Class VariantContextAnnotator.Options

    • Constructor Detail

      • Options

        public Options()
      • Options

        public Options​(boolean oneAnnotationOnly,
                       de.charite.compbio.jannovar.hgvs.AminoAcidCode code,
                       boolean escapeAnnField,
                       boolean nt3PrimeShifting,
                       boolean offTargetFilterEnabled,
                       boolean offTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget,
                       boolean offTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget)
        constructor using fields
        oneAnnotationOnly - Whether or not to trim each annotation list to the first (one with highest putative impact), defaults to true
        code - HGVS protein output in three or one letter
        escapeAnnField - whether or not to escape values in the ANN field (defaults to true)
        nt3PrimeShifting - whether or not to perform shifting towards the 3' end of the transcript (defaults to true)
        offTargetFilterEnabled - whether or not off target filter application is abled
        offTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget - whether or not to count UTR as off-target
        offTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget - whether or not to to count non-consensus intronic splicing as off-target
    • Method Detail

      • isOneAnnotationOnly

        public boolean isOneAnnotationOnly()
        if annotation list is trimmed to first.
      • isEscapeAnnField

        public boolean isEscapeAnnField()
        Escape values in ANN field
      • isNt3PrimeShifting

        public boolean isNt3PrimeShifting()
        perform shifting towards 3' end of the transcript
      • isOffTargetFilterEnabled

        public boolean isOffTargetFilterEnabled()
      • isOffTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget

        public boolean isOffTargetFilterUtrIsOffTarget()
      • isOffTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget

        public boolean isOffTargetFilterIntronicSpliceIsOffTarget()