Class HasHelperPostProcessor

    • Constructor Detail

      • HasHelperPostProcessor

        public HasHelperPostProcessor()
    • Method Detail

      • postProcessComponent

        public void postProcessComponent​(com.vaadin.flow.component.Component component,
                                         org.jsoup.nodes.Element element,
                                         TemplateParserContext context,
                                         Set<String> consumedAttributes)
        Description copied from interface: ComponentPostProcessor
        Apply this post processor to the given component.
        Specified by:
        postProcessComponent in interface ComponentPostProcessor
        component - the component to be post-processed
        element - the HTML element used to create the component
        context - the parse context of the template
        consumedAttributes - the set of attributes of the element that have so far been consumed to configure the component; i.e. this method must add all attributes it understands and reads to the set; methods provided by the TemplateParserContext will automatically do that
      • handleChildComponent

        public boolean handleChildComponent​(com.vaadin.flow.component.Component parentComponent,
                                            String slotName,
                                            org.jsoup.nodes.Element childElement,
                                            TemplateParserContext context)
        Description copied from interface: ComponentPostProcessor
        Called to handle a child element of a component element in a template. A child element is only handled once, so this method is not guaranteed to be called on all or any post processors.
        Specified by:
        handleChildComponent in interface ComponentPostProcessor
        parentComponent - the parent component
        slotName - the name of the slot the element is intended for; may be null
        childElement - the child element
        context - the parse context of the template
        whether the child component has been handled; if true no further ComponentPostProcessor is considered