Klasse ProcessElement

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
Serializable, org.obrel.core.Relatable
Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:
ProcessFragment, StepListProcessDefinition.StepListEntry

public abstract class ProcessElement extends org.obrel.core.SerializableRelatedObject
The abstract base class for objects that represent or configure process steps.
Siehe auch:
  • Feldübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    static final String
    Predefined message resource key to signal a missing process parameter
  • Konstruktorübersicht

    Creates a new instance.
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    addDisplayParameters(Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
    Adds parameter types into the list of this step's interaction parameters for display only.
    addDisplayParameters(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    addInputParameters(Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
    Adds parameter types into the list of this step's interaction parameters and marks them for input with markInputParams(boolean, Collection).
    addInputParameters(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    Clears this step's interaction parameters.
    continueOnInteraction(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    Marks interaction parameters types as continuation parameters.
    protected Map<org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>,de.esoco.lib.expression.Function<?,String>>
    getParameterValidations(boolean onInteraction)
    Returns the parameter validations for a certain validation type.
    hasInteractionParameter(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?> param)
    Checks whether a certain parameter is registered as an interaction parameter.
    markInputParams(boolean input, Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
    Marks a number of parameter types as input parameters.
    markInputParams(boolean input, org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    static List<org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>>
    params(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    A convenience method that creates a mutable list of process parameters without the need to explicitly specify 'RelationType<?
    Removes all parameter validations from this step.
    removeInteractionParameters(Collection<org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
    Removes certain parameter types from the list of this step's interaction parameters.
    removeInteractionParameters(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    Removes certain parameter types from the list of this step's interaction parameters.
    removeParameterValidations(Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
    Removes certain parameter validations from this step.
    removeParameterValidations(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    Removes certain parameter validations from this step.
    setContinueOnInteraction(boolean continueOnInteraction, org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    Sets or removes the continuation parameter mark for the given interaction parameters.
    setMandatory(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    Marks the mandatory parameters of this element by setting the flag relation MetaTypes.MANDATORY to TRUE on relations with the given relation types.
    setParameterNotEmptyValidations(Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
    A shortcut method to add a validation that checks that parameters are not empty.
    setParameterNotEmptyValidations(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    setParameterNotNullValidations(Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
    A shortcut method to validate that certain parameters are not NULL.
    setParameterNotNullValidations(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    A shortcut method to validate that certain parameters are not NULL.
    <T> void
    setParameterValidation(org.obrel.core.RelationType<T> param, boolean onInteraction, de.esoco.lib.expression.Function<? super T,String> validation)
    Sets the validation function for a certain process input parameter.
    <T> void
    setParameterValidation(org.obrel.core.RelationType<T> param, String invalidInfo, de.esoco.lib.expression.Predicate<? super T> isInvalid)
    A shortcut method to set an input validation that has only a single validation message.
    static List<org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>>
    staticParams(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
    A convenience method that creates a immutable list of process parameters without the need to explicitly specify 'RelationType<?

    Von Klasse geerbte Methoden org.obrel.core.RelatedObject

    deleteRelation, get, getRelation, getRelations, notifyRelationListeners, readRelations, relationsEqual, relationsHashCode, relationsString, set, set, toString, transform, writeRelations

    Von Klasse geerbte Methoden java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Von Schnittstelle geerbte Methoden org.obrel.core.Relatable

    deleteRelation, deleteRelations, getAll, getOption, getRelationCount, getRelations, hasFlag, hasRelation, hasRelations, init, set, set, set, setOption, streamRelations
  • Felddetails


      public static final String MSG_PARAM_NOT_SET
      Predefined message resource key to signal a missing process parameter
      Siehe auch:
  • Konstruktordetails

    • ProcessElement

      public ProcessElement()
      Creates a new instance.
  • Methodendetails

    • params

      public static List<org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      A convenience method that creates a mutable list of process parameters without the need to explicitly specify 'RelationType<?>' as would be required with the generic methods Arrays.asList(Object...) or CollectionUtil.listOf(Object...). For an immutable list the method staticParams(RelationType...) can be used.
      params - The parameters to place in the list
      Gibt zurück:
      The mutable parameter list
    • staticParams

      public static List<org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> staticParams(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      A convenience method that creates a immutable list of process parameters without the need to explicitly specify 'RelationType<?>' as would be required with the generic methods Arrays.asList(Object...) or CollectionUtil.listOf(Object...). For a mutable list the method params(RelationType...) can be used.
      params - The parameters to place in the list
      Gibt zurück:
      The mutable parameter list
    • addDisplayParameters

      public void addDisplayParameters(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      Siehe auch:
    • addDisplayParameters

      public void addDisplayParameters(Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
      Adds parameter types into the list of this step's interaction parameters for display only.
      params - The parameter types to be displayed
    • addInputParameters

      public void addInputParameters(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      Siehe auch:
    • addInputParameters

      public void addInputParameters(Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
      Adds parameter types into the list of this step's interaction parameters and marks them for input with markInputParams(boolean, Collection). If parameters should not be displayed on the top level during an interaction (e.g. if they are members of a data element hierarchy) they should only be marked for input and not added with this method.
      params - The parameter types to be displayed
    • clearInteractionParameters

      public void clearInteractionParameters()
      Clears this step's interaction parameters.
    • continueOnInteraction

      public void continueOnInteraction(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      Marks interaction parameters types as continuation parameters.
      params - The parameters to be marked for process continuation
      Siehe auch:
    • hasInteractionParameter

      public boolean hasInteractionParameter(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?> param)
      Checks whether a certain parameter is registered as an interaction parameter.
      param - The parameter to check
      Gibt zurück:
      TRUE if the parameter is an interaction parameter
    • markInputParams

      public void markInputParams(boolean input, org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      Siehe auch:
    • markInputParams

      public void markInputParams(boolean input, Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
      Marks a number of parameter types as input parameters. Such parameters will be rendered as input components during interactions.
      input - TRUE to add input parameters, FALSE to remove
      params - The parameters to add or remove
    • removeAllParameterValidations

      public void removeAllParameterValidations()
      Removes all parameter validations from this step.
    • removeInteractionParameters

      public void removeInteractionParameters(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      Removes certain parameter types from the list of this step's interaction parameters.
      params - The parameter types to be displayed
    • removeInteractionParameters

      public void removeInteractionParameters(Collection<org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
      Removes certain parameter types from the list of this step's interaction parameters.
      params - The parameter types to be displayed
    • removeParameterValidations

      public void removeParameterValidations(Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
      Removes certain parameter validations from this step.
      params - The parameters to remove the validations for
    • removeParameterValidations

      public void removeParameterValidations(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      Removes certain parameter validations from this step.
      params - The parameters to remove the validations for
    • setContinueOnInteraction

      public void setContinueOnInteraction(boolean continueOnInteraction, org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      Sets or removes the continuation parameter mark for the given interaction parameters. If an interactive input event is caused by a continuation parameter the process execution will continue instead of re-executing the current step. This is typically used for enumerated parameters with an immediate interaction flag set.
      continueOnInteraction - TRUE to continue the process on interaction, FALSE to stay in the same step
      params - The parameters to set or remove the continuation mark for
    • setMandatory

      public void setMandatory(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      Marks the mandatory parameters of this element by setting the flag relation MetaTypes.MANDATORY to TRUE on relations with the given relation types. If no relation with a certain type exists already it will be created with an initial value of NULL.
      params - The parameter types to be marked as mandatory
    • setParameterNotEmptyValidations

      public void setParameterNotEmptyValidations(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      Siehe auch:
    • setParameterNotEmptyValidations

      public void setParameterNotEmptyValidations(Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
      A shortcut method to add a validation that checks that parameters are not empty. If the target type of the parameter is a CharSequence or Collection the parameter value will be checked to be not NULL and to have a size greater than zero. Otherwise this method has the same effect as setParameterNotNullValidations(Collection).
      params - The parameters to validate
      Siehe auch:
    • setParameterNotNullValidations

      public void setParameterNotNullValidations(org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>... params)
      A shortcut method to validate that certain parameters are not NULL.
      params - The parameters to check
    • setParameterNotNullValidations

      public void setParameterNotNullValidations(Collection<? extends org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>> params)
      A shortcut method to validate that certain parameters are not NULL.
      params - The parameters to check
    • setParameterValidation

      public <T> void setParameterValidation(org.obrel.core.RelationType<T> param, boolean onInteraction, de.esoco.lib.expression.Function<? super T,String> validation)
      Sets the validation function for a certain process input parameter. The validation function must return either NULL if the value of the given parameter is valid or else a string with a validation message that describes why the value is invalid (typically a resource key). Invoking this method overrides any previous validation function.
      param - The parameter to check
      onInteraction - TRUE to validate on each interaction, FALSE to validate only if the process step is finished
      validation - The validation function
    • setParameterValidation

      public <T> void setParameterValidation(org.obrel.core.RelationType<T> param, String invalidInfo, de.esoco.lib.expression.Predicate<? super T> isInvalid)
      A shortcut method to set an input validation that has only a single validation message. The predicate argument must check whether the parameter value is invalid, i.e. it must return TRUE if the value is invalid and FALSE if it is valid.
      param - The parameter to check
      invalidInfo - The string to return if the parameter is invalid
      isInvalid - A predicate that checks if the parameter is invalid
      Siehe auch:
    • getParameterValidations

      protected Map<org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>,de.esoco.lib.expression.Function<?,String>> getParameterValidations(boolean onInteraction)
      Returns the parameter validations for a certain validation type.
      onInteraction - TRUE for interaction validations, FALSE for finishing validations
      Gibt zurück:
      The mapping from parameter types to validation functions