

package sat

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. sat
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class And extends BinaryLogicConnective[And]

  2. abstract class AndOrUnExtractor[This <: BinaryLogicConnective[This]] extends AnyRef

  3. abstract class DefinedExpr extends SATFeatureExpr with SingleFeatureExpr

    Leaf nodes of propositional feature expressions, either an external feature defined by the user or another feature expression from a macro.

  4. class DefinedExternal extends DefinedExpr

    external definition of a feature (cannot be decided to Base or Dead inside this file)

  5. class DefinedMacro extends DefinedExpr

    definition based on a macro, still to be resolved using the macro table (the macro table may not contain DefinedMacro expressions, but only DefinedExternal) assumption: expandedName is unique and may be used for comparison

  6. abstract class HashCachingFeatureExpr extends SATFeatureExpr

  7. abstract class NFException extends Exception

  8. class NoLiteralException extends NFException

  9. class NoNFException extends NFException

  10. class Not extends HashCachingFeatureExpr

  11. class NotReference[+T <: AnyRef] extends WeakReference[T]

  12. class Or extends BinaryLogicConnective[Or]

  13. sealed abstract class SATFeatureExpr extends FeatureExpr

    Propositional (or boolean) feature expressions.

  14. class SATFeatureModel extends FeatureModel

    the feature model is a special container for a single feature expression that is used very often in a conjunction

  15. class SatSolver extends AnyRef

    connection to the SAT4j SAT solver

Value Members

  1. object And extends AndOrUnExtractor[And] with Serializable

  2. object CNFHelper

    CNFHelper provides several auxiliary functions to determine whether an expression is in normal form and to access parts of that normal form

  3. object CastHelper

  4. object DefinedExpr extends Serializable

  5. object DefinedMacro extends Serializable

  6. object False extends Or with DefaultPrint

  7. object FeatureExprHelper

  8. object LazyLib

  9. object Not extends Serializable

  10. val NotRef: WeakRef.type

  11. object Or extends AndOrUnExtractor[Or] with Serializable

  12. object SATFeatureExprFactory extends AbstractFeatureExprFactory

  13. object SATFeatureModel extends FeatureModelFactory

    companion object to create feature models

  14. object SATNoFeatureModel extends SATFeatureModel

    empty feature model

  15. object SoftRef

  16. object True extends And with DefaultPrint

    True and False.

  17. object WeakRef

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
