All Classes and Interfaces

An application file resource.
Article is used to manage cultural articles and their hierarchy.
An embedded audio.
An audio file resource.
A blockquote.
The breadcrumb navigation.
Single node in the list of a breadcrumb navigation
A BucketsRequest allows you to break a list / result set into a specified number of approximately equal groups, or buckets.
It assigns each group a bucket number starting from one.
For each row in a group, the bucket number represents the group to which the row belongs.
A bullet list.
A deep ravine between cliffs.
A natural underground space large enough for a human to enter.
A code block.
A collection of Entitys.
A continent is a geographically very large land mass.
Geocoordinates of a subject.
CorporateBody is used to describe a (business) corporation (e.g.
A country is a distinct region in geography; a broad term that can include political divisions or regions associated with distinct political characteristics.
Details (who, when and where) about the creation of the digital object.
A small stream.
CustomAttributes is used as storage for additional custom attributes of an Entity.
A (cultural) digital object, can be a retro digitization of a physical object or a digital native object.
Enumeration for sort directions.
Entities are uniquely identifiable objects, often also uniquely identifiable outside of this technical system - by additionally having unique identifiers of other systems (like GND-Id, VIAF-ID, etc.).
An EntityRelation describes the relation between two entities (subject being related to object in terms of predicate)
An EntityToFileResourceRelation describes the relation between an entity and a fileresource.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use IdentifiableObjectType instead.
A facet value of a specific facet, e.g.
A family (e.g.
see Wikidata "Part of a naming scheme for individuals, used in many cultures worldwide."
A FileResource (source) describes any file, regardless of its physical location, used storage technology or required display means (aka "Viewer").
List of FilterCriterion extended by a criterionLink describing how the criteria are logically linked.
Filter Criterion Container.A filter criterion is a composition of an expression (e.g.
Contains all FilterCriteria lists for a filtering.
Available filter operations Mapping operation abbreviation to filter operation Symbol Operation Example filter query param eq equals city=eq:Munich eq_notset equals or not set city=eq_notset:Munich neq not equals country=neq:de gt greater than amount=gt:10000 gt_notset greater than or not set presentationEnd=gt_notset:2020-10-06 gte greater than or equals amount=gte:10000 gte_notsetgreater than or equals or not setamount=gte_notset:10000 lt less than amount=lt:10000 lt_notset less than or not set amount=lt_notset:10000 lt_set less than and set amount=lt_set:10000 lte less than or equals to amount=lte:10000 lte_set less than or equals and set presentationStart=lte_set:2020-10-06 lte_notsetless than or equals or not set presentationStart=lte_notset:2020-10-06 in in country=in:uk,usa,au nin not in country=nin:fr,de,nz btn between (inclusive) joiningDate=btn:2018-01-01,2016-01-01 like like firstName=like:John stw starts with firstName=stw:A set value exists (not null) firstName=set: notset value is not set (null) firstName=notset:
Container (DTO) for find parameters.
A location located on earth.
Enumeration of geo location types known to the system.
see WikiData "Name typically used to differentiate people from the same family, clan, or other social group who have a common last name."
A hard break in text.
A heading of specific level.
See and
The textual body to a specified headword (encyclopedia) or lemma (dictionary).
A rectangle (defined by its upper left and lower right coordinates) for highlighted text including the text itself.
An horizontal rule.
A community of any size, in which people live see
Types of human settlements: village: small clustered human settlement smaller than a town ( town: settlement that is bigger than a village but smaller than a city ( city: large and permanent human settlement ( city/town: human settlement ("Stadtsiedlung") (
An Identifiable is an uniquely identifiable Entity or FileResource, having one or more unique Identifier(s).
FileResources have one (or more) technical (system wide) Identifiers (e.g.
An IdentifiableToEntityRelation describes the relation between an identifiable and an entity (subject being related to object in terms of predicate)
An IdentifiableToFileResourceRelation describes the relation between an identifiable and a fileresource (subject being related to object in terms of predicate)
All Identifiable top types of this library.
An Identifier identifies an object uniquely in an external system that created the id.
Defines an identifier type to be used in the system implementing this library.
An iframe element.
An image with attributes.
An image file resource.
HttpStatusCode 418 denoting the api is wrongfully using a teapot for making coffee as specified in the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (see RFC 2324 for details).
A body of relatively still water, localized in a basin.
License model/description containing all relevant metadata of a license that can be used to specify the license under which an object is available or distributed.
This class represents a linked data file resource, referenced through an uri.
A list item of an (un)ordered list.
Container for querying a optionally filtered and sorted list: filtering: container for filter criterias of result list sorting: container for sorting order of result list searchTerm: search term for simple query term to be searched for
Container for list information.
LocalizedStructuredContent is used for formatted text content in multiple languages.
LocalizedText is used for unformatted text content in multiple languages.
Content object that is managed by a content management system and has management related properties.
A mark for marking special text (like html-tags "em", "strong")
A mountain is a large landform that stretches above the surrounding land.
Node is used to structure cultural content hierarchically.
Enumeration for null handling hints that can be used in Order expressions.
An ocean is a large body of saline water (german = "Ozean").
PropertyPath implements the pairing of an Direction and a property.
An ordered list.
Container for paging, sorting, filtering and searching params: pageNumber: which page to be returned pageSize: how many items on one page sorting: container for sorting order of result list filtering: container for filter criterias of result list searchTerm: searchTerm term for simple query term to be searched for
Container for pagination information.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A paragraph (can contain text and other content blocks).
Human being that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood.
Specifies the type of a relation
Project is used to describe a project (like a digitization project or an electronic publishing project).
Enum specifying the publication status of managed content
A Publisher is kind of involvement, consisting of the agent (zero or one), a list of locations (or zero locations) and a date (can be empty, too), which is relevant for this publisher involvement.
An abstract container, which integrated all publishers, which are responsible in a certain way (e.g.
A decorator for a relation, which adds two fields for a title and a sort key
Contains hints for rendering a webpage
Contains hints for rendering a preview image, e.g.
Defines a rendering template to be used in the system implementing this library.
A natural watercourse.
A user's role.
A sea is a large body of saline water (german = "Meer").
A List with a title, selectable options and one dedicated option, which is selected.
A List item with an identifier, a title, a sub title, a link and a flag for being selected
SortingImpl option for queries.
A natural or man-made body of water.
A structured content / text implemented as list of content blocks.
A table.
A table cell of a table.
A table header of a table.
A row in a table.
Unique String for tagging objects.
An exception indicating that there has been a technical error.
A text (with optional marks for emphasizing etc.).
A text file resource.
From interface "org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.TimeValue":
A table of contents entry (node in hierarchical "tree") "the subject of something that is being discussed or has been written or thought about" german: "Thema, Inhalt, Gegenstand, Gesprächsthema" or "Thematik, Themengebiet, Themenbereich"
An unique model object being identifiable and referencable by its universal unique UUID.
A website and language specific "alias" (= human readable unique key) used as relative url part for a website specific domain.
An user of the system.
A low area between hills, often with a river running through it.
Version of a DigitalObject
An embedded video.
A video file resource.
A Webpage of a Website.
A Website.