missing
MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
MOVED_TEMPORARILY - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
MULTI_VALUED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
MultiComplexNode - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 13:01

Multi-valued attributes contain a list of elements using the JSON array format defined in Section 5 of [RFC7159].
MultiComplexNode(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
MULTIPLE_OF - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the validation attribute for integers types "multipleOf"
Mutability - Enum in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 17:58

A single keyword indicating the circumstances under which the value of the attribute can be (re)defined: readOnly The attribute SHALL NOT be modified.
MUTABILITY - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
MUTABILITY - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
The attempted modification is not compatible with the target attribute's mutability or current state (e.g., modification of an "immutable" attribute with an existing value).


Name - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 10:19

The components of the user's name.
Name() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
Name(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
NAME - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
NE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator
NEVER - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Returned
newInstance(String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag.ETag
a creation method especially used with the method ScimObjectNode.getStringAttribute(String, Class)
NICK_NAME - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
NO_CONTENT - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
NO_TARGET - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
The specified "path" did not yield an attribute or attribute value that could be operated on.
NONE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Uniqueness
NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
NOT_AFTER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the validation attribute for dateTime types 'notAfter'
NOT_BEFORE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the validation attribute for dateTime types 'notBefore'
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
NOT_MODIFIED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
NotImplementedException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 04.10.2019 - 00:55

NotImplementedException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.NotImplementedException
NotImplementedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.NotImplementedException
NotImplementedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.NotImplementedException
NotImplementedException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.NotImplementedException
NotModifiedException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 21.11.2019 - 10:02

NotModifiedException() - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.NotModifiedException
NotModifiedException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.NotModifiedException
NotModifiedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.NotModifiedException
NotModifiedException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.NotModifiedException


OK - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
OP - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
OPERATIONS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
ORGANIZATION - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643


parseDateTime(String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.TimeUtils
this method will try to parse the date time send in a scim resource request.
parseETag(String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag.ETag
checks the given string and parses it into an entity tag
PASSWORD - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
PATCH - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.HttpMethod
PATCH - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
PATCH_OP - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
PATCH_REQUEST_SCHEMA - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
PatchConfig - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 11:12

A complex type that specifies PATCH configuration options.
PatchConfig(Boolean) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.PatchConfig
PatchOp - Enum in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 29.10.2019 - 08:37

HTTP PATCH is an OPTIONAL server function that enables clients to update one or more attributes of a SCIM resource using a sequence of operations to "add", "remove", or "replace" values.Clients may discover service provider support for PATCH by querying the service provider configuration
PatchOpRequest - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 29.10.2019 - 08:31

HTTP PATCH is an OPTIONAL server function that enables clients to update one or more attributes of a SCIM resource using a sequence of operations to "add", "remove", or "replace" values.Clients may discover service provider support for PATCH by querying the service provider configuration
PatchOpRequest() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchOpRequest
PatchOpRequest(List<PatchRequestOperation>) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchOpRequest
PatchRequestOperation - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 29.10.2019 - 08:32

represents a single operation within a patch request
PatchRequestOperation(String, PatchOp, List<String>, JsonNode) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchRequestOperation
PatchRequestOperation.PatchRequestOperationBuilder - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request
PatchRequestOperationBuilder() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchRequestOperation.PatchRequestOperationBuilder
PATH - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
PATTERN - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the validation attribute for string types "pattern"
PersonRole - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 13:15

A list of roles for the user that collectively represent who the user is, e.g., "Student", "Faculty".
PersonRole(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.PersonRole
PHONE_NUMBERS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
PhoneNumber - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 13:13

Phone numbers for the user.
PhoneNumber(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.PhoneNumber
Photo - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 13:14

A URI that is a uniform resource locator (as defined in Section 1.1.3 of [RFC3986]) that points to a resource location representing the user's image.
Photo(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Photo
PHOTOS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
POST - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.HttpMethod
POSTAL_CODE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
PR - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator
PRECONDITION_FAILED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
PreconditionFailedException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 21.11.2019 - 10:02

PreconditionFailedException() - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.PreconditionFailedException
PreconditionFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.PreconditionFailedException
PreconditionFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.PreconditionFailedException
PreconditionFailedException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.PreconditionFailedException
PREFERRED_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
PRIMARY - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
PROFILE_URL - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
PUT - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.HttpMethod


READ_ONLY - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Mutability
READ_WRITE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Mutability
readJsonDocument(String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will read a json document from the given string
readJsonDocument(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will read a json document from the given string
REF - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
REFERENCE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
REFERENCE_TYPES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
ReferenceTypes - Enum in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 29.09.2019 - 13:27

A multi-valued array of JSON strings that indicate the SCIM resource types that may be referenced.
REGION - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
REMOVE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.PatchOp
removeAttribute(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will remove an attribute from the given jsonNode
removeAttribute(SchemaAttribute) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
removes an attribute definition from this schema
removeSchema(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.AbstractSchemasHolder
removes a single schema from this resource node
removeSimpleAttributeFromArray(JsonNode, String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will remove a simple value from a simple array node in the given json document
REPLACE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.PatchOp
replaceNode(JsonNode, String, JsonNode) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will remove an attribute from the given jsonNode
REQUEST - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Returned
REQUEST_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
REQUIRED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
REQUIRED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.Custom
a required attribute is missing
RESOURCE - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.ReferenceTypes
RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ResourceTypeNames
RESOURCE_TYPE_DISABLED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute tells us if a resource type was disabled
RESOURCE_TYPE_FEATURE_EXTENSION_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
RESOURCE_TYPE_RESOURCE_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
RESOURCE_TYPE_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
RESOURCE_TYPES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.EndpointPaths
RESOURCE_TYPES_FEATURE_EXT_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
ResourceNode - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 11:23

Each SCIM resource (Users, Groups, etc.) includes the following common attributes.
ResourceNode() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ResourceNode
ResourceNotFoundException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 12.10.2019 - 17:41

ResourceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
ResourceNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
ResourceNotFoundException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
RESOURCES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
resourceType(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
The name of the resource type of the resource.
ResourceTypeNames - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 16:17

this is just a helper class that knows the names of the common resource types.
Of course this class is obsolete as soon as the name elements are overwritten within the resource types
ResourceTypeNames() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ResourceTypeNames
RESPONSE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
ResponseException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 25.10.2019 - 23:18

this exception is used for ErrorResponses to parse an error response into an exception type
ResponseException(String, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ResponseException
responseHeaders - Variable in exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ScimException
a map of http headers that should be included in the response
Returned - Enum in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 17:57

A single keyword that indicates when an attribute and associated values are returned in response to a GET request or in response to a PUT, POST, or PATCH request.
RETURNED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
RFC7643() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
RFC7644() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
ROLES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the role-array for resource types
ROLES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
ROLES_CREATE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the role-array for the create endpoint of a specific resource type
ROLES_DELETE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the role-array for the delete endpoint of a specific resource type
ROLES_GET - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the role-array for the get endpoint of a specific resource type
ROLES_UPDATE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
this attribute defines the role-array for the update endpoint of a specific resource type


Schema - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 03.10.2019 - 13:24

this class will represent a SCIM schema definition
Schema(JsonNode) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
Schema(JsonNode, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.Schema
SCHEMA - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
SCHEMA - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ResourceTypeNames
SCHEMA_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
SCHEMA_RESOURCE_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
SCHEMA_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
SchemaAttribute - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas
holds the data of an attribute definition from a schema type document
SchemaAttribute(Schema, String, SchemaAttribute, JsonNode) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
SchemaAttribute(Schema, String, SchemaAttribute, JsonNode, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
SCHEMAS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
SCHEMAS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.EndpointPaths
SchemaUris - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 12:29

this class holds the constants defined by RFC7643 and RFC7644 that must be present within the "schemas"-attributes of resource representations
SchemaUris() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
SCIM_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpHeader
SCIM_CORE_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
SCIM_MESSAGES_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
SCIM_TYPE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
ScimArrayNode - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 05.10.2019 - 20:11

ScimArrayNode(SchemaAttribute) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimArrayNode
ScimBooleanNode - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 05.10.2019 - 20:19

ScimBooleanNode(SchemaAttribute, boolean) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimBooleanNode
ScimDoubleNode - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 05.10.2019 - 20:19

ScimDoubleNode(SchemaAttribute, double) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimDoubleNode
ScimException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 15:19

the base exception of all scim errors
ScimException(String, Throwable, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ScimException
ScimException(String, Throwable, Integer, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ScimException
ScimIntNode - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 05.10.2019 - 20:19

ScimIntNode(SchemaAttribute, int) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimIntNode
ScimLongNode - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 05.10.2019 - 20:19

ScimLongNode(SchemaAttribute, long) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimLongNode
ScimNode - Interface in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 05.10.2019 - 16:37

an implementation with default methods to simulate multiple inheritance to jackson JsonNodes
ScimObjectNode - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 05.10.2019 - 20:10

ScimObjectNode() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
ScimObjectNode(SchemaAttribute) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
ScimResponse - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 03.10.2019 - 19:29

The abstract implementation for all responses created by this framework
ScimResponse(JsonNode) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ScimResponse
ScimTextNode - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 05.10.2019 - 20:19

ScimTextNode(SchemaAttribute, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimTextNode
scimType - Variable in exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ScimException
the scim type for scim errors as defined in RFC7644 3.12.
ScimType - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 04.10.2019 - 00:59

ScimType() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType
ScimType.Custom - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
these are the scim types that have been defined by this application
ScimType.RFC7644 - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants
these are the scim types defined by RFC7644
ScimX509Certificate - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 11.10.2019 - 13:16

A list of certificates associated with the resource (e.g., a User).
ScimX509Certificate(String, Boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.ScimX509Certificate
SEARCH - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.EndpointPaths
SEARCH_REQUEST_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
SearchRequest - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 18:39

represents a search request that is used on .search requests
SearchRequest() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
SearchRequest(Long, Integer, String, String, SortOrder, String, String) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
SENSITIVE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
The specified request cannot be completed, due to the passing of sensitive (e.g., personal) information in a request URI.
SERVER - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Uniqueness
SERVICE_PROVIDER_CONFIG - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.EndpointPaths
SERVICE_PROVIDER_CONFIG - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ResourceTypeNames
SERVICE_PROVIDER_CONFIG_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
SERVICE_PROVIDER_RESOURCE_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
ServiceProvider - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 09:39

SCIM provides a schema for representing the service provider's configuration, identified using the following schema URI: "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:ServiceProviderConfig".
ServiceProvider(String, PatchConfig, ChangePasswordConfig, SortConfig, ETagConfig, FilterConfig, BulkConfig, List<AuthenticationScheme>) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
setActive(Boolean) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A Boolean value indicating the user's administrative status.
setAddresses(List<Address>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A physical mailing address for this user.
setAttribute(String, ObjectNode) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes an object type attribute
setAttribute(String, Boolean) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes a boolean type attribute
setAttribute(String, Double) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes a double type attribute
setAttribute(String, Integer) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes an integer type attribute
setAttribute(String, Long) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes a long type attribute
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes a string type attribute
setAttribute(String, List<T>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes an array type attribute
setAttributeList(String, List<T>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes an array type attribute
setAttributes(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
A multi-valued list of strings indicating the names of resource attributes to return in the response, overriding the set of attributes that would be returned by default.
setAuthenticationSchemes(List<AuthenticationScheme>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A multi-valued complex type that specifies supported authentication scheme properties.
setAuthenticationType(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
The authentication scheme.
setBulkConfig(BulkConfig) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies bulk configuration options.
setBulkId(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The transient identifier of a newly created resource, unique within a bulk request and created by the client.
setBulkId(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The transient identifier of a newly created resource, unique within a bulk request and created by the client.
setBulkRequestOperations(List<BulkRequestOperation>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequest
Defines operations within a bulk job.
setBulkResponseOperations(List<BulkResponseOperation>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponse
Defines operations within a bulk job.
setChangePasswordConfig(ChangePasswordConfig) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies configuration options related to changing a password.
setCostCenter(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
Identifies the name of a cost center.
setCount(Integer) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
An integer indicating the desired maximum number of query results per page.
setCountry(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The country name component.
setCreated(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The "DateTime" that the resource was added to the service provider.
setCreated(Instant) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The "DateTime" that the resource was added to the service provider.
setCreated(Instant, int) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The "DateTime" that the resource was added to the service provider.
setCreated(LocalDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The "DateTime" that the resource was added to the service provider.
setCreated(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The "DateTime" that the resource was added to the service provider.
setData(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The resource data as it would appear for a single SCIM POST, PUT, or PATCH operation.
setDateTimeAttribute(String, Instant) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes a dateTime type attribute by default the JSON String representation will keep DEFAULT_FRACTIONALS_TO_KEEP fractionals i.e. 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
setDateTimeAttribute(String, Instant, int) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes a dateTime type attribute including the given fractionalDigits inside the JSON TextNode
setDateTimeAttribute(String, LocalDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes a dateTime type attribute
setDateTimeAttribute(String, OffsetDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes a dateTime type attribute
setDepartment(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
Identifies the name of a department.
setDescription(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
A description of the authentication scheme.
setDetail(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
A detailed human-readable message.
setDisplay(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
A human-readable name, primarily used for display purposes and having a mutability of "immutable".
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Manager
The displayName of the user's manager.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.Group
A human-readable name for the Group.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The name of the user, suitable for display to end-users.
setDivision(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
Identifies the name of a division.
setDocumentationUri(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
An HTTP-addressable URL pointing to the authentication scheme's usage documentation.
setDocumentationUri(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
An HTTP-addressable URL pointing to the service provider's human-consumable help documentation.
setEmails(List<Email>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Email addresses for the User.
setEmployeeNumber(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
A string identifier, typically numeric or alphanumeric, assigned to a person, typically based on order of hire or association with an organization.
setEnterpriseUser(EnterpriseUser) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The following SCIM extension defines attributes commonly used in representing users that belong to, or act on behalf of, a business or enterprise.
setEntitlements(List<Entitlement>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of entitlements for the user that represent a thing the user has.
setETag(Meta) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ScimResponse
will set the entity tag into the response headers
setETagConfig(ETagConfig) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies ETag configuration options.
setExcludedAttributes(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
A multi-valued list of strings indicating the names of resource attributes to be removed from the default set of attributes to return.
setExternalId(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ResourceNode
A String that is an identifier for the resource as defined by the provisioning client.
setFailOnErrors(Integer) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequest
An integer specifying the number of errors that the service provider will accept before the operation is terminated and an error response is returned.
setFamilyName(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The family name of the User, or last name in most Western languages (e.g., "Jensen" given the full name "Ms.
setFilter(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
The filter string used to request a subset of resources.
setFilterConfig(FilterConfig) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies FILTER options.
setFormatted(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The full name, including all middle names, titles, and suffixes as appropriate, formatted for display (e.g., "Ms.
setFormatted(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The full mailing address, formatted for display or use with a mailing label.
setGivenName(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The given name of the User, or first name in most Western languages (e.g., "Barbara" given the full name "Ms.
setGroups(List<GroupNode>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of groups to which the user belongs, either through direct membership, through nested groups, or dynamically calculated.
setHonorificPrefix(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The honorific prefix(es) of the User, or title in most Western languages (e.g., "Ms." given the full name "Ms.
setHonorificSuffix(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The honorific suffix(es) of the User, or suffix in most Western languages (e.g., "III" given the full name "Ms.
setId(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ResourceNode
A unique identifier for a SCIM resource as defined by the service provider.
setIms(List<Ims>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Instant messaging address for the user.
setItemsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
Non-negative integer.
setLastModified(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider.
setLastModified(Instant) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider.
setLastModified(Instant, int) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider.
setLastModified(LocalDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider.
setLastModified(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider.
setListedResources(List<JsonNode>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
the resources that have been extracted
setLocale(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Used to indicate the User's default location for purposes of localizing such items as currency, date time format, or numerical representations.
setLocality(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The city or locality component.
setLocation(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The URI of the resource being returned.
setLocation(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The resource endpoint URL.
setManager(Manager) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
The user's manager.
setMaximum(double) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of "maximum" MUST be a number, representing an inclusive upper limit for a numeric instance.
setMaxItems(Integer) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of this keyword MUST be a non-negative integer.
setMaxLength(Long) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of this keyword MUST be a non-negative integer.
setMaxOperations(Integer) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.BulkConfig
An integer value specifying the maximum number of operations.
setMaxPayloadSize(Long) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.BulkConfig
An integer value specifying the maximum payload size in bytes.
setMaxResults(Integer) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.FilterConfig
An integer value specifying the maximum number of resources returned in a response.
setMembers(List<Member>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.Group
A list of members of the Group.
setMeta(Meta) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ResourceNode
A complex attribute containing resource metadata.
setMethod(HttpMethod) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The HTTP method of the current operation.
setMethod(HttpMethod) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The HTTP method of the current operation.
setMiddleName(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Name
The middle name(s) of the User (e.g., "Jane" given the full name "Ms.
setMinimum(double) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of "minimum" MUST be a number, representing an inclusive lower limit for a numeric instance.
setMinItems(Integer) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of this keyword MUST be a non-negative integer.
setMinLength(Long) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of this keyword MUST be a non-negative integer.
setMultipleOf(double) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of "multipleOf" MUST be a number, strictly greater than 0.
setName(Name) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The components of the user's name.
setName(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
The common authentication scheme name, e.g., HTTP Basic.
setNickName(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The casual way to address the user in real life, e.g., "Bob" or "Bobby" instead of "Robert".
setNotAfter(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
a dateTime validation attribute that must not be after the value of this attribute
setNotAfter(Instant) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
a dateTime validation attribute that must not be after the value of this attribute
setNotAfter(LocalDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
a dateTime validation attribute that must not be after the value of this attribute
setNotAfter(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
a dateTime validation attribute that must not be after the value of this attribute
setNotBefore(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
a dateTime validation attribute that must not be before the value of this attribute
setNotBefore(Instant) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
a dateTime validation attribute that must not be before the value of this attribute
setNotBefore(LocalDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
a dateTime validation attribute that must not be before the value of this attribute
setNotBefore(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
a dateTime validation attribute that must not be before the value of this attribute
setOp(PatchOp) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchRequestOperation
Each PATCH operation object MUST have exactly one "op" member, whose value indicates the operation to perform and MAY be one of "add", "remove", or "replace"
setOperations(List<PatchRequestOperation>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchOpRequest
Defines operations within a bulk job.
setOrganization(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.EnterpriseUser
Identifies the name of an organization.
setPassword(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
This attribute is intended to be used as a means to set, replace, or compare (i.e., filter for equality) a password.
setPatchConfig(PatchConfig) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies PATCH configuration options.
setPath(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The resource's relative path to the SCIM service provider's root.
setPath(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchRequestOperation
The "path" attribute value is a String containing an attribute path describing the target of the operation.The "path" attribute is OPTIONAL for "add" and "replace" and is REQUIRED for "remove" operations.
setPattern(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.schemas.SchemaAttribute
The value of this keyword MUST be a string.
setPhoneNumbers(List<PhoneNumber>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Phone numbers for the user.
setPhotos(List<Photo>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A URI that is a uniform resource locator (as defined in Section 1.1.3 of [RFC3986]) that points to a resource location representing the user's image.
setPostalCode(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The zip code or postal code component.
setPreferredLanguage(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Indicates the user's preferred written or spoken languages and is generally used for selecting a localized user interface.
setPrimary(Boolean) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
A Boolean value indicating the 'primary' or preferred attribute value for this attribute, e.g., the preferred mailing address or the primary email address.
setProfileUrl(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A URI that is a uniform resource locator (as defined in Section 1.1.3 of [RFC3986]) and that points to a location representing the user's online profile (e.g., a web page).
setRef(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Manager
$ref The URI of the SCIM resource representing the User's manager.
setRef(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
The reference URI of a target resource, if the attribute is a reference.
setRegion(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The state or region component.
setResourceType(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The name of the resource type of the resource.
setResponse(ErrorResponse) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The HTTP response body for the specified request operation.
setRoles(List<PersonRole>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of roles for the user that collectively represent who the user is, e.g., "Student", "Faculty".
setSchemas(List<String>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.AbstractSchemasHolder
adds a list of schemas to this resource
setSchemas(Set<String>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.AbstractSchemasHolder
adds a set of schemas to this resource
setScimType(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
A SCIM detail error keyword.
setSortBy(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
A string indicating the attribute whose value SHALL be used to order the returned responses.
setSortConfig(SortConfig) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.ServiceProvider
A complex type that specifies Sort configuration options.
setSortOrder(SortOrder) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
A string indicating the order in which the "sortBy" parameter is applied.
setSpecUri(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.AuthenticationScheme
An HTTP-addressable URL pointing to the authentication scheme's specification.
setStartIndex(Long) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.SearchRequest
An integer indicating the 1-based index of the first query result.
setStartIndex(Long) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
The 1-based index of the first result in the current set of query results, e.g., 1.
setStatus(int) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
The HTTP status code (see Section 6 of [RFC7231]) expressed as a JSON string.
setStatus(Integer) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The HTTP response status code for the requested operation.
setStreetAddress(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.Address
The full street address component, which may include house number, street name, P.O. box, and multi-line extended street address information.
setStringAttributeList(String, List<String>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes an array type attribute
setStringAttributeList(String, Set<String>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
adds or removes an array type attribute
setSupported(Boolean) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.BulkConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
setSupported(Boolean) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.ChangePasswordConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
setSupported(Boolean) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.ETagConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
setSupported(Boolean) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.FilterConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
setSupported(Boolean) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.PatchConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
setSupported(Boolean) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.SortConfig
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the operation is supported.
setTimezone(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The User's time zone, in IANA Time Zone database format [RFC6557], also known as the "Olson" time zone database format [Olson-TZ] (e.g., "America/Los_Angeles").
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
The user's title, such as "Vice President".
setTotalResults(Long) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ListResponse
Non-negative integer.
setType(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
A label indicating the attribute's function, e.g., "work" or "home".
setUserName(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A service provider's unique identifier for the user, typically used by the user to directly authenticate to the service provider.
setUserType(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
Used to identify the relationship between the organization and the user.
setValue(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Manager
The "id" of the SCIM resource representing the user's manager.
setValue(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.multicomplex.MultiComplexNode
The attribute's significant value, e.g., email address, phone number.
setValueNode(JsonNode) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchRequestOperation
the new value of the targeted attribute. in this case the value is represented by the resource itself
setValues(List<String>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchRequestOperation
the new value of the targeted attribute
setVersion(ETag) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The version of the resource being returned.
setVersion(ETag) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta
The version of the resource being returned.
setVersion(ETag) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The version of the resource being returned.
setVersion(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
The version of the resource being returned.
setVersion(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
The version of the resource being returned.
setX509Certificates(List<ScimX509Certificate>) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
A list of certificates associated with the resource (e.g., a User).
SINGLETON_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.Custom
an attribute key for ResourceTypes to setup a resource endpoint as singleton endpoint
SORT - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
SORT_BY - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
SORT_ORDER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
SortConfig - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 11:12

A complex type that specifies Sort configuration options.
SortConfig(Boolean) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.SortConfig
SortOrder - Enum in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 18.10.2019 - 17:35

gives the valid types for sort ordering
SPEC_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
START_INDEX - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
status - Variable in exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.ScimException
The HTTP status code.
STATUS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
STREET_ADDRESS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
STRING - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
SUB_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
SUPPORTED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
SW - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator


TimeUtils - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 29.09.2019 - 21:17

this class shall help by parsing timestamps send within a scim request
TimeUtils() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.TimeUtils
TIMEZONE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
TITLE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
toJsonString(JsonNode) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.Custom
if the request body exceeds the maximum allowed payload size (for bulk requests only)
TOO_MANY - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
The specified filter yields many more results than the server is willing to calculate or process.
toPrettyJsonString(JsonNode) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
toPrettyString() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag.ETag
toPrettyString() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
toPrettyString() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
toString() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag.ETag
toString() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.base.ScimObjectNode
override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
toString() - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.ErrorResponse
TOTAL_RESULTS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
Type - Enum in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 18:00

The attribute's data type.
TYPE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643


UNAUTENTICATED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.Custom
if the client / user is not authenticated
UnauthenticatedException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 13.07.2020 - 09:05

UnauthenticatedException(String, AuthenticationScheme, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.UnauthenticatedException
UnauthenticatedException(String, List<AuthenticationScheme>, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.UnauthenticatedException
UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
uniqueIdentifier - Variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
this identifier is exclusively used on bulk requests to be able to check if this request was already tried to handle once.
Uniqueness - Enum in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 17:55

A single keyword value that specifies how the service provider enforces uniqueness of attribute values.
UNIQUENESS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
UNIQUENESS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.RFC7644
One or more of the attribute values are already in use or are reserved.
UNKNOWN_RESOURCE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.Custom
the specified resource is unknown
UnknownValueException - Exception in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 28.09.2019 - 18:05

UnknownValueException(String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.UnknownValueException
UnknownValueException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.UnknownValueException
UnknownValueException(String, Throwable, Integer) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.UnknownValueException
UnknownValueException(String, Throwable, Integer, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.UnknownValueException
UnknownValueException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.exceptions.UnknownValueException
UNPARSEABLE_REQUEST - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ScimType.Custom
the request was invalid and cannot be used for further processing
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpStatus
UpdateResponse - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 14.10.2019 - 20:09

represents an update response object
UpdateResponse(JsonNode, String, Meta) - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.UpdateResponse
URI - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.ReferenceTypes
User - Class in de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources
author Pascal Knueppel
created at: 07.10.2019 - 23:22

SCIM provides a resource type for "User" resources.
User() - Constructor for class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.User
USER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ResourceTypeNames
USER_NAME - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
USER_RESOURCE_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
USER_SCHEMA_JSON - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.ClassPathReferences
USER_TYPE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
USER_URI - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.SchemaUris
USERS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.EndpointPaths


VALID_METHODS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.BulkRequestOperation
these are the only http methods allowed by bulk
VALID_METHODS - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.response.BulkResponseOperation
these are the only http methods allowed by bulk
validateArrayNode(SchemaAttribute, ArrayNode) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.AttributeValidator
verifies that the given array node does match its requirements if requirements have been set
validateNumberNode(SchemaAttribute, double) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.AttributeValidator
verifies that the value of this node does match its requirements from the attribute
validateTextNode(SchemaAttribute, String) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.AttributeValidator
validates if the given value matches the requirements of the schema attribute
value(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.request.PatchRequestOperation.PatchRequestOperationBuilder
VALUE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.HttpMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Mutability
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.PatchOp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.ReferenceTypes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Returned
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.SortOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Uniqueness
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Comparator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.HttpMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Mutability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.PatchOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.ReferenceTypes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Returned
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.SortOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Uniqueness
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version(ETag) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
The version of the resource being returned.
version(String) - Method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.resources.complex.Meta.MetaBuilder
The version of the resource being returned.
VERSION - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643


WEAK_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.etag.ETag
WRITE_ONLY - de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.enums.Mutability
writeValue(JsonNode, String, T) - Static method in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.JsonHelper
will remove an attribute from the given jsonNode
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.HttpHeader


X509_CERTIFICATES - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.constants.AttributeNames.RFC7643
XSD_DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.common.utils.TimeUtils
the fully qualified xsd-datetime definition
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